Definitely A Girl

Three weeks had passed. Damon and I were on our way to the doctor's to confirm the gender of the baby and to make sure everything was growing correctly. My stomach seemed to be growing week by week. I was estimated to be at about twenty weeks, half way through. The further I was getting the more uncomfortable I was.

Sterling had started kindergarten at one of the best private schools. He learned a lot from being taught in the orphanage and transitioned into the school smoothly. He made a few friends right away but they didn't replace the ones he had known since he could remember. We made sure to make our weekly visits so he could see them.

The more I was there the more I noticed how little things had begun to fall apart. Some of the kitchen equipment was outdated and the place was in need of an upgrade. It didn't take much convincing from Sterling and I to get Damon to agree to help fund the repairs and upgrades. The way Damon saw it was they took care of his son, the least he could do was make sure the place was taken care of in return.

The media had a field day when all the information was out in the open. Everyone knew Damon and I were married now and expecting. Everyone also knew about Damon having a child. He knew questions would be asked and he had no intention of hiding his son. He made sure that only respectful things were said about us. The media outlets knew what they risked if they pissed him off so they all agreed to his terms for running any stories.

As for my father's family, I hadn't heard a word. Damon had been keeping an eye on them and we knew they were in town still. They knew I was Damon's wife now so they could just be taking their time to approach me. Like they were being careful on how they should go about this. However it was more in their best interest if they would just leave. That didn't seem like it was going to be the option they would be taking though.

"Are you ready?" Damon asked as he pulled into the parking lot of the women's clinic. He decided that the baby stuff should be something we do on our own together so he chose to drive.

"Yes." I smiled. I could feel the excitement in my stomach. Once the gender was confirmed we could officially give this child a name.

"Good." he responded as he parked the car.

We got out of the black BMW and walked inside hand in hand. I did the normal routine of checking in with the receptionist. Today's ultrasound would be done with one of the technicians as they needed to get the clearest shots possible with their best machine. Then we would go into the room and talk with the doctor about how everything looked.

We didn't wait long before we got called back. The clinic was very quick and efficient when it came to getting people in for their appointments. We walked back into a room where the ultrasound technician had me lay in a chair. We were able to view a screen that would show everything while she did her work.

The technician was focused as she was looking everything over. She explained exactly what we were looking at when she had it on screen. We were able to see all of the development but I really didn't know what was good or bad. Everything looked a little weird when it came to ultrasounds.

"What did the doctor guess for the gender?" The tech asked.

"He said a girl." I responded.

"We'll see if he's right." She moved to get the potty shot she needed of the baby. "Definitely a girl." She smiled.

Damon was silent as he looked at the screen intently. He seemed transfixed on watching the tiny human I was growing. The technician moved back to where we could see the baby's face. It was hard to tell who she might look like right now but it looked like she had my lips. We watched as the baby let out a yawn on the screen, which then ended up making Damon yawn in return.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "I guess yawning really is contagious. I just would've never guessed that would happen from seeing her on screen."

The technician finished up and then led us into a room to wait for the doctor. The nurse for Dr. Hyde came in and had me leave for a moment to give my urine sample and to do the other routine things. After she was finished I went back into the room where Damon was waiting.

It was only about a five minute wait before Dr. Hyde entered inside. "Hello." he greeted us as he took a seat.

"Hey." I responded.

"So, I was just looking at everything and the baby looks perfect. I don't have any concerns about her." He spoke as he looked through some papers on his clipboard.

"That's great." Damon spoke.

"Yes. It doesn't seem like there's been any issues with the anemia since your first hospital visit is that correct?" Dr. Hyde asked looking at me.

"No, I haven't had any problems since. I've been taking the prenatals and the iron supplement everyday. I've made sure not to miss any meals either." I answered.

"Good." Dr. Hyde nodded. "Do either of you have any questions for me then?"

"I don't." I looked at Damon. "Do you?"

"No." Damon spoke.

"Then you're all set." Dr. Hyde smiled and handed me the print outs that had been taken for this ultrasound.

Damon and I left the clinic and got back into the car. We decided before either of us returned for work that we would go get lunch. He started the car and his phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered it.

"What?" his tone wasn't very welcoming. "Okay. I'll deal with it a little later. I'm busy right now." He hung up the phone and began to drive through the parking lot.

"Who was that?" I asked. I was curious to see who was on the other end.

"No one important," he answered.

"By your tone I doubt it. What is it Damon?" I pressed for more information.

He sighed before he answered. "It was about Ava." He was still focusing on driving.

"What about her?" He now had my full attention. I was still never made aware of what exactly he had done to her after he found out about Sterling. I knew it couldn't have been good with how pissed he was.

"Look, I'll tell you what the call was about but I will not explain how it got to this point." He gave me a serious look and then his attention back to the road. "My goal has been to break that bitch mentally. One of the guards was just calling to inform me that it's working."