I Assume She's Heard About You

"It's so much bigger up close." Sterling looked up at the tall building in front of us.

There may have only been thirty-two floors of Tipton Enterprises but with the length from the ceiling to floors inside it appeared more like double that. I held on to his hand tightly as we walked inside and headed for the elevator. Sterling looked around in amazement of everything inside the lobby. It was Saturday so there weren't very many people around.

We waited for the elevator to make it's ascent to the top floor. Once it dinged we stepped out and headed for Damon's office. I hadn't been to Tipton Enterprises in what felt like awhile. Justin's old office was now occupied by someone else.

"Hey Kaydence." Stacey smiled as she noticed me walking in her direction. Her eyes then went to Sterling. "And you must be Sterling."

"That's me." Sterling responded.

I let out a small chuckle. "Is Damon in?"

"Yes. Go right on in." Stacey answered.

We walked to the doors that led to Damon's office. I pushed them open and he was seated at his desk. He looked up from his computer to see who had come in. A small smile flashed on his lips as he saw Sterling looking around the room.

"Welcome." He greeted us.

"This is your's?" Sterling asked.

Damon got up from his chair and made his way to Sterling. He knelt down to where they were eye level. "Yes. And one day if you want it can all be your's too."

"Isn't it kind of scary to sit by that window all day?" Sterling looked a little nervous at the windows that went from the ceiling to the floor that covered three of the walls.

Damon let out a slight chuckle. "Not to me. Do you not like heights?"

Sterling shook his head no.

"It's not so bad when you're inside of a building. How about I hold onto your hand and we can look out of the windows together." Damon suggested in a soft tone.

Sterling nodded, giving Damon the approval he was open to the idea.

Damon stood back up and held his hand out for Sterling to take. Sterling took it and held on to him tightly as they moved closer to the window. I followed behind them as they went to look out at the city. I could see Sterling get more and more nervous the closer he got to the window.

They finally reached the window and Sterling seemed a little on edge. "What if the glass breaks?" He asked in a nervous little voice.

"It won't son." Damon responded. "The glass used is meant to be built as if it's a wall. It's so strong it's ridiculous. There's no way it'll be breaking."

Sterling nodded and relaxed as he looked over the city. "I guess it's not so bad."

I went on the other side of him. "Look, that's where your friends are." I pointed to the orphanage that looked much smaller from here.

"It's like Daddy and I could've looked at each other at the same time when I was there." Sterling responded.

"See, I was watching over you and I didn't even know it." Damon spoke. "Do you want a snack Sterling?"

Sterling looked up at Damon. "Yes please."

Damon nodded and went over to the phone on his desk. Sterling and I followed behind him. He pushed a button on the phone, I assume it was probably to call Stacey. "Come in here please."

He hung up the phone and Stacey was in the office in a matter of seconds. "Yes sir?" She asked.

"Take Sterling down to the break room cafeteria. Get him whatever he wants, I need to talk with Kaydence privately." Damon instructed.

"Yes sir." She nodded and then turned her attention to Sterling. "I hope you have quite an appetite because there's a lot to choose from."

Sterling walked alongside Stacey as they left the office. It was now Just Damon and I alone. Damon took a seat at his desk and I sat across from him. "What do you want to talk about?"

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he looked me over. He leaned back in his chair slightly and folded his hands in his lap.

"Pretty decent actually." I answered.

"Good." he responded. "So after hearing about your uncle visiting the store I put some eyes on your father's family."

"Well, this should be good if Sterling had to leave the room." I shifted in the chair to get more comfortable.

"Your uncle hasn't left here since speaking to you. I've been trying to figure out if he's just for you or if there's something else going on." He explained some more.

"Have you found anything on him then?" I asked.

"No, nothing shady. He's met with a few people here and there. Probably just trying to fish for some clients, not that it'll work." He responded.

"Okay, is there anything else then?" I looked at him curiously.

"Your father's mother is making her way into town." He answered. "She left this morning and will probably be here any time. I assume she's heard about you."

"Great." I rolled my eyes.

I wasn't looking forward to this woman trying to meet me. There was clearly a reason my father had kept me away from her. Since finding out about his family I had yet to hear of good things. The way it felt was this was another person to come in and try to start some trouble.

"I'm going to up the security at the store. My father and I agreed when talking this morning it was best." Damon sat up in his chair once again.

"So your father knows about this too then?" I was surprised to hear of this but Martin was the one who sat in this same seat prior.

"Yes. He has the same view on them as I do." He answered. "He's dealt with them longer than I have. Back when your grandfather was the head of the company."

It was serious if even Martin didn't like them. It wasn't easy to get Martin to dislike you. Then again though I've only known Martin from his home. I didn't know how he was in the business world really, Damon had ran everything since I was involved with their family.

"I see" I nodded.

Damon gave me a stern expression. "I know you, you'll try to handle it yourself if they approach you, but promise me you won't. Do not see them without me."