What's His Name?

"I-I don't understand. I thought that they had both died." Confusion was plastered all over my face.

"So did I." Martin sighed. "While you were in your coma I noticed this boy in the hospital from a fall he had. He looked too familiar. When I looked into Ava I noticed around the time the accident happened, a large sum of money had been transferred to an account. I was looking to find all the details and then Robert came to me after filing for divorce."

"She did this didn't she?" I asked. I wouldn't put it past her to be the reason Damon thought he had lost his first child.

"Robert told me that the night of Melissa's accident, Melissa is the mother. He told me that Ava went to the hospital and convinced Melissa we would make her life difficult and take the baby away. So she tried to make it seem as if she was being helpful to Melissa, she offered her money to get a new identity and to make it seem she was dead." He explained further.

"Why?" I questioned further.

"Because Ava knows how power transfers in wealthy families. While she and Justin had been set for life and Justin was going to have a good position at the company, she knew it would be Damon's. And Damon's first son would take the lead after that, with this baby there was a chance that Justin would never be in charge." he answered. "In all these years, I didn't think my daughter could have such a cold heart."

"So where is the boy now?" I asked as I still was looking over the picture.

"Well, I did more digging. It was difficult after Melissa changed her name but I found out she did end up passing away. She died during childbirth due to some complications. She knew it was a high chance and made sure all the information on the birth certificate was completed, the only thing missing is Damon's name. The boy was taken to an orphanage here in Nashville and has been there ever since." Martin's eyes were filled with many emotions. "Ava knew of his birth and kept it hidden and paid off workers to make sure he was never adopted out."

"What's his name?" I wanted to know more about this child.

"Sterling Tipton. I assume she gave him our last name in hopes Damon would maybe find him. She even gave him Andrew for a middle name, the same as Damon's." Martin answered. "He's currently six years old, his seventh birthday will be in the next few months."

I looked up from the photo in front of me. "Why are you telling me this instead of Damon?"

"Because I don't want Damon's rage to control their first meeting. He has a lot on his plate right now and I know his first instinct is to get even with Ava. His rage can be scary sometimes and I want to make sure he doesn't scare Sterling.." He explained. "I also want to have you go visit him and see how much he knows about his parents. And then maybe he'll be more comfortable with the meeting if he knows one of us."

"Why me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because the media doesn't have eyes on you by Damon's orders. If I make a trip to the orphanage Damon is bound to hear about it and come question me. If you do it, then it looks like the fiancé of Damon Tipton is out to do a good deed for the children." Martin looked at the photo of the child.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Kaydence, I understand if you don't want to do it. This is a big thing and causes a lot of big changes. If you'd rather this not go any further I can make it happen." Martin's offer was in consideration of me, but I knew in his eyes what he wanted me to do.

There really was no question on what my heart and mind were wanting to do. I was going to help Martin. Hiding this from Damon and letting this child stay in an orphanage was something I refused to let happen. The boy deserved better than that.

"I honestly would hope you would think better of me. This isn't just Damon's son, this is my baby's big brother. I can't just let this child stay in an orphanage when he has a family he deserves to be with." I spoke as Martin watched me in anticipation.

"I figured you would." he nodded. "It's not that I didn't think of you poorly, it's just that at this point I've been surprised by a lot of things my family has ended up doing."

"I understand. Now how are we going to handle this if Damon finds out? I don't want him to get upset about this." I was slightly nervous about this plan that Martin had.

"I will take full responsibility. He can't get mad at you if you don't really lie. If he asks you anything about the orphanage just tell him you're visiting the children." Martin responded.

"Okay. When do you want me to go meet with Sterling?" I asked.

"I figured while Damon's away would be a good opportunity. Is tomorrow an option for you?" Martin suggested.

"I can make it work." I nodded.

"Great." Martin smiled. "I'll have Theo pick you up and take you. Call me when you've left and we can discuss the matter further for our next step."

"Sounds good." I gave a slight but nervous smile.

After Martin and I talked a little more he excused me to go home. I got into the car and Theo headed for Damon's mansion. I sat in the back seat and looked at everything passing by me. The sun was setting now and the city lights were coming on. My phone began to ring and took my attention away from the window.

I looked at the screen to see Damon's name. I accepted the call and brought the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"I just landed and wanted to check in on you. How was dinner with my father?" Damon asked.

"It was good." I responded. "He wanted to see when we were going to have the wedding."

"I see. We can talk about that when I get back. After I treat you to that much deserved date." I could practically hear the smile he had in his voice.

"I'm looking forward to it." I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"Okay Love, go get some sleep and I'll check in with you sometime tomorrow." He spoke with a slight sterness in his tone.

"Alright, I love you." I responded, it was a long day so I had no problem obeying his orders.

"I love you too." He hung up the phone after that.

I put my phone away and watched out of the window again. I was feeling anxious and nervous. I wasn't prepared tonight to find out Damon's son was alive. I understood why Martin waited to share this news with me. This wasn't just a big deal, it was a major thing to come across.