What If She Gets Worse?

We sat in silence for a moment after Meredith left the office. I glanced at Damon to see what his reaction would be now that she wasn't here. He finally removed his gaze from the door and down to me. "What?" He asked as he noticed my stare.

"You don't think she's a threat at all?" I asked.

He let out a low chuckle as he sat back down. "I don't think she is. The Bushemps are all talk and no action."

"What if she does do something?" I felt myself getting nervous. "She seemed pretty angry."

"She won't." he spoke with confidence. "She's already lost everything, why would she risk looking worse to the public? Because even if she did try anything it wouldn't be kept quiet."

"Okay." I nodded.

"You seem on edge about this." Damon observed. "Try to relax Love."

I'm trying to but let's be honest, they're not good people. I don't trust that she's just going to sit down and take this." I responded.

"And what exactly do you think she might do then?" He raised a brow.

"I don't know Damon. But she's been persistent on coming to see me. Who says this is going to stop her? What if she gets worse?" I knew a look of concern was plastered all over my face.

"I mean, I understand your point and where you're coming from. You're thinking too much about this though." He responded.

"Am I?" I questioned. "From all of the details I have been given I don't think we should just ignore her words. They seemed slightly threatening."

"I have been threatened more times than I can count. She was absolutely right, I have pissed off a lot of people. But you know what? Nothing ever comes of it." He seemed so sure that Meredith wasn't worth worrying about.

"Nothing ever comes of it? Damon, that's a lie. Justin is living proof of that and as I recall you've pissed him off recently as well." I gave a low sigh. "We have children involved now. We need to make sure nothing happens."

"I know Love. I'm fully aware of the situation." He seemed a little irritated by my questioning of the situation.

"We've just had so many good things going for us recently. I don't want anyone to come in and try to take it from us." I didn't want to frustrate him but we needed to be prepared for everything and anything.

He scooted the chair closer to me. He took my chin in between his finger and thumb to force me to look at him. "It'll be okay. I promise. If I thought Meredith was anything to worry about then I wouldn't push so far."

I nodded. "I guess as long as you feel confident, I'll trust your judgement."

He brought his lips to mine. We moved in sync with each other once more. His fingers left my chin as his hand went to the back of my head while he deepened the kiss. His lips dominated mine. Before pulling away he bit my bottom lip gently.

A smirk crossed my lips as he sat back in his chair. "See, you can't keep your hands off me."

"Come on Love, we both know better than that." A smirk of his own appeared. "I blame you though, you came here looking flawless."

I couldn't help but blush. "Thanks, but I didn't really try that hard to get ready today."

He placed a soft kiss on my cheek. "You never have to try hard. You're stunning always."

"Oh whatever." I playfully rolled my eyes.

We finished going through all the details for Amethyst after that. We determined the summer line would launch in the middle of June. It was around the same time as my due date but it would work. I wasn't necessarily needed for launch day, my work mainly came before that.

We finished going through everything and it was time for me to leave for home. Damon and I stood up and he wrapped his arms around me as he stood behind me. His hands began to caress my stomach.

"I just want you to know that I am so proud of you." he spoke into my ear. "You've done amazing things since we met. I'm very lucky to have had you come into my life Love."

"You're lucky?" A smile formed at my lips. "I think I'm the lucky one handsome. You've done so much for me I don't even know where to begin to repay you."

"Repay me?" he asked as he turned me around in his arms. "You don't need to repay me. You've already done so much for me that you don't seem to realize."

"Like what? Spend your money?" I looked at him as I was curious for his answer.

"No." he chuckled slightly. He then looked into my eyes, it was as if his icy blue orbs were staring into my soul. "You helped get my son, you're giving me a daughter on top of that. You've given me the family that I never knew I wanted so bad. And that is priceless."

I smiled as I closed the gap between us. I planted my lips onto his. My smile remained as I pulled away. "I love you Damon Tipton."

"And I love you Kaydence Tipton." he smirked.

I left the office after our moment and met Max down in front of the building. I got into the car and we started the drive home. I spent the time going through some emails and social media. Eventually the car stopped in the driveway outside of the garage. I arrived just as Cody was bringing Sterling home from school.

"Mommy!" He greeted me as he saw me walking up to the door. He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me into a hug.

"Hey there." I smiled as I ruffled his hair with my fingers. "How was school?"

"It was good." he answered. His icy blue eyes looked up at me. "When do I get to see grandpa again? He usually comes and gets me at least once from school."

Martin had been picking Sterling up from school once a week for some quality time together. Since Justin returned though Damon refused to allow the visits. He made sure the school knew as well so that if Martin just showed up he couldn't take him. I knew Sterling was missing their visits together.

"I don't know honey." I responded softly.

"Can you ask daddy please?" Sterling still looked into my eyes with his.

I tried to be patient with Damon but something had to give. This wasn't just affecting him and Martin. It affected everyone involved. Enough was enough on the stubbornness. I had given him enough time and something needed to be done. This would be talked about whether he liked it or not.

"Yes." I finally answered Sterling. "I'll talk to him tonight."