He Wants To See Both Of Us

I didn't leave the dark purple room after I stormed out on Damon. I spent the entire day here. I worked on designs to keep myself busy and to help me ignore him every time he knocked on the door. He had cooked us dinner and left mine in front of the door after he figured out I wouldn't let him in. After dinner I took a bath and went to bed.

I tossed and turned all night. Before my uneasiness was because I felt there was a threat outside my door, but now I knew it was Nicholas and he was gone. Now I was uneasy because I hated being on bad terms with Damon. But if I had let this behavior slide there wouldn't be any hope for us. I would be in a similar situation as the one Justin put me in. I wasn't about to let that happen.

I didn't know when I fell asleep but it wasn't until way late into the night. I had a good few hours in when I was woken up to the door slamming open. It had startled me so I slightly jumped and sat up. The morning sun was hitting my face causing me to squint. I noticed right away Damon was standing in the room, waiting for me to acknowledge him.

"Why are you in here?" I asked, my voice was groggy with sleep.

"Last time I checked I paid for this house alone. Which means I can enter any room in this home whenever I want to." His tone was slightly cold. He must still be upset that I didn't take his excuse right away. He had gotten very frustrated with me and it was clear his frustration remained.

"Well what do you want?" My voice was more awake at this point.

"You were right, the media had gotten ahold of the picture. I've taken care of it, but I wasn't quick enough to hide it from my father. He had been reached out to by someone and now wants an explanation." Damon informed me.

"Well, you have fun with that." I gave him a sarcastic smile.

"I don't think you understand. He wants to see both of us. Get up and get dressed, we leave in thirty minutes." He ordered and left the room.

I sighed to myself. It wasn't me who kissed someone else in public. Damon should be the only one needing to go to explain himself. However if Martin asked for me as well then I better go.

I got out of the bed and went into the room Damon and I had shared. All of my clothes were in here now so I couldn't avoid coming in. Thankfully Damon was not in the room, he must be down stairs waiting. I made my way to the closet and stepped inside.

I picked a black tank top dress and put a pink cardigan over it. Instead of heels, which I had worn a lot lately, I decided to go with some flats. I went into the bathroom after getting dressed and put my hair up. I needed to make sure I was still presentable when it came to seeing Martin.

I opened the drawer in the counter and took out the engagement ring that I had stowed away. I couldn't bring myself to wear it after seeing the picture. But I didn't want to upset Martin by showing up without it. I slipped it on my finger and went down stairs.

"About time." Damon scoffed. His demeanor made it seem like he had been the victim of seeing his lover kiss someone else.

I rolled my eyes as I followed him to the car. The ride to Martin's mansion was silent. There was tension building between Damon and I. I felt betrayed by the picture and he seemed to feel betrayed that I didn't believe him. The only difference is I felt like I wasn't in the wrong, I had visual evidence and he didn't.

We finally arrived at Martin's mansion and we went inside. I was relieved to see there was no Justin or Ava present. Martin made sure they were not involved with what he needed to go over today. I was thankful it was a matter that was staying between us. If Justin and Ava had anything to do with this they would have loved to watch the mess they created unfold.

"Kaydence. Damon. Welcome. Have a seat please." Martin greeted us in the living room.

We took our seats on the loveseat across from him. I sat as far as I could to create distance between Damon and I. Martin didn't look pleased as he watched us seem so distant from each other. He didn't say anything as he must understand that the picture had caused friction between us.

"Did you finish up the business in Dallas?" Martin asked, breaking the silence that had developed after we sat down.

"For the most part. I had already made the decision to come back early so I made sure everything that needed my attention in person was done. Everything else can be handled through video conference and through the computer." Damon answered.

"That's good." Martin nodded. He then glanced at Damon and then me. "We need to talk about the photo."

Damon's phone rang before Martin could say more. "I've got to take this." Damon got up and went to another room to take the call.

"Are you doing alright Kaydence? I heard that you had almost been attacked." Martin looked at me with concern.

I gave him a slight smile. "Yes sir, I'm fine."

"I don't know all the details but I'm glad Damon was able to get there and rescue you." He spoke further.

My smile faded. "Yeah. Me too."

"I hope we can get this resolved Kaydence. I don't like seeing you two this way." He stated.

"I know sir, I'm sorry that you ended up getting involved in this." My tone was softer when speaking with Martin.

Damon entered the room and took his seat back.

"Damon, this is a disgraceful thing you've done. If the media had published anything it would hurt our family name." Martin's tone was now stern as he spoke to Damon. "Not only that but to hurt your woman like this in front of everyone is not tolerable!"

"I have proof that the picture was not what it seems." He glanced at Martin and then at me.

"Okay, well let us see and we can have this matter completely resolved." Martin folded his hands in his lap.

Damon pulled up security footage on his phone. He showed Martin the video and then me. The woman in the picture had run up to Damon and kissed him. He yanked her off of him and started to scold her on the video. She ran away in a hurry after that. He stopped the video and looked at Martin.

"It was set up by Ava." Damon informed us.

Martin looked at us in disbelief. He clearly didn't know how vindictive Ava could be.