I Failed My Son Once

The phone rang until Justin finally picked up. "Hello Grandfather, is everything okay?" Justin asked.

"Yes Justin, everything is fine. I called you because something had been brought to my attention that I want to go over with you." Martin's voice held a serious tone.

"W-What's going on?" Justin's voice was slightly shaky.

"Kaydence just left here Justin." He gave me a wink. "She told me you abused her and used her to get your contracts. Is this true? This is the only chance I'll give for you to come clean."

Justin was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "It's not true. She and Damon are at odds so as a classic gold digger she came to me to get back together and when I denied her she must've come up with this plan." he lied, as I expected.

I glared at the phone on the table, I couldn't respond or that would ruin Martin's test.

"Very well Justin. Get back to work now." Martin ordered.

"Okay, goodbye Grandfather." Justin spoke before hanging up.

Martin looked disappointed at his conversation with Justin. "He really hasn't changed one bit. I should've never let that boy be so spoiled. I was honestly hoping he would tell me the truth."

"I'm sorry it had to come out this way." Everyone was right. I should've done this sooner.

Martin was quiet for a moment before speaking, I could tell he was thinking. "You said you're pregnant?" He asked.

"Yes." I pulled the pictures from the ultrasound at the hospital out of my purse. I brought them with so he knew I was being truthful. I passed it over to him.

He looked at the pictures with a pleased smile on his face. "You know after the last incident I didn't think Damon would ever have a child. Does he know about the baby?" He asked as he handed the pictures back to me.

"No." I responded with disappointment in my voice. "After he found out about the recording he said that we should take a break until this was figured out. Then he would return and we can evaluate the relationship."

Martin sighed. "I'm sorry that you've gotten caught up in all this Kaydence. Especially while being pregnant."

"I tried to tell him at his office but he turned me away and threatened security. Justin overheard and then was the one to offer getting back together." I explained. "I decided it was best if Damon didn't know about the baby because if Justin found out he would use it against him some way as a weakness. I didn't want to stress him out further either."

Martin nodded. "Keep it that way for right now. Who's your doctor?"

"I haven't picked one yet. The pictures were from a hospital trip." I answered.

"Why did you go to the hospital? Is everything okay?" Concern had taken over his face.

"Yes, everything is fine." I reassured him. "I just found out the pregnancy brought on some anemia. I just have to take iron supplements and prenatals. Damon doesn't know about the visit either."

Martin pulled open the drawer of the table and pulled out a slip of paper and a pen. He wrote down a number and passed it over to me. "This is one of the best obstetricians in Nashville. His family are very good friends of ours. I want you to go to him and have him send me the bill."

"You don't have to do that Sir." I didn't want him to feel he needed to take responsibility for me and the baby.

"I failed my son once Kaydence. This is a second chance and I'm not letting anything happen to you or that baby." he wasn't going to back down from his offer. "You're carrying something so precious. You've got the future of the Tipton family inside of you. Lord knows if I depend on Justin for a future for the family I'll end up with a family full of vile individuals that will ruin us."

I nodded. "Okay."

"And keep this between us. If Ava knows that there is another child coming into this family that's Damon's," he paused. "I worry if she's done this much that she will act out and cause further issues for you and the child."

"I understand." I responded.

"Now let's talk about how to handle this shall we?" He suggested.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't want anyone to know I'm on your side right now. As far as everyone else is concerned I believe Justin." He began to explain.

"Why?" I was puzzled by his request.

"Because I need to gather information and if they know that they're on my bad side they'll do everything they can to cover up for themselves." he explained. "I know how my grandson and daughter think by now."

"That makes sense." he was right, the more information that could be pulled the better it would be for Damon and I.

"I know it's probably difficult right now to be apart from Damon but I need you to go along with it a little longer. Once Justin has been dealt with I will make sure the issues that have been caused are resolved." I could tell he was sincere. "I need them to think they have the upper hand and that they've won. The less they have to watch their backs the more reckless they'll be."

"How long do you think this will take?" I asked. "I just don't want it to cause any permanent problem between Damon and I."

"Don't stress over that. I'm going to come up with a plan and I'll give you a call in a few days." he answered.

"Is there anything you want me to do for this?" I didn't know how much my involvement needed to be.

"I want you to get the appointment set with Dr. Hyde and call me to give me an update." He instructed. "I should have a plan set in motion by then and I'll let you know what to do. But most importantly I need you to be relaxed. We need to keep you and the baby in good health. I will have my own security keep an eye on you in case Justin tries anything."

"Okay." I nodded. "Sir, can you have someone watch over Victoria too."

"Of course." he answered.

We finished our conversation and he apologized once more for Justin's actions and the problems that were caused. He gave me a hug goodbye and insisted if I needed anything for me or the baby that I should call him. After that he had Davis drive me home. I had gotten an uber on my way here as I didn't want Cody to let Damon know I was speaking with Martin.

Victoria had been right, this was my story that I needed to tell. It was a relief to have it all out in the open to Martin.