I Can't Help Myself Sometimes

Sterling and I had returned from our visit to the orphanage. We walked inside of the Mansion where Damon was waiting to greet us. "Sterling, go get some clothes together for tonight and tomorrow." Damon ordered as he stood up from the couch.

Sterling nodded and headed right for his room. He knew Damon had been irritable lately so he didn't question too much when Damon wanted something. I watched as Sterling hurried up the steps. Once he was out of view I turned my gaze to Damon.

"Are we going somewhere?" I asked.

"Melissa's parents called and asked if they could have him for a night." Damon answered. "I thought it would be a good opportunity for them to spend some quality time together. Plus it gives you and I a chance to go out on our own."

"Okay." I nodded. "Sounds like a good plan."

"Why don't we go upstairs and change into something a little more formal." He suggested as he headed for the stairs.

I followed behind him as he led the way to the bedroom. He shut the door and went to the closet to get a fresh suit out. I went to the side that had all my clothing. The usual stuff I would wear had all been pushed back to make room for maternity outfits. I looked through all the dresses that I had. I settled on a dark purple silk dress.

I changed from the regular clothes I had on into the dress. I walked out of the walk in closet and met Damon back in the room. "Can you help me? I can't zip it up on my own."

"Of course." He responded as he made his way behind me. I felt the tug of the zipper. Once it was all the way up he remained at my backside. His hand wrapped around my waist and he placed small kisses on my neck.

"Keep that up and we won't make it out of this room." I smirked as I turned myself around in his arms.

His lips met mine and he kissed me with force. His lips dominated mine as they moved in sync with each other. Finally he pulled away to allow me to catch my breath. "You're right, there will be enough time for me to have you however I want later." His voice was filled with seduction.

"Oh is that so?" I smirked.

"Yes." A smirk of his own crossed his lips. His grip on my waist loosened. "Now let's finish up so we can go."

"Okay." I turned to go pick out my shoes. He gave me a gentle but firm slap on the butt as I started to walk away. "Hey!" I glanced over my shoulder and noticed he still had the smirk on his face as he looked me up and down.

"What? I can't help myself sometimes." He responded as he headed for the door of the room. "And there will be more where that came from later." He spoke once more before exiting the room.

He seemed to be in a much better mood today. I was relieved to see the slight change. Maybe he had finally decided to talk with Martin. I wanted to ask but my gut told me I needed to wait. Bringing it up would only set him off again and I didn't want that. Especially with him wanting to take me out tonight.

I put on the black strappy heels and made my way down stairs. Sterling was sitting with Damon talking about something. I couldn't catch what it was but they immediately stopped when they noticed my presence in the room. My first thought, it must be girl related.

"You look pretty mommy!" Sterling beamed with delight as he looked at me.

"Well thank you." I smiled.

"Not just pretty, stunning." Damon complimented as he stood up from the couch. "Are we ready to go now?"

"I am if you are." I glanced at Sterling.

"Yeah. Let's go!" Sterling rushed for the door of the garage. I chuckled as I watched him.

We all got into the black BMW and headed for the Bryant's home. Damon focused on the road and Sterling watched the traffic from the window. He liked to see the cars pass by and it usually had his attention for a while. I would be surprised if this boy didn't grow up to be a car enthusiast.

The drive went quickly and we pulled up to the Bryant residence. Sterling was excited to see his grandparents. He was even the first one out of the car. Damon grasped my hand in his as we walked behind the boy. Sterling rang the doorbell as soon as he had reached it.

"Hey." Trish greeted him with a smile before pulling him into a hug.

Hi grandma." Sterling spoke as she squeezed him tightly.

She let him go and then gave her attention to us. "Well don't you two look fancy." She smiled.

"I figured I'd take the opportunity to take Kaydence on a date since you guys are going to be keeping Sterling for the night." Damon responded.

"You both look great." Trish complimented. "Come in for a minute please."

"Of course." I smiled.

We went inside the house and took a seat in the living room. Since meeting with Peter and Trish we've been in contact with them frequently and everything was going great. Their relationship with Sterling was amazing and they even took the time to develop a relationship with us. This was the first time they had asked for Sterling to spend the night and we knew we could trust them.

"So how are you both?" Peter asked as he took a seat in the living room.

"We're both doing really well." Damon answered. "What about you two?"

"We're doing pretty good actually." Trish smiled.

I could see that there had been a change in her. The first time we met her she was a mother who was grieving and having trouble moving on. She still had her grief but Sterling gave her something to look forward to. I could tell he had brought these two so much joy with his presence. Damon's tracking them down had turned out to be one of the best things he's ever done.

We talked with Trish and Peter for about twenty minutes before we needed to leave. Damon had made a dinner reservation that we didn't want to miss. We both gave Sterling a hug goodbye and then left for the car.

"They seem happy." I spoke to Damon. "I'm glad that you were able to make this happen for them."

"Me too." he responded. His hand reached over and gripped my upper thigh. "Now onto our date. I've got one hell of a night planned."