I Can Have This Information Erased Completely

"You wanted to see me?" I spoke as I stepped into Damon's office. He was supposed to leave for his trip to his client today and called me to the office.

"Yes." he looked up from the stack of papers he was working on. "I just wanted to see you before I left."

I walked over and took a seat in front of his desk. "Miss me already?" I teased.

He chuckled slightly. "Are you doing okay with returning to the store and everything?" He asked.

"Yes. Everything is fine." I reassured him. I had only returned yesterday but he felt the constant need to make sure I was okay. I didn't mind as it seemed like he was backing off a little bit at a time.

"Good. My father called and invited us for dinner, I told him I had to leave this afternoon. You're still invited to go if you want to." Damon spoke as he shuffled the papers and put them in a folder.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want to just come with me?" Damon asked.

"Yes, I better stay here for the time being. It's only a couple days." I responded.

"Okay." He nodded. "My father has arranged to have a driver pick you up from here. He's going to be having some of his own security keep an eye on things while I'm away as Cody will be with me."

He was reluctant to leave me on my own. Every time he left me it seemed something would happen. The two who caused all the problems thought were gone. Even if he was gone it was clear Martin would help keep an eye on things. Neither of them were going to allow me or this baby to be hurt.

I visited with Damon a little while longer as he packed what he needed in the office. It was about three in the afternoon when he was ready to board his jet. I followed him down in the elevator and he gave me a kiss goodbye. We parted ways and I got into the car that Martin had arranged with Theo who had driven me around before.

"Hello Ms. Bush." Theo greeted as I got seated in the back of the car.

"Hey." I gave him a small smile.

"Mr. Tipton asked that I take you to his place directly, is that alright with you?" Theo asked.

"Of course." I answered.

Theo nodded and began to drive the car. The usual twenty minute drive turned into forty due to traffic. After what felt like forever we pulled into the driveway of Martin's mansion. I exited the car and made my way to the front door. I didn't even have to knock as it seemed Davis was waiting for my arrival.

"Mr. Tipton is in the living room Ms. Bush." Davis informed me as I stepped inside.

"Thank you." I nodded and made my way to meet with Martin.

"Kaydence, welcome. Thank you for coming to have dinner with me." He stood up and opened his arms to pull me in for a hug.

"It's my pleasure sir." I responded before pulling away to sit down.

"What have I told you about calling me sir?" he frowned.

"I'm sorry. It's my pleasure Dad." I gave him a small grin. My words made his frown disappear.

"How are you and the baby doing? Are you still getting sick?" He asked.

"I still have a little nausea here and there but it's manageable." I answered. "Why did you invite me and Damon both here? I thought you wanted to speak to me alone."

He smirked as if he was up to something. "I know he was going to be away. I didn't want him to think anything of this little visit. If he would've found out about your visit without him he would pry for information, that's not what I want right now."

"Speaking of our visit, what is it you want to discuss?" I asked.

"I would like to save that conversation after we eat our meal Kaydence, if you don't mind." Martin responded.

I nodded, "That's fine."

"Mr. Tipton, the meal is ready." Davis came in and interrupted the conversation

"Very well, we'll be right there." Martin spoke as he began to stand up. "I had them make chicken today. Damon informed me that you aren't a fan of seafood, I'll make sure to always have something else for you."

I stood up and followed Martin to the dining room. "Thank you. You don't have to do that."

We took our seats across from each other. "It's my pleasure to do so. You're family and I want you to be comfortable."

The meal was brought into us and we began to eat. The chicken had been backed and served with carrots and mashed potatoes. We spent the meal talking about the baby and how soon the wedding should be planned. Martin felt the sooner the better but the choice was ultimately Damon and mine's.

We finished the meal and Martin stood up once the plates were cleared. "Come with me to my study please."

I stood up and followed him once more. We went up the stairs and entered Martin's study. He closed the door behind us and took a seat at his desk. I took a seat across from him, trying to prepare mentally for whatever it is he wanted to talk about.

Martin opened his desk drawer and pulled out a file. He set it down in front of him on his desk. "I wanted to make sure I had all the accurate information before I brought this to your attention. I don't want Damon to know because I feel his rage will come first and getting even is not the point of this."

"Okay." I nodded and then looked at Martin curiously. "What is it?"

"What I'm going to show you may change things. I don't know if it's for the better or if it'll change things for the worse. And if you decide that this is something to keep between us then I can have this information erased completely. Damon will never know."

"Please, just show me whatever you have in that file." This was clearly serious and I wanted to know what we were dealing with.

Martin opened the file and slid it across the desk. There was a picture of a child inside along with some papers. I looked at the photo and the small boy looked eerily familiar. Jet black hair, icy blue eyes. "Who is this?" I asked Martin.

"Damon's son. The child he thought had passed away in his mother's womb due to the car accident." Martin responded.