Don't Worry About Anything Else

I called the day after and got the appointment scheduled by Martin's request. I was able to get in the following Monday which was today. Martin had arranged a driver for me so that Cody was in the dark on where I was going. The less that was known by anyone else right now the better.

I met the driver outside of the mansion and climbed into the back seat of the car. I had Julie watch over things so I could have an earlier appointment. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to contact Martin after. He wanted me to call and he said he would have a plan by now.

"Hello Ms. Bush, I'm Theo. Mr. Tipton has given me the task of being your personal chauffeur." The man introduced himself. He was a middle aged blonde man and wore a suit.

"Nice to meet you Theo." I smiled.

He began to drive the car to the doctor's office. I figured since I had a free opportunity I would text Julie and see how things were with the store. She answered quickly and told me everything was fine. She also threw in that I shouldn't be worried about the store and focus on seeing the doctor today.

We arrived at the doctors about twenty minutes later and I went inside on my own. I walked to the front office where there was a dark skinned girl with black hair that was working reception. "Hello." she greeted with a smile. "What can I do for you?"

"My name is Kaydence Bush, I have an appointment with Dr. Hyde." I responded.

The woman typed in her computer to bring up my information. "I see." She took out a clipboard with some papers and handed me a pen. "I'll have you fill this out and bring it back up when you're done. I'll let them know you're here as well." She smiled again as she handed the clipboard over.

I took a seat on a chair in the waiting area. I started to fill out the information that they needed. It was just papers about conditions I may have and conditions in my family. I also had to fill out that they could talk with Martin because after all, he insisted on paying the bills for me. I made sure to put Damon down as well. We may not be in the best place now but I had my faith it would all work out.

I finished the paperwork fairly quick and gave it back to the receptionist. I sat back down and patiently waited for my name to be called. I felt bad that Damon would miss the doctor's appointment about our baby. But the need to protect this baby at all costs outweighed my feelings about him missing this. He would know soon enough.

"Kaydence." a nurse called my name after she had come into the waiting area.

I stood up and headed in her direction. "That's me."

She gave me a smile. "Follow me please." She turned and walked back down the hallway and I followed. She stopped in front of a bathroom. "We have to keep track of levels of protein in your urine. So every visit I'll have you come in here and urinate in one of those cups. Make sure you initial it and set it on this shelf please." She instructed.

I went into the bathroom and provided the sample that was needed. I placed my initials and then put it where she had requested. I walked out of the bathroom and she then led me over to a scale to take my weight. Once that was finished she had me sit in a chair where she took my blood pressure.

"Okay, follow me." She spoke once more and I followed her to a room. "The doctor will be in here momentarily. We need to do a full exam so I'll have you undress and then put on this robe." She left the room after that.

I did as instructed and waited for the doctor to come in. I didn't wait very long until there was a knock at the door signifying the doctor would be coming in. The door opened and the man looked about Damon's age. "I'm Dr. Hyde, it's nice to meet you." He greeted me.

"Nice to meet you as well." I responded.

"I heard that you were sent here by Martin Tipton. I was given instructions to take the best care of you." he chuckled slightly. "You're Damon's fiancé right?"

"Yes." I answered.

"We grew up together. I was surprised to see he was settling down. Congratulations to you both." he smiled.

"Thank you." I responded.

Dr. Hyde proceeded to do the needed exam to make sure everything with my body was how it needed to be. He then proceeded to go ahead and do another ultrasound to see the baby for himself. I watched the screen as the baby came into view. The baby looked more developed a little bit compared to the last time I had seen it. The heartbeat sounded as healthy as it did before as well. He also told me to keep doing what the hospital had directed to keep my iron levels up and gave me a packet of other helpful information.

We finished everything up and Dr. Hyde left for a moment to let me get dressed again. A few minutes passed once I was finished and he came in again. "Well everything is looking healthy. Development is where it needs to be, baby is measuring at about ten weeks at least. The heart beat is fantastic. I'll see you again in about another four weeks. They can get you scheduled for that out at the receptionist's desk." He handed me the images from the ultrasound that was just taken.

"Okay. Thank you Dr. Hyde." I responded.

I left the room and walked back to the receptionist. I made my appointment for next month and left the building. Theo still had the car parked in the same spot as when I had gone inside. I climbed in the back again and sat down.

"Ms. Bush would you like to go to work or back home?" he asked.

"Take me to Amethyst please." I instructed.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Martin. The phone only rang about once or twice before he answered. He must've been waiting for my call. "How is everything Kaydence?" He asked.

"Everything is great. I'm doing great and so is the baby." I answered.

"That's fantastic!" Martin was ecstatic about the information he had been given.

"So did you figure out a plan for the situation with Justin?" I needed to know how far he had gotten since we had last talked.

"Yes. I'm holding a party this weekend. I'm not going to give all the details but all I need you to do is show up with Damon." He instructed.

"He won't speak with me sir, how am I supposed to go with him to this?" I was slightly defeated on the issue with Damon. But Martin assured I just needed to go with it for a little more time.

"You're his fiancé, I'll make sure he brings you. Don't worry about anything else." Martin spoke.