He's Not Going To Be Happy With You

"Good morning boss." Julie smiled as she walked into Amethyst.

"Good morning." I greeted her in return. "You seem to be in a good mood today. You're not usually so cheerful in the morning, what gives?"

She let out a small chuckle. "Life is just really great right now."

"I see." I smirked. "I'm glad Cody seems to be treating you well."

"Yes." She blushed. "And I'm going to be done with college soon and then I can finally breathe from all this school garbage."

"Well good." I was happy for her. We had both come a long way since standing together at the local spot where we sold ourselves.

"How are you doing mommy to be?" She asked as she took a seat on a stool at the counter.

"I'm good." I answered.

"Any luck on Damon talking to his dad yet?" I could tell she was curious to know more information about the situation.

"No." I sighed.

It had been over a week and a half since Damon last saw or even spoke to Martin. I did my best not to pry too much but I did occasionally ask what his plan was. He was still being stubborn but it seemed to be getting less and less. Part of the problem was he was busy at work so he didn't have much time to step away for a matter that involved Justin.

"He's got to come around eventually right?" She responded.

"I sure hope so." I spoke. "I hate being in the dark about this Justin thing, I want to know more details. Like when he's leaving."

"Why don't you just talk to Martin then?" Julie suggested.

"I've thought about it."I glanced around and moved in closer so only she could hear me. "The problem is that Max reports to him about my day. I don't want to risk him finding out I've gone behind his back and it get us into an argument of our own."

"Understood." Julie nodded. "Your husband can be complicated sometimes."

"You're not wrong." I chuckled. "But I love him and I know he's bound to cave into talking to Martin on his own. Their relationship had improved a lot this past year, Damon's smart enough to not let it all go down the drain."

"How's the summer line coming?" She took the opportunity to change the subject of our conversation.

"I've just got a few more finishing touches but we'll be all good to do soon." I smiled.

I felt proud of myself for getting this done with such little time. My accomplishment terrified and excited me at the same time. It meant I was that much closer to meeting my daughter. I felt like we were as prepared as we could be but at the same time it still felt like we weren't prepared enough to take on a newborn.

"Well that's great!" Julie smiled excitedly.

The door of the shop opened and someone stepped inside. "Is there anything I can help you with?" Samantha, one of my staff members asked.

"I'm here to talk to Kaydence." A familiar voice spoke. It was an older woman's and I knew exactly who it belonged to.

"I'm right here." I spoke up as I rolled my eyes. "What do you want Meredith?"

She made her way to the counter where I stood. "I just wanted to talk with you." She responded.

"You know you aren't supposed to be here." I reminded her in a stern tone. "Does Damon know you've come back?"

"Well no." She looked slightly appalled that I brought him up. "This is a private family matter. Your husband has no business in this matter so no, I didn't ask for permission. I'm his elder, he should be respectful to me anyway."

"He's bound to find out. And he's not going to be happy with you." I responded.

"I don't care if that brat is happy with me or not." She spoke with annoyance. "You're my granddaughter and I have the right to come see you."

"Okay. Well no one said I wanted to see you Meredith." I shot back, my response seemed to take her by shock.

"Kaydence. Please let's just talk." She spoke in a calmer tone now. "In private?"

"No. I know you well enough to know I don't want to go off somewhere with you alone." I answered. "Whatever you need to say you can say it here."

She let out a small sigh. "I just really want to start over Kaydence. I returned to Dallas and it just hurt me so much that things had been left the way they were. Your father wouldn't want it to be this way."

"You're right My dad didn't want me to know you." I folded my arms over my chest. "And yet you can't seem to respect a dead man's wish."

"You were just a little girl when he passed. There's no way you can be so confident with his decisions. You knew him as a father, I knew him his whole life." She responded.

"Um, excuse me? Did you just tell me I don't know my father?" I was insulted by her words. "I feel like I have a pretty good idea of who the fuck my father is. You can get the fuck out of my store."

"I didn't mean it like-" She began to try to defend herself but I wouldn't have it.

"I don't care what you meant. I don't want you here and I felt like that's been made clear." I held my ground. "You don't get to come in here and act like you can tell me what to do. You are literally nothing to me and it's going to stay that way."

"Kaydence-" She started again but I cut her off once more.

"No. I told you to get out." I held back my anger the best I could so I didn't cause a scene. "Max!" I called for the guard that had been assigned to me.

"Yes Mrs. Tipton?" He spoke as he approached us.

"Can you please see this woman out. She's being a bother and disrupting my work." I ordered as I kept eye contact with Meredith.

She finally got a look of defeat and turned around. Max followed behind her to make sure she left. There had to be more reason for her to come back. From what I've learned the presence of a Bushemp meant that they wanted or needed something. I wasn't going to let her come in here and even have a chance to ask for anything.

I grabbed my purse and began to head for the door. "Where are you going?" Julie asked with a confused look on her face.

"I need to go to Tipton Enterprises." I responded. "I have to let him know she showed up here. That she didn't listen to his warning."