I Wanted To Spill Her Blood

"You did what to her?!" Martin asked Damon angrily.

"You heard me." Damon answered calmly. "She deserved it after everything she did to our family. To your grandson."

Damon had returned from his trip and decided to report back to Martin. He told Martin everything he had done to her. Dr. Prentice determined she had definitely lost her mind and could no longer be by herself. With that information Damon decided that she could return home and be cared for in a mental facility.

There was no hope for recovery either. Damon's tactics that he had his men use pushed her too far. She had reached the point of no return, she would be in the mental facility until it was her time to pass away. I could tell Damon didn't have her put in the facility out of the kindness of his heart though. He did it for Martin.

"Damon don't you think driving your sister crazy was a little too far?" Martin scolded. I could see why he was upset, after all no matter what Ava was still his child.

"She had my son stowed away in an orphanage." Damon responded. "So I did the only thing that I could think of to punish her almost as bad as the crime she committed."

"So you made her lose her mind?!" Martin's voice held a hint of rage but I could tell he was holding back slightly.

"To tell you the truth father I planned to do a lot fucking worse to her!" Damon was no longer holding back as his own rage was coming forth. "I wanted to kill her, I wanted to spill her blood all over that warehouse floor for all the shit she's done to purposely hurt my family! I didn't though, you know why? Because I didn't want to put you through that so I let her off a little easier!"

"She's your sister Damon." Martin's tone was a little softer as he attempted to remind Damon of his relation to Ava. It was as if he was reminding him so that Damon would feel some remorse. But it didn't work.

"Blood means nothing to me. Why do you think it was so easy to cut you all out of my life once before." Damon sneered. "She wronged this family, she would've destroyed your company. Stop thinking with your heart father, it's pathetic."

"She may have wronged us son but I wish you would've talked to me more about your plans. All you told me is you had her locked up in a room as if she was serving a prison sentence. I knew about you doing the waterboarding thing once, not over and over!" Martin responded.

"If you knew it all you would've had me ease up on her. You're too soft father, face it." Damon's voice held coldness. "I could fucking keep her in that warehouse if you push it."

Martin let out a defeated sigh. He knew trying to argue with Damon over the matter was pointless. "I understand why you felt the need to do all this. I don't approve of it all but it's too late anyway. What's done is done. Is she at the facility now?"

"Yes." Damon answered. "I had her flown back with me. After Dr. Prentice confirmed she wasn't just acting."

"I'm probably going to regret asking but you only had her locked up before you picked up Sterling a little over two months ago, how did she decline that fast?" Martin asked.

"The severity of the punishments and the isolation." Damon responded. "Dr. Prentice also said she showed signs having bipolar disorder but she never had been diagnosed. That would explain the level of her actions to an extent."

"Even if she was, how would that have anything to do with her going crazy?" Martin looked slightly confused as he waited for an answer.

"Because she was already suffering from a mental disorder that she let go untreated. She was already suffering mentally, my punishments were just what pushed her over the edge." Damon explained. "To be clear I didn't know about the disorder until she was already like this."

Martin nodded. "Why didn't she get it treated? That may have solved so many of these problems."

"Because of her pride. That's not hard to figure out." Damon stated. "She's from a high class family. She already had so much shame from having Justin so young and having someone who wasn't his father raise him. Acknowledging a mental disorder can be a big deal to some people."

"I guess that makes sense." I could see a sense of regret on Martin's face. "I should've picked up on it."

"She's been brought back here though. She'll get the care she needs." Damon's tone was softer. "While her disorder may be the cause of some of her actions it doesn't excuse everything she's done."

"Even after finding this all out you don't feel you've gone too far?" Martin questioned.

"No." Damon answered with an emotionless expression. "In the end Ava made her choices and this is what it led to. While I feel for her about the disorder as you said it's too late. The best I can do now is keep her in the mental facility where she can get some help."

"You really have no remorse for your sister?" Martin seemed to be having a hard time grasping how cold Damon was being about the matter.

During this whole conversation I sat at Damon's side listening. This was something that Martin and Damon needed to hash out themselves. I was just sitting by watching as they interacted with each other. My purpose for being here was finding out what my husband had been up to and to make sure these two didn't push the other too far.

"I have none." Damon coldly responded. "It's a shame it has come to this for her but she should have come to someone for help. Besides she thoroughly thought out some of the things she did. There's no way that can all be blamed on her disorder."

"I see." Martin sighed.

"Are we done with this chat?" Damon asked. "I have things to do."

Martin thought for a moment before speaking further. "Does Justin know about this?"

"No." Damon answered and I could see a slight flash of anger as Justin's name was brought up.

"Hear me out before you make any decision please." Martin spoke as he looked Damon in the eyes.

Damon folded his arms across his chest. "What is it you want, father?" He already knew where Martin was going with this. This was more to see if Martin was daring enough to actually ask.

"Damon, Ava is his mother." Martin wasn't about to back down to Damon, he continued on. "I want you to let Justin come back at least once to see her before it is too late."