She Told Me To Ask You

(Damon's POV)

I was coming here for a simple dinner, or so I thought. I didn't expect to meet the small boy that stood before me. I stood there in disbelief, after all this time of mourning this child here he was. I was relieved to see him, my son, safe and sound. But what happened, why was he hidden from me?

I wanted answers. Looking at Kaydence and my father it was clear that they had known. I wasn't sure for how long but keeping this from me was unacceptable. I thought Kaydence would've known better by now. Unless it was my father who had sworn her to secrecy. I needed to keep my cool as there was a child present, I could get my answers later.

I knelt down to get to eye level with the small boy. It was like someone had hit copy and paste. We looked that similar. "It's nice to meet you too Sterling." I responded to him.

He threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I wasn't one for affection unless I initiated it, or unless it was Kaydence. I couldn't reject his hug though, that would've been cold. Instead I hugged him back. I still was having a hard time believing that this was the son I had been led to think I had lost.

He released me from the hug and I stood back up. "Is he really at an orphanage or was that a lie? Where's Melissa?" My tone held a slight coldness to it as I asked the two adults in front of me.

"Damon, we can go over everything after we've eaten dinner." My father responded.

"I want answers now." I was stern with my words and I knew the expression on my face wasn't very welcoming.

"Damon, please. Let's eat first. I'm starving and I'm sure Sterling is hungry as well." Kaydence spoke up. My gaze shifted to her and I could feel my expression soften. She was the only one who was able to have this effect on me

I nodded and headed for the dining room. "Then let's eat."

We all gathered in and Sterling insisted on sitting by Kaydence and across from me. I didn't know what to say to the boy. It was as if my world had changed in seconds. I was prepared to be a father to the baby Kaydence was carrying, but I didn't expect to have a six year old who knew exactly who I was.

"Do you like cars dad?" Sterling asked me. "I asked Kaydence when she came and visited me but she told me to ask you."

I glanced at Kaydence, she looked away from my hard stare. So she must've been visiting him when she said she was going to the orphanage. "Kaydence has visited you huh?"

It explained why he had seemed to be close to her. He clearly had seemed to take a liking to her already. I was pleased to see how her mothering instincts had come out already. But I wasn't going to let that show until I knew what the fuck was going on.

"Yeah." Sterling smiled in delight but it quickly faded once he noticed my displeased expression. I noticed him shift uncomfortably.

I needed to push back any negative feelings until Sterling wasn't present. I didn't need to let myself ruin our first meeting. "Yes, I do like cars. What's your favorite car?" I asked in a more pleasant tone.

He pulled out a toy car he had in his pocket. It was a lime green car that was more for the racing purpose. "This one." he smiled.

"That's a really cool car you have there." I gave him a slight smile in return.

He pulled another car and placed it on the dining table. "I brought this one for you to have." It was a car that had matched his except it was a dark red. "Now we can match."

I took the car in my hand and looked it over. "Thank you. I will keep it with me always."

The food was finally being brought out to the table. I placed the car in my pocket as we waited for the food to be placed in front of us. It was silent as we ate. It was a slightly tense silence but Sterling seemed oblivious to it.

Once the food was gone my father called for Davis in the dining room. Davis came in quickly to see what it is he wanted. "Yes Sir?"

"Please take Sterling to the playroom. Damon, Kaydence and I will be up in my study as we have things to discuss." My father responded.

Sterling followed Davis quickly. The rest of us got up from the table and went upstairs. I remained silent as we walked. I didn't speak until the door had finally closed to allow us privacy.

"Why the fuck am I just now finding out about him?" I knew my voice was raised as I looked between my father and Kaydence.

"I didn't know until Kaydence had been in the hospital Damon." My father answered. "Then Robert came to me and explained everything. I told Kaydence and had her meet with him to find out how much he knew about you and Melissa."

"Robert came to you?" I let out a dark chuckle. "So this is Ava's doing I take it? Where the hell is Melissa?"

"Ava made Melissa think we were going to take the child. Ava paid her to leave and change her name." My father began to explain. I could feel my blood begin to boil within me. "Melissa did pass away, but it was during childbirth. She gave Sterling your middle and last name and did her best for him to end up in the orphanage here in Nashville. I think it's clear that she wanted you to find him."

I could feel my anger take control. Ava just couldn't leave anything alone if it meant Justin didn't benefit. I knew she did this to get me to leave and pave the way for the company to be Justin's. My rage was growing and growing by the second. My hand gripped one of the chairs in front of the desk and threw it across the room.

"Why didn't you tell me Kaydence?! We're supposed to have trust damn it!" I demanded an answer from her.

The anger in my tone made her jump. "Because I didn't want you to go down there and force Sterling to face you. He thought you abandoned him on purpose." She explained calmly.

Her explanation made sense. I was still struggling to process the information in my mind. Melissa did die, just not when I thought she had. And Ava, nothing was going to save that bitch from my wrath. I shouldn't have let her leave Nashville. She was the reason my son thought I had left him out of selfishness.

I turned and left the study, slamming the door behind me. I made it quickly down the stairs and out of the front door. My anger and rage had taken full control. It was time I made that bitch really pay for everything she had done.

I was so determined to get to my car that I didn't realize anyone followed me out. I only stopped when Kaydence yanked my arm back. "Stop it!" She spoke with her voice raised.