Do You Regret How Things With Us Started?

We arrived at Damon's mansion and headed up to the bedroom for bed. Tonight's events had been enough for us both and we were ready to call it a night. Damon shut the door behind us and began to remove his suit. I stripped down and changed into black tank top and some shorts. Damon remained in his boxers as we got into the bed.

I could tell something was still on his mind. His demeanor was a little off since we had left Martin's home. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He let out a low sigh. "Do you regret how things with us started? Like if you could do it differently would you?"

"Why would you ask me this?" I had a feeling it was the way Meredith spoke of our relationship. Like he had been in control of me.

"Just answer the question." He responded.

"No. I don't regret a single thing." I answered truthfully.

"You regret nothing of our relationship?" he raised an eyebrow and seemed surprised by my reaction. "Not even the fact I basically made you agree that you would have to have sex with me if I wanted it?"

"Look, our relationship started in an unique way but it led us to this point. I wouldn't do anything different because then if things hadn't gone how they did I don't know if we would've been together." I explained. "Even though Justin's an ass he's part of the reason I have you. I wouldn't change a single thing."

"I see." he responded.

"You're a good man Damon. If you're worried I'm still here because of some stupid agreement we made you're wrong." I was trying to be reassuring. "I'm still here because I love you and this amazing little family we've created. You, Sterling and this baby are everything to me."

He seemed to relax a little at my words. His lips latched onto mine and he used his hands to guide me on top of him. He pulled me to him as close as he could without letting our lips leave each other. I could feel his manhood begin to harden against my core as I straddled him.

His hands went to the hem of my shirt and he broke the kiss to pull the shirt off of me to expose my bare breast. He put a pillow behind him to prop himself up slightly so I wouldn't have to go down so far. It was easier this way with my stomach.

"You're so fucking perfect." he complimented as he looked my body up and down. "I love every inch of your beautiful body."

"Thank you." I responded before pulling him back into a kiss.

His lips were on mine for only a moment. They then went down to my neck where he gently nibbled and sucked on my sweet spot. I could feel myself getting more and more excited. We had the sheets wrapped around us but I threw them off to expose his god like body.

His lips moved off of my neck as he concentrated on helping me remove my shorts and underwear. I didn't want to waste any time, once I was naked it was his turn. I helped him remove his boxers and straddled him once more.

His erect manhood rested gently against my core. I didn't want him inside yet. I wanted to be a tease to him. I wanted him to feel my excitement. I moved my hips to gently slide my core up and down on his manhood. His hands gripped my hips as he threw his head back onto the pillow.

"Fuck." He muttered. "The things you do to me love."

I supported myself by placing my hands on his perfectly chiseled chest. "Oh yeah?" I smirked. "What are you going to do about it?"

It was like my words had flipped a switch in him. He hadn't been his dominating self when we started but that was going to change. He used a hand and brought his fingers to firmly grip my neck. Our faces now were only inches apart. "I'm going to fuck you. That's what I'm going to do." His tone was stern.

He let go of my neck and placed his hands back to my hips. He raised me to position his manhood at my entrance. His icy blue eyes looked into my green ones as he brought my down, letting himself slip inside. His grip on my hips tightened again as I rocked back and forth on him.

He only loosened his grip when he wanted to move on to making sure I was pleased. He moved one hand between my legs and rubbed my clitoris with his thumb. The other went to my breast to play around. He would squeeze each one gently and then tug at my nipple to get me a little closer to climaxing for him.

I could feel myself get closer and closer. He noticed it too. He removed his hands from touching me and placed them firmly on my hips to prevent me from moving. I gave him a slight look of confusion at what he was doing.

"Not yet." he spoke. "I'll decide when it's time."

I let out a sigh but nodded in response anyway. He was the one in charge here.

"Good." He smirked seductively. "How bad do you want to cum Love?"

"Bad." I answered.

His smirk remained as he allowed me to move my hips again. His hands went back to touching my clitoris and my breasts. His thumb rubbed my clitoris more aggressively than it had the last time. I could hear low grunts coming from him, he was getting close too.

We both were getting closer and closer the more we continued on. Finally he looked me in the eyes once more. "If you want it so bad then fucking cum." He ordered between grunts.

His words and movement with his hands sent me over the edge. I supported myself on his chest again as my climax had taken over my body. Moans were escaping my lips. I wasn't sure how loud they were but I didn't care.

Feeling my orgasm for him sent him into his own climax. I could feel him throbbing inside of me as I tightened around him. His hands gripped my ass as he let out low grunt after grunt. We were having our moments together.

I removed myself off of him. He laid back on the bed and I laid next to him on my side. I placed my head on his chest where I could hear his heart pounding. We were both breathing heavily so the room was silent as we recovered.

"I've been thinking." He spoke after a while of silence for us to catch our breath. "About this whole situation with your dad's family."

"What about it?" I asked as I positioned my head to look at him but let it remain on his chest still.

"Sterling has another set of grandparents out there. I'm not sure how much they know about what happened." He began to explain. "Melissa always spoke highly of her parents, I want to find them."