Daddy Lives In The Big Tower

I took a deep breath as I climbed the steps of the boys and girls orphanage. I was nervous as I didn't know what to expect. I didn't even know where to start on getting to know this little boy. I took another deep breath before opening the door. I knew I was probably thinking this over too much.

I stepped inside and walked up to the receptionist desk. "Hello. How may I help you?" A young woman with chocolate brown hair put into a braid asked.

"I was looking to try to visit with a child here." I responded.

"Okay." She nodded. "What's the name of the child?"

"His name is Sterling." I answered.

"Ah, yes. Sterling is quite the character." She smiled. "What brings you to see him?"

"I found out recently that there's a family relation between us. I just wanted to visit and see how he's doing here." I responded.

"How exciting." Her smile remained on her face. She gave me a clipboard with a sign in sheet. "Please fill this out Ms.-"

"Bush. Kaydence Bush." I smiled as I gave her my name and filled out the piece of paper she gave me. I handed it back to her.

She seemed a little surprised by my name. "Follow me please." She directed.

I followed behind the woman as we walked down a hallway. She knocked on an office door of who I assumed was in charge of the orphanage. The office door opened and revealed a middle aged woman, she had dark hair but hints of grey who wore a pair of glasses.

"What is it Emily?" She asked the girl who led me back here.

"This is Kaydence Bush ma'am, she's here to see Sterling." The receptionist answered.

The older woman and her exchanged a glance. "Go back to the front Emily. I will speak with Ms. Bush. Please, come have a seat." She opened the door wider and allowed me into her office.

I nodded and walked in to take a seat at the desk. The woman sat on the other side at her computer. "I'm Rebecca Strahm. What brings you here Ms. Bush?" She asked.

"Just as the other woman said. I'm here to see Sterling Tipton." I answered.

"You're the fiancé of Damon Tipton, aren't you?" She asked. It was no surprise that people knew my name. It had been put out there for the engagement photos and again when Amethyst opened.

"Yes." I nodded.

"You know everyone that knows Sterling has their suspicions that he's Mr. Tipton's son. Now that you're here it only feels like confirmation." She looked at me curiously through her glasses.

"It is a personal matter, but I understand you have to know details to protect the children. I'm not entirely sure of the relationship Sterling holds with the Tipton's but I was given the task to come have a visit with him by Martin Tipton." I explained. I didn't want to admit that we knew exactly his relation to Damon. "Now as the director I'm sure you can keep this confidential please."

She nodded, "Of course. Let me take you to him." She stood up from her desk.

"Thank you Mrs. Strahm." I got up from my seat as well.

I followed her out of the room and we went down another hallway. We came to a door and walked inside the room. I stood slightly in shock as my eyes looked upon the little boy who I had seen in the photo. He was the spitting image of his father.

"Sterling." Mrs. Strahm spoke to get his attention. "This is Ms. Bush, she's here to see you."

The boy looked at Mrs. Strahm and nodded.

"I'll be in my office if you need anything Ms. Bush." She hurried out of the room and back down the hall.

The little boy looked at me curiously now that we were the only two in the room. I walked over and took a seat on a chair next to one he had been sitting on. He was building a tower or something with some Legos. "Do you want to help Ms. Bush?" He asked.

"Sure." I gave him a small smile and picked up a few of the blocks. "Please, call me Kaydence."

"Okay." he nodded.

"Do you like to play with Legos?" I asked to try to get him more comfortable with me.

"Sometimes. I really like cars." he answered.

"Cars are pretty cool. What's your favorite car?" I had to ease into talking to him about his knowledge of his parents.

"Hold on." Sterling spoke as he hurried across the room. He brought a tote back with him.

He spent the next hour going over all the cars in the bin. He lined up all his favorite ones. It was a mix between ones for racing and luxury cars. He even demonstrated how fast they could drive. Unlike his father he chose the brighter colors. He seemed to begin to get more comfortable as he told me about each car.

Once he finished his icy blue eyes met mine. "Do you have kids?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm going to have a baby in a few months." I smiled. I decided this might be the opportunity to ask him what he knew about Damon and Melissa. "What do you know of your mom and dad Sterling?"

"Mommy's in heaven. She watches over me." He answered. "Daddy lives in the big tower."

"What do you mean your daddy lives in the tower?" I asked looking at him curiously.

"The big tower. I can see it from the slides. You can see it from here too." He stood up and pointed out of the window.

The orphanage was in the city so it was easy to see Tipton Enterprises from here. I nodded. "Who told you that he lives there?"

"No one told me. I heard the other ladies talking about it one day." He answered. "But I don't think he wants to come see me. He hasn't come yet so I don't want to see him either."

It was clear that Sterling was smart, he figured out where Damon worked. I couldn't just tell him why Damon didn't come for him yet. It was too complicated and confusing for a six year old. Besides, Sterling didn't need to know how evil his aunt was.

I noticed the time and needed to get back to the store. "I have to go Sterling." I began to stand up.

"Will you come play with me again?" He asked, looking at me with his blue eyes.

"Of course." I smiled. "How about I come play some more tomorrow?"e