My Business Comes With One Condition

(Damon's POV)

I sat at my desk, trying to figure out my next move from here. My father was being careless and letting his feelings get in the way. If I had known this would be the result I wouldn't have said anything to him about Ava. It would have been a big secret to keep but it wouldn't be putting our family at risk.

My father wanted to test him, to see if he had learned his lesson. The thing is Justin's never learned. I was five when he was born and we practically grew up together. I knew how the real Justin was. Always entitled and I didn't feel like there had been any change in him. The only difference is he was careful around me. As if he was walking on eggshells and afraid to piss me off again.

"Sir. I've got feedback on that task that you ordered." Cody spoke as he entered my office.

I had him send some of his men to keep an eye on Justin. If he had to stay longer I would keep watch. There had to be more of a reason for his stay, I could feel it in my gut. Having Cody's men watch him would allow me to figure out what he's up to. It was also a way to make sure he stayed away from Kaydence.

"Good. What have you found?" I asked as I gave him all of my attention.

"Well it appears he's been going to the Hilliker Corporation. He's been there about three times in the past week." Cody began to go over the information he held. "I had one of my men do some digging and it appears that they had an opening for a management position."

I knew where this was going and I wasn't pleased. "I assume he's in the running for it. Is that what you're going to tell me?"

"Yes sir." Cody nodded. "After a little digging my men found out that he's one of the top candidates for the job."

"I see." I grabbed the phone from my desk and punched in numbers needed to get me straight to the secretary desk outside of my door.

"Yes Mr. Tipton?" Stacey asked after picking up the phone.

"Get a hold of Mason Hilliker for me. Tell him that I would like to meet with him immediately and that I won't be taking no for an answer." I directed.

"Yes sir. Would you like him to come here or do you want me to set up something at the Hilliker Corporation?" Stacey asked.

"Here would be preferred, but it is a timely matter so if I must go there that is fine." I answered.

"Alright sir, I'll get it set up and let you know when it's done." Stacey spoke through the phone.

"Thank you." I hung the phone up.

If Justin got a job here I would never get rid of him. He couldn't stay here, he just couldn't. I was clear on my rules and my father had to go and over rule me. I may have been forced to agree to let Justin have a week longer, but I didn't agree to playing nice. The Hilliker Corporation was the only one brave enough to give him an interview, that would be changing here soon.

I excused Cody and then sat patiently as I waited for the phone on my desk to ring again. It only took a matter of minutes. I picked it back up and held it to my ear. "Did you get it done?" I asked Stacey who was on the other end.

"Yes sir. Mason Hilliker is eager to meet with you. He should be here in the next thirty minutes." Stacey reported.

"Thank you again." I responded in a pleased tone.

I waited out the thirty minutes in my office. I didn't have any meetings today so this last minute visit from Mason was no big deal. We hadn't done any business with the Hilliker Corporation as they were just starting out a couple years ago. Now they had started to grow which explained the need for a manager position. I would be doing everything in my power to make sure it didn't go to Justin.

After waiting the phone rang on my desk again. I picked it up as I knew it was probably to let me know that Mason Hilliker arrived. "Is he here?" I asked.

"Yes sir." Stacey answered.

"Let him in." I hung up the phone.

I stood up as I waited for the man to enter my office. Seconds later the door opened to reveal a man my age. He had light brown hair and was clean shaven. "Mr. Tipton, I didn't expect to ever receive a call from you to personally invite me here." He spoke as he strode inside.

"Well, I thought it was about time that maybe we discuss some things." I responded. I held me hand out over my desk and he shook it in his. Then we both proceeded to sit down.

"What is the reason you wanted to meet exactly?" Mason asked.

"I heard that your corporation is wanting to expand. Is that correct?" I returned with my own question.

"Yes. We've been trying to work with other companies to help get our name out there so we can grow. So far it hasn't been too bad." He answered.

"You're a technical corporation from what I remember." I acknowledged. "I'm not mistaken am I?"

"You're correct Mr. Tipton." Mason nodded. "We deal with softwares and programs along with internet services."

"I would assume that you have quite the competition in this field. Is it hard for your company to branch out like the bigger ones?" I asked.

"Well yes." he responded. "But we have our faith that we can do it. We're working on a technical program to help in homes and at facilities where it would benefit. We just need to get a decent client and I feel like that would skyrocket our opportunity to move forward even more."

"Well, Mr. Hilliker you're in luck. I'm willing to help back your corporation. I'll even be the first to use your new technology. We can put it in my hotels if it would work in there." I offered.

"It most definitely would Mr. Tipton! I have a demo that's been recorded. I can show you." I could see Mason get excited.

"Hold on for a moment Mr. Hilliker." I spoke seriously. "Before we go over any more and get contracts prepped you must know one thing. My business comes with one condition."

"What is it?" Mason asked, I could see some concern on his face.

"I know Justin Moore is up for the new manager position at your company. Do not hire him." My tone was emotionless. "If you hire him then I will have your company buried. If you don't then I can help you taste the success you've only dreamed of."