Can You Tell Me About Daddy?

"Sterling?" I spoke as I entered back into the playroom the young boy ran back into.

"Am I in trouble for listening?" He asked, I could tell he felt shame for eavesdropping.

"No Sterling, you're not in trouble." I responded as I shut the door.

He didn't say anything as he looked out of the window. I knew he was looking at Tipton Enterprises. I was careful as I made my way closer to him. I didn't know how he was feeling at the information he had just overheard. I was afraid to upset him, what if he didn't want me to come back?

I sat on a nearby chair and waited for him to speak. I never imagined the silence between me and a six year old could feel so heavy. "You're my daddy's girlfriend?" He finally spoke.

"Well, he and I are planning to get married." I answered.

"And your baby is daddy's new kid?" He asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

"I heard you tell Mrs. Strahm that daddy hasn't come to see me because he doesn't know about me." I could hear the disappointment in Sterling's voice. It was easier to deal with him not wanting to see Damon when he thought Damon didn't want to see him.

"It's true. Your dad's sister made him think that you went to heaven with your mommy. That's why he's not here." I explained it the best way that I could.

"If he doesn't know about me then why are you here?" Sterling asked as he shifted his gaze to me.

"Because your dad's sister did some really naughty things that made your grandpa look into everything she kept hidden. He also saw you when you went to the hospital for a fall not too long ago." I answered.

"I remember that. Was he the old man who stared at me?" Sterling thought for a moment. " Miss Emily took me that day and she didn't like the way he looked at me."

I nodded. "That was probably him then."

"If grandpa knows about me then why didn't he come?" Sterling was taking this whole situation better than expected.

"Because he doesn't want the news to come bug us while we handle this. Your grandpa wants to get you and your daddy to meet. But I didn't want to force you to see him if you didn't want to." I explained.

Sterling thought once more before speaking again. "Can you tell me about daddy?"

I chuckled quietly. "How much time have you got?"

"All the time in forever. I'll even tell Mrs. Strahm to go away if she comes to try to get me to bed." He seemed a little excited to hear about Damon.

I reached over and pulled a nearby chair over. I placed it in front of me so we would be face to face. "Have a seat then."

"Okay." He sat down in front of me next to the window.

"Your daddy is a very very powerful man. He works on the top floor of the tower." I pointed to the top floor that I had become so familiar with. "I bet he can probably see the orphanage from his office."

"I thought he lived there." Sterling responded as he looked out of the window.

"No." I chuckled. "He has a big house that I live in with him. There's a lot of rooms, a big backyard and there's even a pool."

"No playground?" Sterling held a puzzled expression.

"No. No playground, but I'm sure that can be changed pretty quickly." I answered.

"What else is there about daddy?" He probed for more information.

"Well he is a very nice man, but to strangers your daddy can be very stubborn and sometimes scary. Which is good for me and you because that means no one will ever mess with us." I responded.

"Does he like cars too?" Sterling looked at me curiously while he waited for a response.

"I think so. He doesn't have a lot of them and only really drives one but he has a couple in his garage." I was going off my memory of the big garage. He had a few really expensive and nice ones parked but I had only seen him drive his BMW.

Sterling's eyes had lit up at my response. "Like race cars?"

"I don't think so." I bit my lip slightly and then let it go. "You know you could always ask him yourself though."

Sterling's gaze shifted to the ground. "What if I see him and he's not happy to see me?"

I placed my hand under his chin and forced him to look up at me. "Your daddy will be surprised and shocked, but he will be happy to see that you're okay. You have nothing to worry about Sterling."

"What about his sister who kept me secret?" He asked.

I had an uneasy feeling at his question. I knew the moment Damon found out what Ava did he was like a ticking time bomb. This could be what pushes him over the edge with her. He had already sent her away but he would make her face him again for this.

"She's not around anymore. And even if she tries to hurt our family your daddy can handle her." I responded.

Sterling nodded in response. It was quiet again before he asked anything else. "What does daddy look like?"

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Speaking of the Damon I had a missed call and a couple text messages of him checking on me. I responded letting him know I was fine and would be going home shortly. Then I pulled up a picture of Damon on my phone and turned the screen to Sterling.

"You look just like him, except you're little." I spoke as I watched him look over the screen.

"I don't know if I want to meet him yet." I could sense Sterling was nervous. "What if he doesn't like me?"

"Sterling, there's no way your dad won't like you." I reassured him.

"Okay." He nodded. "when can I meet him?

"Hmm." I thought for a moment. "Let me call your grandpa and see what he thinks okay?"

"Okay." he agreed.

"I have to get going now, but I'll be back in a couple days once I have the meeting set up." I informed him after I had noticed the time.

Sterling threw his arms around my neck before I could get up from the chair. "Thank you."

I squeezed him tightly in my arms. "Anything for my favorite boy."

I left the orphanage after that. I pulled my phone out and dialed Martin. It took a few rings before he answered. "Kaydence? Hello." his tone was filled with delight.

"Sterling is ready to meet Damon." I responded. I then proceeded to explain the information Sterling had overheard.

"Alright, I'll get something set up. Stand by for my phone call." Martin spoke before hanging up.