What Do You Think Of Scarlett?

"Come on mom and dad!" Sterling was eager for us to get inside of the school.

His school was having a parent's day today. When he had found out about it he had been counting down until the day. He was excited as he's never experienced something like this before. He held my hand and Damon's as he practically dragged us along into the school.

"Sterling ease up." Damon was stern as he warned him. "We don't need your mother to fall. It could hurt your sister."

Sterling nodded and stopped pulling so hard. "Sorry mommy."

"It's okay." I responded.

We walked into the school and Sterling led us to his classroom. There were other parents already inside and I noticed we got some looks. It was known around now that Sterling was Damon's but I don't think they thought Damon would take the time to come to the school. Everyone who attended this school had some sort of wealth but Damon was still the wealthiest of them all.

"This is where I sit." Sterling smiled as he showed us the spot he was assigned in school. It had a name tag that Sterling had clearly made.

"This is awesome." I complimented which made his smile grow wider. "What do you think?" I looked to Damon for an answer.

"It looks great bud. Maybe I'll have to have you make a name tag for my desk." Damon responded.

"Really?!" Sterling beamed with delight.

"Of course." Damon gave him a slight smile.

More parents came into the classroom with their children. Some still seemed surprised when they noticed Damon's presence. The teacher was making her rounds to greet everyone. She finally made her way to us and I could see she got a little nervous. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Tipton. I'm Mrs. Rowe." She greeted us.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Rowe. Sterling loves your class." I responded with a smile which helped seem to put her at ease.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you as well." Damon added.

"It's a pleasure to have you both join us today. Do you have any questions for me?" Mrs. Rowe asked.

"Not at this time but if we think of anything we'll let you know." Damon answered.

"Very well." Mrs. Rowe nodded and moved onto the next set of parents.

After Mrs. Rowe met with all the parents the activities for the day began. She had the children sing a few songs that they had learned in music class. Their performance lasted for about thirty minutes. After they were finished it was on to the next thing.

We played a few games in the classroom and then it was time to eat lunch with the children. We made our way into the lunchroom area and we walked with Sterling to get a plate of food. Today they served chicken sandwiches with french fries, a pudding cup and chocolate milk. Damon and I sat down next to each other and Sterling sat across from us.

"How do you like my school?" Sterling asked as he took a bite from his lunch.

"I like it a lot." I answered.

"It's a nice place. That's part of the reason I had you enrolled here." Damon added.

We finished the meal that was in front of us. It wasn't exactly the best thing we've tasted but it wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either. It reminded me a lot of the hospital cafeteria food that I had eaten with my mother or when I had to stay after waking up from my coma. We finished our food and disposed of our trays.

We headed back to the classroom where we all just mingled and Sterling showed us some more of the things he had done in school. After showing the parents everything the students were excused to go outside for recess. I walked down the steps outside and watched Sterling play with his peers.

"He seems happy." Damon spoke as he stood by me.

"Yes. He does." I agreed.

"You know we still haven't named our daughter." Damon looked at me. "Do you have any thoughts?"

"I don't know." I bit my lip as I tried to think. "Do you?"

"I want you to decide her name. I've already named a child." He responded.

"You picked Sterling?" I asked.

He gave me a nod. "It was the name I mentioned I wanted for a boy. I never had any girl names picked out so I don't know where to start."

"What do you think of Scarlett?" I mentioned. It was a name that I had thought was pretty and elegant for a long time. Something I wanted to give my daughter when I had one.

He gave me a smile. "I like that." his phone began to ring and he took it out of his pocket. "I've got to take this one. I'll be right back."

"Okay." I responded. He had been ignoring calls all day for Sterling's parent day so I knew this one had to be important.

He walked away and Mrs. Rowe approached me. "Have you guys enjoyed your time here Mrs. Tipton?"

"Yes." I answered with a smile. "Sterling seems to fit in nicely."

"Oh yes." She chuckled. "He's an adorable child. Quite the character too. But he's a sweetheart. One of the girls fell down a few days ago and he was right there to help her up."

"Sounds like Sterling." I glanced around to see a group of women looking in my direction.

Mrs. Rowe must've noticed as well. "Don't worry about them. They're just surprised to see that Mr. Tipton settled down."

"I'm not worried." I responded. "I've been with him so long that it's become expected for people to look at us and talk."

"Well, if it's any consolation I think you two make a gorgeous couple. I can tell Sterling loves you both very much and he's told everyone about his little sister on the way." Mrs. Rowe looked over the children. "I have to check in on some others but it was a pleasure to speak with you."

"It was a pleasure to speak with you as well." I spoke before she walked away.

Mrs. Rowe walked in the direction of the children just as Damon was returning back from his phone call. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and I could tell his demeanor was slightly different.

"What's up?" I asked slightly concerned.

"I thought it was going to take longer but it didn't." He answered. "I had someone find Melissa's parents for me. I've set up to meet with them later this week, with us both."