The Lack Of Faith You Have In Me

"Well are you going to say anything or not?" He took a sip from his glass of liquor he poured. By his tone it was obvious he was annoyed.

"Look, I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. I should've waited before I got upset with you." I explained, keeping my tone as calm as I could.

"Kaydence, I'm not into this dramatic bullshit. Why doubt me? I've done nothing but be helpful to you. I've opened up about past things that I haven't shared with anyone else. This isn't about the fucking photo. This is about the lack of faith you have in me." His eyes looked at me intently.

"Damon, I'm sorry. I just-" He cut me off before I could finish.

"You just what Kaydence? Think I'm going to mess around on you like Justin did?" He asked.

Even though his anger and frustration is what came out first I could see another emotion in him. He was hurt. I didn't take his word for it when he told me what happened and it must've made him feel awful. He was trying to conceal this emotion but I knew it was there.

What was even worse, is he was right. I was scared that the picture was the start of him turning on me like Justin had. It brought up bad memories for me, but Ava probably assumed it would when it was sent out. With how I was treated in the past it made it easy for me to jump to conclusions with this.

"Yes. Seeing the picture reminded me of when I saw Justin with another girl for the first time. So yes it did cross my mind." I responded in a low tone.

He could no longer contain his rage. He threw the glass of liquor at the wall. It shattered into pieces as it made contact. He was losing his temper more and more. I didn't like seeing the anger but I wasn't going to lie to him, that wouldn't be fair and could cause problems later on for us.

He stood there, silent. His eyes were on the wall that had liquor dripping down. The longer he was silent the more it concerned me.

"Damon." I got his attention.

"How many fucking times am I going to be compared to that piece of shit Kaydence?" He asked coldly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. I've been fucked over a lot okay!" I walked to him to close the gap in between us. "It's where my mind automatically went, I can't help it!"

"I have fed you, clothed you, put a roof over your head for over four months. I helped with your mom's bills and even helped get her better. I've also helped get you a start to the career you want. Just because I share blood with that poor excuse of a man doesn't mean I'm like him!" He raised his voice once more.

"I know and I said I'm sorry! Is that not enough?" I was beginning to get frustrated now, a person can only apologize so much.

"No it's not enough!" He yelled and stormed off to the bedroom. He slammed the door shut before I could follow him.

I sat on the couch feeling defeated. This wasn't all my fault. If he would've said something to me sooner about the random woman I would've believed him from the start. I probably should've known it was Ava from her words in the store anyway. She wanted to take him down and one of the best ways to do that was to make him look bad to Martin.

I remained on the couch and removed my braid to let my golden hair flow. I wanted to be comfortable if I was going to be out here for a while. As I sat here my own frustration and anger grew. I wanted to have an adult conversation to resolve this but I didn't get the chance. He decided to be angry with me from the moment I went to the other bedroom at home days ago.

I got up from the couch and went to the bedroom door. I pounded on it with my fist. Enough was enough of this bullshit. "Damon come out here or let me in!" I shouted at him through the door.

There was only silence on the other side. I pounded on the door once more and he finally opened it.

"Can you not do that?" He asked, still annoyed.

I walked past him and into the bedroom. "Can you stop punishing me for having feelings?!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm hardly punishing you. If you were being punished you would know it." He sneered in response.

"You force me on this damn vacation just to be an asshole! My feelings are valid, you should've said something before Ava had a chance to! That's your fault Damon!" I was tired of him acting as if he was the victim here. We both handled this poorly.

"It's my father who forced us to still come, not me. And when I did say something you didn't believe me. Again I didn't think it was worth it to bring up! You've been around long enough to know I don't have eyes for anyone else! If I did I sure as hell wouldn't have made our relationship public! You wouldn't be living in my house if I wanted anyone else! And you sure as hell wouldn't be wearing my mother's ring!" His voice was raised again as he defended himself.

"You're right I should know. But I'm still overcoming the messed up things Justin did, I can't just forget about all of that overnight! You should be more understanding of that since you're the only other person who knows what went on Damon! We need to stop blaming each other for this and move on together!" I responded.

He was silent for a moment, as if he were thinking about something. "It's all Ava's fucking fault." He sneered as he went to exit the room.

"Look I'm sorry you're sister fucked this whole thing up! I love you but come on this is getting out of hand!" I shouted as I stood in front of him to keep him from leaving the room.

I threw my hand over my mouth after realizing what I just said. I had been wanting to tell him I loved him but I didn't think it would come out like this. Granted I had rethought it after the whole picture thing but my feelings for him hadn't changed. During an argument was not the right time at all to let it out. Part of me was glad I said it but there was a bigger part of me that wanted to take it back for fear of his response.

My words had clearly caught him off guard as he looked at me a little surprised for a split second, then his face went emotionless. "What did you say?"

"I said this was getting out of hand." I responded. I purposely left out the love part in hopes he would just disregard it.

"No, before that." His gaze with his icy blue eyes was intense.

I sighed, he wasn't going to let me off without admitting it to him again. "I said that I love you."