I Want You Too Meet Sterling

It took about a week to get a little bit of free time in Damon's schedule. He was still swamped with trying to get an efficient vice president. As far as he knew Martin just wanted to have us for dinner. Martin didn't want to disclose all the details about Sterling over the phone.

I was given the task to pick Sterling up from the orphanage. Martin had called Mrs. Strahm in advance to let her know Sterling would be going out with me today in case she tried to interfere. Thankfully she hadn't said anything more after our hallway conversation. She must've figured I was serious with my words.

I held Sterling's hand as we walked down the steps of the orphanage and got inside of the car Martin arranged. I made sure Sterling was buckled in good before I buckled myself up. After I gave Theo the okay and the car headed for Martin's mansion. I watched as Sterling looked out of the window excitedly at the city.

"Haven't you seen this before?" I asked.

"Only a little bit. We go into town here and there. Most things we need aren't very far from where we live." he answered while his eyes were still glued to the outside.

I could feel myself get slightly nervous as we got closer to Martin's home. He had arranged to have Sterling come a little bit before Damon got off to come over. Martin wanted to meet his grandson properly. We weren't sure how exactly this was going to go with Damon. I knew he would behave himself in front of the child but it was once it was only adults that he may let his rage consume him.

The car pulled into the driveway and I held onto Sterling's hand as we walked up the steps. I rang the doorbell and waited for the door to be opened. I expected Davis but instead Martin answered the door himself.

"Kaydence, hello." he greeted and then looked down at the boy with me. "You must be Sterling."

"That's me." Sterling stuck his hand out to shake Martin's. "You must be grandpa. It's nice to meet you." He was formal with his introduction, just like his father.

Martin shook Sterling's hand. "Come on in. We have a lot to discuss."

Sterling and I made our way inside and into the living room. I took a seat on the sofa and Sterling sat right next to me. It was as if he was stuck to me with glue. I enjoyed it though, I understood I was the only one he knew in this house. I knew he was also nervous about meeting Damon today.

Martin came into the living room and sat in his usual chair. "Tell me Sterling, what's your favorite food to eat?"

"I really like chicken nuggets and cheeseburgers." Sterling responded quietly.

"I'll have to make sure we stock up on those every time you come visit me." Martin smiled warmly. "Davis, bring in the gifts."

"Yes sir." Davis spoke from another room.

Davis hurried in with a couple boxes that were wrapped in various wrapping paper. Davis set the boxes down in front of Sterling. I didn't know he had planned to give Sterling anything today. Martin had really been asking me what he liked over the last few days. This must be the reason as to why.

"I haven't had a young child in this house in years." Martin spoke as he looked at the boxes. "I had to have the play room redone. There are a few of your father's old toys in there but I thought you should have some of your own Sterling. Go on, open them."

Sterling wasted no time after getting Martin's okay to rip into the boxes. He had the paper off in seconds of the first box which revealed a set of cars that had a play mat with a road and town that he could play with. He moved onto the next box which contained a small basketball and hoop inside. The other boxes contained other toys that Sterling was just thrilled to have. The only toy I kept secret was the car Sterling wanted, I wanted Damon to be able to get that one for him.

"Thanks grandpa!" Sterling beamed in delight.

"You're very welcome Sterling." Martin smiled. "Davis, takes these to the playroom so he can play with them after Damon gets here."

"When will daddy be here?" Sterling asked, looking at Martin and then me to see who would have the answer for him.

"In about an hour-" Martin began to answer but stopped when he heard the front door open.

Martin and I looked at each other in surprise as we heard the front door close. "Maybe he got off early." I stated.

We watched the archway of the living room as we waited for Damon to appear. We knew it had to be him, it couldn't be anyone else. I could tell that we were all on edge as we waited for the powerful presence to grace the room. In a matter of seconds Damon appeared in his all black suit, walking with the confidence he always had. Sterling had hid his head in my lap before Damon appeared.

Damon looked at me curiously as he saw the child with me. "Who's this? One of the children from the orphanage?"

"Yes." I responded.

"Why did you bring him here?" Damon questioned further.

"It was my idea." Martin answered for me.

"Damon, I want you to meet Sterling. Sterling Tipton." Sterling lifted his head and faced Damon after my introduction.

I could see a mix of feelings in his face. He was speechless and surprised looking at this child. But I could also see the storm brewing in his eyes. He knew right away by Sterling's appearance who this child was to him. He looked between Martin and I, he was pissed but he didn't know who to direct the emotions towards. He was clenching his fists so hard his knuckles were turning white.

"Damon, he's your son." Martin confirmed Damon's suspicions.

Damon looked at Sterling intently. Sterling got up from the sofa and walked over to Damon. Their eyes never left each other. Sterling was the first one of the two to say anything.

"It's nice to meet you daddy." He spoke softly to Damon.