We Don't Let Them Win

I woke up to the sunlight pouring into the room. Damon's arms were wrapped tightly around me. After he expressed that the feeling of love was mutual we had sex again, and then again. It was safe to say that we had completely made up last night.

I attempted to get up so I could check the time but his arms pulled me back down and held me tighter. "Where do you think you're going Love?" his voice was sleepy and his eyes remained closed.

"I just wanted to see what time it is. I don't want to spend the whole day in bed, you know." I responded.

A sexy smirk appeared on his lips. "And why not? I thought we were having fun." His icy blue eyes finally opened as he placed a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"We are but I don't think my body can take anymore right now." I felt sore from our activities last night. It was like my legs had gotten a killer workout. He wasn't exactly soft either so my intimate parts need a break.

Damon loosened his grip on me and glanced at the clock himself. "It's noon. Why don't you go take a shower and I'll call for room service to bring us breakfast." He suggested.

"Sounds good to me." I planted a peck on his lips and got out of the bed before he could change his mind. I could feel his eyes on my naked body as I hurried away.

I shut the bathroom and door and started the water for the shower. Once it was the temperature I wanted I stepped inside. The hot water felt nice and relaxing on my tense muscles. I washed my hair and was about to start on my body when a pair of strong arms wrapped around me.

A slight smile came across my lips. "I thought you were ordering room service."

"I did but it'll be a few minutes before it gets here. Plus I'm dirty too so I figured we could save some water." He smirked as he placed kisses along my neck.

I turned to face him. I could see the lust in his eyes. He clearly wanted more than to just shower, but I was serious about needing a break. "Okay, but no funny business. Just a shower."

He let out a sigh. "Fine. We have more than enough time for me to ravage you here anyway." He smirked again.

I finished first in the shower and stepped out. I wrapped myself in a towel and hurried to get dressed. One of us needed to be available for when the room service came. I threw on a pair of black shorts and a light purple tank top. As I brushed my hair Damon entered the room, a towel was wrapped around his waist and he used another to dry his hair.

His chiseled chest and perfect face drew my attention instantly. I couldn't help but stare at this handsome man. His jet black hair was a mess after being dried with the towel but only made him look sexier. He smiled with his perfect lips once he realized he had all of my focus.

"Remember, you're the one who said no funny business." His voice mocked my words prior.

"Shut up." I playfully glared at him.

There was a knock on the door. "Room service." A male voice shouted so we could hear.

"I'll get it." I walked out of the bedroom and answered the door.

The man had a cart with food on it and wore a dark green uniform with the resort name on it. "Breakfast order for the Tiptons correct?" he made sure he was at the right door.

"Yes." I nodded.

He wheeled the cart in for me and turned to face me. "Just leave the cart outside of the room and someone will be by to collect it late." He informed me.

"Thank you." I responded and shut the door as he left.

Damon exited the bedroom shortly after the man left. He was in a short sleeved white shirt and a pair of tan shorts. He had combed his hair a little but still left it natural instead of slicked back. It was the most laid back I had ever seen him.

We put the plates of food on the table and began to eat breakfast. He had ordered us some pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs. There was even a pitcher of orange juice as well. We ate silently, but this time the silence was comfortable instead of tense.

When we were done Damon wheeled the cart outside of the door. He then turned and looked at me. "Let's go take a walk?" He suggested.

"Okay." I responded.

Damon took my hand as he led me outside through the sliding door. There wasn't anyone around on the private beach. The water was a beautiful blue color, I've never seen anything like it in person. The staff of the resort kept up on making the beach so clean that we didn't even wear shoes out here.

We walked along the edge of where the water met the sand. It felt like a big weight had been lifted after making up with Damon. But I knew once we returned Justin and Ava would know their plan didn't work. Once they figured that out they would probably be up to something else.

"How are you feeling about the store opening?" Damon asked as we walked.

"I'm nervous, but I'm excited." I responded honestly.

"You've done a fantastic job with the staff and everything while I was gone. Julie gave me updates as I requested them." He spoke as we continued with the walk. "It's okay to be nervous though Love, but don't let it scare you. It'll be amazing." He gave me a slight smile.

I smiled back. "I know."

We continued with our walk until we had gotten far enough to turn around and head back to our suite. His hand never left mine. I knew he probably didn't want to think about it, I knew I didn't. But I needed to ask him about what we would do when we got back.

"What are we going to do about Justin and Ava?" I asked, biting my lip from my nerves.

He stopped walking and took me into his arms. "We don't let them win. That's what we're going to do."

"How?" I asked, I knew there was a look of concern plastered on my face.

"As I've stated before there is a simple way, but it's not worth getting into if you're still not comfortable. Anything I do is going to take a little bit of time or my father will punish me for getting even with them." He answered.

I nodded, "okay."

"What we do is we return and show them that we're stronger than we were before. If they see any hint of weakness then they think they have a shot of succeeding on breaking us apart. I can't do too much to Ava but anything I do to Justin is practically the same as doing it to her." He explained. "Don't worry about it Love, I'll figure something out. They won't get away with what they've done. Even if it takes years, I'll make them pay for all of this." His icy blue eyes flashed with darkness, as they did every time he was planning something that was sinister.