I Don't Want To Take Any Risk

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Damon's voice was filled with anger. "After everything he's done you want that piece of shit to come back here?!"

"Damon, he has the right to know about his mother and to see her. You don't get to decide that." Martin was stern as he stood his ground.

"He lost all his rights when he attempted to kidnap my fiancé for leverage! His recklessness could have killed Kaydence and the baby both!" Damon shot back.

"I know." Martin remained calm as Damon was venting out his anger. "We can keep a close eye on him and make sure he has no contact with the both of you."

"How exactly do you plan to make that happen?" Damon asked. "Because the last time I ordered for him to leave us alone he and his mother just couldn't allow that. I just got rid of him for good, why would I want to ruin such a good thing?"

"I understand how you're feeling but keeping him away from his mother isn't the right thing to do and you know that." Martin responded.

"Then I'll have Ava moved to another facility far away from my wife and children." Damon was refusing to budge on the situation. "Then he can go and see her."

"She just got settled in, that's not an option." Martin's shot down his idea.

"I don't give a shit if it's an option or not. I'll make it one." Damon was determined.

"God damn it Damon! Just because I gave you the company doesn't mean you get to call the shots for the entire family!" Martin had held back enough, his voice was filled with his anger he tried to contain. "Yes I handed them over to you for punishment but you went too far! I'm trying to understand but you also need to be understanding yourself! Ava is my daughter and if I decide Justin should come and see his mother then you damned well better make it happen!"

"And are we just disregarding how Kaydence feels about this?" Damon's voice was calmer. Somehow that seemed worse than when it was filled with anger.

"Well, no." Martin responded as his gaze shifted to me.

"Tell me Love," Damon began to speak again. "How do you feel about my father's request? After all you're the one who's witnessed the worst of Justin's actions."

I could feel a lump in my throat as both of their eyes were on me. I had to swallow it down and give my honest opinion. "I understand not wanting him to come back, I never really want to share the same air with him again. But I also understand from the point of view of someone who's mother was dangerously sick." I focused my eyes on Damon. "I think you should allow him back, just for a few days."

"See, Kaydence gets it." Martin spoke up.

"Fuck you." Damon spat at Martin as he swiftly got up from the couch. He glanced down at me. "I'll be back, I need a minute." he spoke before heading outside.

"Dad he's just upset, he didn't mean that." I didn't want Martin to take Damon's words to heart.

"I know." Martin sighed. "He's just really worked up right now."

I got up from the couch. "I'll go check on him and make sure he's calming down."

Martin nodded. "Okay."

I walked out of the living room and went for the front door. I exited the home and Damon had walked off of the porch and onto a grassy area of the front yard. He stood there with his hands in his pockets as I approached him.

"Damon, I'm sorry if my words weren't what you wanted to hear." I spoke as I approached him.

He took a deep breath in and let it out. He turned around to face me before he said anything. "It's not that. I know you're both right."

"Then why are you taking this out on your father?" I asked.

He pulled me into his arms so our faces were only inches a part. "Because I don't want you two to be right."

"I know." I responded.

He placed his lips on mine. We kissed for a moment, letting our lips move in sync with each other. Then he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. "He almost took you away from me because he was selfish. I can't allow the slightest chance of that happening again."

I looked into his icy blue eyes. "I understand how you feel."

"I'm serious. You and our family are the most important things to me." He looked into my eyes intensely. "All of my money could be taken and the business could go under, I could handle that. But the thought of losing you is something I couldn't deal with. I don't want to take any risk."

"You won't lose me. But you also need to do the right thing here." I stated, hoping he would listen to me. "Justin is a terrible person, but it feels wrong to even think about keeping him away. Besides after seeing what you've done with his mother do you really think he'll come back and try to mess with us?"

I could see him thinking about my words.

"I'm going to go back inside, think about it for a moment longer. Then come back in and let me know what you decide. If you decide to keep him away then I won't question it. Just really think about it." I pulled away and went back into the living room.

"Well did he say anything?" Martin asked as I went to take my seat on the couch.

"He's taking a moment to think about it. He'll be in to let us know what decision has been made." I answered.

"I see. I hope he chooses the right thing." Martin responded.

"We'll see." I sighed.

Before either of us could speak further we heard the front door open. Damon swiftly walked into the room and pulled out his cellphone. Martin and I both looked at him as he dialed in a number and brought it to his ear. Damon looked at Martin intently as he waited for the other person to finally pick up.

The silence was thick as we waited to see what Damon's plan of action was. Finally the other person picked up and Damon spoke in a cold tone. "Your mother's back in Nashville at the mental facility. If you wish to see her I'll have a plane arranged. This is the only opportunity I'm allowing for your return, if you even miss the flight accidentally you won't have another chance. I'll send you the details once things have been set." he didn't wait for any response. Once he was done talking he removed the phone from his ear and hung up. His eyes remained on Martin. "Are you happy now?"