She Clearly Knew His Temperament Well

Amethyst's launch of the spring line seemed to be well received by the customers. Even the response to the online store was fantastic. I was happy with how it all was turning out. The investors, including Damon, we're thrilled how things had taken off. Amethyst was a dream come true for me.

Today I was taking it easy with Sterling. We would make our trip to the orphanage for the week. He made sure he had the bracelet that Isabelle had made him on. He was just as excited this time as he was the last time. This little girl definitely some sort of grasp on his heart.

Max dropped us off at the front of the orphanage and we went inside. The children were outside playing once again. The spring weather was beautiful so there was no reason for them to be cooped up inside the building. Sterling held my hand as he led us outside where everyone else was at.

Sterling let go of my hand the moment his eyes fell on Isabelle. A slight smile crossed my lips as I watched him rush to meet her. He was such a gentleman and so caring. One day he would be with one lucky girl and I could tell he would give her the world.

"Hello Kaydence." Mrs. Strahm greeted as I approached the bench she sat on to watch the children.

"Hello Rebecca." I responded as I took a seat. "How are you?"

"I'm great!" She smiled. "Everything's going great."

"That's good to hear. Hey, I have a question." I glanced at Sterling to make sure he was where I could keep an eye on him. I then moved my gaze onto Rebecca.

"What is it?" She asked.

"How's Robert doing?" I looked at her curiously. "I haven't thought about him in a long time if I'm being honest. But some family events made him come to mind."

"He's doing well." She answered. "Still trying to figure some things out but he's good. What's brought him to your mind?"

"Oh, Ava has been put into a mental facility. Because of this Justin has made a return to Nashville. Just made me realize no one's asked about Robert since he left Ava." I explained.

She nodded. "Well it's kind of you to ask. As far as I know my cousin has never been better." She looked at her watch for a brief moment. "I'm sorry Kaydence, I have to go make a call. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Okay. Take your time." I smiled reassuringly. "I can watch the children for you."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Of course. It's no problem at all." I answered.

She thought for a second before speaking further. "Okay, if you have any trouble just come and get Emily."

"Sounds like a plan." I stated.

Rebecca got up from the bench and hurried back inside of the building. I looked out to the playground to monitor the children. I was pretty much just supposed to make sure that they didn't fight over anything and that they were playing nice. Most of the kids here were well behaved so I wasn't too worried about any of them causing trouble.

Sterling rushed over to me. He had Isabelle at his side to tag along with him. "Mommy, I have to go to the bathroom." He whispered to me.

"Okay. Can you go while I watch the kids?" I asked him in response.

"Yes." he nodded. "Izzy stay here with mommy." He instructed Isabelle before walking off to go to the bathroom.

Isabelle sat herself on the bench next to me. She was a beautiful little girl. Her chocolate brown hair was down today and had natural curls at the end. Her eyes were an interesting grey color. I got a glimpse of them as she glanced at me and then to the children on the playground.

"Why does Sterling want you to sit here until he gets back?" I asked her curiously.

Her attention came back to me. "He doesn't want Millie to try to be mean to me again." Isabelle answered in her small voice.

"She was mean? Do I need to get Mrs. Strahm to handle it?" I questioned further.

"No." Isabelle gave a small smile. "Millie wasn't really mean to me. She just took the toy I was playing with but that's okay. Sterling thought it was mean though."

"Did she at least ask if you were done with it?" I glanced out at the children and then back to Isabelle.

"No. But I set it down and left it for a minute." Isabelle answered. "She was going to give it back but I told her she could have a turn."

"And yet Sterling thought she was being mean?" I couldn't help the small smirk on my lips. He was taking Damon's words very seriously about it not being too early to take care of Isabelle.

"Yes. Only because he came over after I finished talking to Millie. Now I'm listening to him but really I'm keeping him away from making trouble." Isabelle explained.

"Smart girl." I gave her a warm smile.

"Sterling says you have his sister in your belly." She looked down to my bump and then back up to me.

"Yes." I nodded with a smile. "She'll be here in a little over two months."

"I bet she'll be pretty like you." Isabelle spoke with a shy smile.

"Well I hope so. But you know who's really beautiful?" I raised a brow as I spoke to her.

"Who?" She had a slightly puzzled look to her face.

"You are of course." I smiled once more at her.

"Thank you Mrs. Tipton." She spoke with another shy smile.

"Tell me Isabelle, what do you like to do around here?" I wanted to learn more about this girl that seemed to steal Sterling's attention.

"I like to paint and play with my friends. I also like story time a lot." She answered. "Oh and I like when we all eat! Mrs. Strahm and Miss Emily make the best meals for us."

"That's good to hear." As I responded Sterling had approached us.

"Are you ready to go play some more Izzy?" Sterling asked. It was cute how he was calling her by a nickname.

"Yes." She nodded and then looked at me. "May I be excused? We were talking and I don't want to be disrespectful if we're not done."

"You're excused." I gave her one last smile. "Go have fun."

I watched as Sterling took her hand in his. He led the way to the playground and she was content following behind me. There were a couple times where they had gone towards Millie but Isabelle then took charge and led him away. She clearly knew his temperament well and how to handle him, like I had learned how to handle Damon's.