I Love You

He didn't respond with words. His anger seemed to dissipate and was replaced by a softer look. He took me by surprise as he picked me up into his arms. He turned around and took me over to the bed where he gently laid me down. He climbed on top of me between my legs.

"Say it again." His husky voice demanded as he caressed my cheek in with his hand.

"I love you Damon." I responded to his request.

His lips crashed onto mine. Our lips moved passionately together. The last time we had shared a kiss was before he left for Dallas. I had been so upset by the picture issue I didn't realize how much I missed him. How much I missed this.

His lips moved from my mouth down to my neck. I could feel chills run down my body as he sucked and nibbled on the sweet spot of my neck. I could feel his erection against me. If it wasn't for our clothes he would've probably had himself inside of me already.

He backed off and removed his shirt and pants, leaving him in only his dark grey boxers. I looked him over as I couldn't wait to get my hands on his muscular chest and abs. I could see the massive bulge in his boxers, waiting for me. I sat up on the bed and got closer to him, pulling his boxers down to release his throbbing manhood.

His icy blue eyes watched me as my hand grasped his shaft. I moved it up and down, making him let out a low moan of pleasure. My green eyes watched his face as I continued on. I could see how much he was enjoying this. I took it a step further and brought my lips to his erection, placing a small kiss.

His hand went to the back of my head and gently grabbed my hair. His eyes met mine and I knew what he was going to do. He was always the dominant one in the bedroom and tonight would be no different. He moved my head closer to his manhood. I opened my mouth and let him inside. His grasp on my hair remained as he controlled how my head moved back and forth on him. I could hear his low grunts as I licked and sucked on him.

When he had enough he pulled me off of him and let go of my hair. "Dress off. Now." He demanded.

I stood up and began to slip the strapless dress off of me. He looked me up and down as he watched me undress. I could see how much he wanted this. It had been some time since we were intimate last, right before he left.

The dress fell to the floor and he stepped closer to me. He grasped my chin with his fingers and brought my lips to his. We kissed once more. He bit my lip as he reached behind and unclasped the strapless bra to free my breast. He deepened the kiss as he grabbed a handful of my ass and pulled me closer to him.

When we finally pulled away he laid me on the bed again. He kissed down my neck and to my stomach. He stopped at the fabric that was hiding my most intimate part from him. He gripped the fabric in between his teeth and began to pull off my underwear. Once they were completely off he grabbed them in his hand and threw them to the ground.

His eyes were filled with lust as they looked in mine. He placed kisses on my inner thighs. I looked at him with anticipation, waiting for him to kiss the right spot. His kisses got closer and closer to my core. He was being a tease and it was working.

Finally he gave me what I was craving. I moaned as he swirled his tongue around my clitoris. He sucked and nibbled gently to make it more intense. He slipped two fingers inside of me with ease from how wet I was. My hands gripped the sheets of the bed as they pumped in and out of me. His fingers moved faster and tongue continued to lap at my juices until I could no longer contain my excitement. I arched my back as I moaned out from my climax.

Damon laid down on the bed next to me, I knew he wanted me on top. I straddled him and placed his erect manhood at my opening. He gripped my hips and slammed me down on him. "Fuck." he muttered through his heavy breathing.

His hands helped raise me up again and then slammed me back down. He kept a hand on my hip as the other went to my breast. He groped me and pinched my nipple to send jolts of excitement through me once more. I moved my hips to ride him.

"Tell me you love me again." He ordered.

"I love you Damon." I moaned.

His hand that was on my breast moved to my face to guide my lips onto his. His tongue took the first opportunity it had to enter my mouth. As we passionately made out his hands held onto my hips. He thrusted up into me as I still rolled my hips to please him. He thrusted more and more, I knew he was getting close.

One of his hands moved from my hips again and to my clitoris. He rubbed it with his thumb which brought me close to another orgasm. Our lips didn't part as we continued on. Finally he had enough and we climaxed at the same time.

Out of breath I climbed off of him and laid down beside him. We sat in silence for a moment. The tension from the argument was finally gone. I was relieved but I was also feeling nervous for the fact he now knew I was in love with him.

"So," he broke the silence. He propped himself on his elbow and looked me over. "How long have you loved me?"

His face was hard to read right now. I didn't know what he was thinking which made me nervous. There was no way I could deny it. He had just made me admit it to him multiple times. I had to push away the nerves the best I could. It would be alot better if I just owned up to it and answered the questions he asked.

I sighed. "I don't know. Between my mom and the store my feelings for you just grew. Then I had lunch with my mother and she asked about our relationship and I told her I loved you." I bit my lip from being so nervous.

"I see." He responded as his free hand tucked a strand behind my ear. He laid on his back again. "Come here." He ordered as he patted his chest.

I snuggled up close to him and laid my head on his toned chest. I could hear his heart beating. "I understand if you don't want to say it back. I know how it was for you when your feelings first started for me. There's no pressure." I didn't want him to just leave again.

"Do you remember in New York when you helped me with the contract?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"I knew I met my match with how sassy and stubborn you are. I liked how you didn't stand for Justin's abuse. You didn't let yourself be bullied because he had money. My feelings grew more and more after you had agreed to the marriage for my mother's ring. And then you helped me in New York." He paused and used his hand to tilt my chin so I was looking into his blue eyes. "That's when I knew I loved you."