Poor Excuse Of A Man Or Your Two Young Grandchildren

We ascended the steps of the porch attached to Martin's home. He insisted that we come over for dinner with him. Damon refused at first because he was extremely pissed off with his father for allowing Justin to be here longer. After some convincing though I got him to agree to the meal. Martin said it was important that we come as he wanted to discuss something.

Damon rang the doorbell and we waited for Davis to answer the door. Once he had we went inside to the living room where Martin was waiting for us in his chair. "Hello." he greeted us from his seat.

"Grandpa!" Sterling ran to Martin and gave him a hug as Damon and I took a seat together on the couch.

A smile crossed Martin's lip. "How are you young man?" He asked Sterling.

"I'm good!" Sterling answered happily. "Can I go play until dinner?"

"Of course." Martin nodded. "Davis, take the boy to the playroom."

"Yes sir." Davis responded before taking Sterling out of the room.

"What do you want to discuss?" Damon asked with irritation in his voice. He wanted to get right to the point. Once he knew what Martin wanted he could leave.

Martin gave a sigh. "We'll talk about it once we've eaten Damon. Otherwise you won't even stay for dinner."

"Is this about your piece of shit grandson?" Damon pressed for more information. "Because if it is whatever you have to say I don't want to hear it."

"Damon I'm not answering anything until after dinner. You will have to be patient." Martin responded.

"Patience." Damon scoffed. "I've been patient long enough. But fine old man, I'll play your game. I swear to god though if you brought me over here to talk about him again we will be leaving and we won't return. Ever."

"That's a little extreme don't you think?" Martin raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

"No." Damon responded coldly. "I cut you out of my life once before and I will do it again if forced. Pick your battles father. It's going to come down to either that poor excuse of a man or your two young grandchildren. I suggest you really think about it."

"Can't you just be civil?" I asked while looking at Damon. "He never said he wanted to talk about Justin. You're jumping to conclusions handsome."

"That's all he's wanted to talk about lately. So my gut tells me he's got us here for something that involves the little prick." Damon responded.

"So what? Let's at least have an enjoyable dinner with the man and see what he wants." I suggested. "Then if you want to leave we'll leave. But let's stop with this back and forth please."

"Fine. I'll lay off for now." He placed a kiss gently on my forehead. "Only for you though, not for him."

"I know." I sighed.

"Sir, I've gotten word that dinner is ready to be served." Davis came in before anyone could speak further on the matter.

"Thank you Davis, we'll be right there. Please grab Sterling for me." Martin directed.

"Yes sir." Davis nodded before leaving the room.

I stood from the couch. "Well, pregnant woman's gotta eat. Shall we get going to the dining room?"

"Of course." Martin grinned as he stood up from his chair.

Damon stood up and then we all went to the dining room. The tension from the living room only seemed to follow. Damon may not be voicing his opinion but I could see the anger he was holding back. It seemed to flash in his eyes every time he looked at his father tonight. For Martin's sake this really had better not be about Justin or I think Damon might lose it on him.

The cooks brought in the food and served it to us. We all began to eat while the room was tense with silence. But that silence only last until we were about halfway done.

"Sir, you have to wait! You can't go in there!" We heard Davis' voice as it seemed he was trying to stop someone from disrupting our dinner.

An enraged Justin turned the corner. His face was red with anger and only seemed to get worse when he locked eyes with Damon. "You son of a bitch! I needed that fucking job and you took it away like it was nothing!"

Damon stood up from his chair. "And I will do it again and again to keep you from staying here. You may have your grandfather fooled but not me. You should probably leave before I get more ideas on how to make your life hell." Damon's words were threatening.

I shifted in my chair uncomfortably. The way these two looked at each other was like they could kill the other and not care. I could feel that it was a matter of time before this broke out in a fight. I got up from my chair and began to move to the other end of the room. "Sterling, come here." I ordered.

Sterling looked back and forth between the two men. He didn't fight back at my words and got up from his seat quickly to meet me on the other end. "What's daddy going to do?" Sterling whispered quietly.

"I don't know. Hurry to the playroom while the adults talk. Don't come out until I tell you to. Do you understand?" My tone was serious, he needed to know I meant business.

"Yes mommy." Sterling nodded and left through the second exit of the dining room.

"I'm trying and you're making it fucking impossible! You already have everything, the company, Kaydence. Let me have some kind of life!" Justin shouted in rage.

"Some kind of life?" Damon let out a menacing chuckle. "I let you walk away, only taking one part of your body. You can have a life, but not here. Not where my family is."

"I should fucking kill you!" Justin spat.

"Don't make empty threats you pussy. Your mother isn't here to be the mastermind of your plans." Damon smiled sardonically.

That was enough to set Justin off. He lunged and tackled Damon to the ground. He had the element of surprise but that wasn't enough. Damon was stronger and had no problem flipping them. He held Justin by the throat.

"That's enough!" Martin shouted. It was clear he was fed up. Damon let go of Justin and they both stood up. "Justin go in to my study and wait for me. Now!" Martin ordered.

Justin shot Damon a threatening glance before he walked out of the room.

"Kaydence, get Sterling and let's go." Damon instructed me.

"Damon, can we speak for a moment?" Martin asked in a calmer tone.

"No." Damon responded coldly. "Enough has been said tonight. We're leaving and don't count on us to return."