We Need To Make A Pit Stop

We had spent two more days here at the resort. We were scheduled to go home Friday morning which was tomorrow. For the last night here Damon wanted to take me out to dinner again. It gave us a chance to have a do over of our first dinner here.

The table we were sat at had a beautiful view of the beach. The lighting was dimmer over here but we had candles on the table. It was a lot more romantic this time around compared to our first dinner together. There was no tension between us tonight, only love.

Luis, the waiter from the first time we were here approached our table. "It's nice to see you again. What can I get you guys to drink?" He asked.

"Two of your sparkling waters with the berries please." Damon ordered for us both.

Luis nodded, "I'll go get those and I'll be right back." he walked off in the direction of the kitchen.

"I hope you don't mind. The sparkling water with fruit here is fantastic, I want you to try it and if you don't like it then we can get you something else." Damon spoke as he grasped my hand on the table.

I gave him a small approving smile. "That's fine."

Luis returned minutes later with the two sparkling waters. "Are you ready to order?" He asked.

"Bring us an order of the grilled salmon entrée and the aged porterhouse please." Damon instructed and handed the menus to Luis.

"Very well sir." Luis went to go put our orders in for the food.

"You got the smaller steak entrée the first time. These two though are best dishes. This way you can try a little of both and know exactly what you want the next time we come here." He explained.

Our food quickly arrived about fifteen minutes later. I tried a bite of the grilled salmon but I wasn't a seafood person so it wasn't the best in my opinion. I ate most of the steak but it was too big for me to eat all of it on my own. We chatted back and forth about little things as we ate.

We headed back back to our room quickly after dinner. Our flight was early tomorrow morning so we decided to go straight to bed. I was cuddled up with him as I drifted off to sleep.

"Love, we need to get going." Damon nudged me awake.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"It's about eight in the morning, we need to get up and get on the jet." His tone was soft and sweet.

"And what if I don't want to leave?" I asked while still wrapped in the sheets of the bed.

He gave a low chuckle in response. "That's not an option. We need to get back so we can open your store."

"Fine." I sat up and got out of the bed to get dressed.

I put on the pink dress that I wore on our way here. It was flowy and comfortable. I put my long hair in a bun because I didn't feel like dealing with it this early. I exited the bedroom and into the living room where Damon was waiting for me.

"I'm ready." my voice still sounded sleepy.

He nodded and put his suit jacket on. He held my hand as we exited the suite and went to the front doors of the resort. We left and went to the car that was waiting for us. We sat inside and I leaned my head on Damon's shoulder.

"Still tired are we?" He smirked.

"Yes." I yawned again.

He placed a kiss on my forehead. "You can sleep on the jet Love."

The car drove along the road until it reached the airport where the jet was awaiting for us. We got out of the car and climbed aboard. I sat down in one of the recliners and looked outside the window at the beautiful view that was about to be left behind. Damon had gone to the cockpit to speak with the pilot.

He returned from the cockpit and was ending a call he had on his cellphone. He glanced over at me and then made his way to a cabinet. He opened it and pulled out a grey fluffy blanket. He brought it over and covered me up.

"Who was on the phone?" I asked.

"Stacey, she was letting me know about some business that needed to be attended to." He answered as he sat in the recliner and pulled out a laptop he had brought with him.

"Is something wrong?" I looked at him with concern.

He pursed his lips together and thought for a moment before answering. "No Love, nothing for you to worry about. You still look tired, get yourself some rest."

"We're ready for take off." The pilot's voice came through the speaker system.

The jet began to ascend down the runway and we had taken off into the air. I watched out of the window. I glanced occasionally to see Damon typing at his computer with a serious look on his face. I looked back to the window, I could feel my eyes get heavier and heavier. Finally I allowed them to close and drifted off to sleep.

I had woken up about an hour and a half later, feeling more refreshed and rested. Damon was still working hard at his laptop and didn't realize I was awake. "How long until we're home?"

His eyes left the laptop screen and looked me over. "We're not going home." He responded. "Not yet anyway. We need to make a pit stop."

"Where are we going?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Chicago." He answered.

"What about the store? Aren't we supposed to get that prepared to go over the next couple days?" I was still puzzled at the change of plans.

"We'll only be in Chicago for a day, we'll take a flight home tomorrow. Then we'll deal with the store. There's not much to do. We can get things ready to go Monday and we should be set for opening a week from today, next Friday." He had clearly thought this through already.

"What's in Chicago?" I pushed for more information.

"While we were on this little getaway, Justin decided to go ahead and try to move up the contract with an important client. Normally I wouldn't care since my father has already offered the company to me, but it's the opportunity to get some payback." He responded with a stern look.

"You're going to steal the contract again aren't you?" I smirked, I knew what he was getting at.

"Exactly." A malicious smile crossed his lips.