Talk To Your Dad

"Goodnight mom and dad." Sterling spoke in a pleasant tone as we tucked him into bed.

"Goodnight." I gave him a kiss on the forehead and we proceeded to exit the room.

Damon wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked down the hallway together. "So how was the rest of your day?" he asked.

"It was good." I answered as we stepped inside of the bedroom. "I want to talk to you though."

"About what?" he looked at me curiously.

"Well, it's about two things actually." I bit my lip nervously. I wanted to talk to him about Martin but I also wanted to discuss getting a car of my own. I wanted to have some independence when it came to toting the children around.

"Well, out with it Love." He spoke as he waited patiently for me to get to the point.

"Firstly, I want to talk about getting myself a vehicle of my own." I decided it was better to get the car thing out of the way before getting him worked up. I knew any conversation about Martin wasn't likely to go well.

"Why?" He raised a brow. "What's wrong with having Max take you around to places?"

"Nothing's wrong with it. But I was thinking the other day that the car is bound to get crowded with Sterling and Scarlett. I just want to be able to take them around myself." I explained.

"Then how am I supposed to have security keep an eye on you?" he asked.

"Have them follow me or something. I just want to be able to go somewhere without relying on others." I answered. "Think of it this way, you love driving your BMW. What if you had to depend on Cody to go anywhere and everywhere?"

He thought for a moment before answering. "I see your point. What kind of car do you want then Love? I'm happy to get anything of your choosing for you."

"I'm not sure yet. I would like to go look at some and go from there." I responded.

"Okay. We'll take some time around lunch to go take a look. I have some meetings that will run late so that's probably the best time to do it." He suggested.

I was pleased at how easy it was to have this part of the conversation with him. I had expected him to refuse right away. He seemed to prefer having security take me around but I was a little over it. I liked the thought of having a little independence when I wanted to go somewhere. I wouldn't have to give directions anymore and I would be able to even listen to the music if I wanted to.

"That works with me." I smiled.

"Now that's settled, is there anything else?" He asked.

I took a deep breath in and then out. It was time to start the harder conversation. I had a feeling this could blow up really bad. I knew Damon was still irritated and upset with Martin. But it was the only way to potentially make progress on the situation.

"Well, when I got home today Sterling was coming home as well." I started. "Now he was asking when he would see your father again."

"And what did you tell him?" I could see Damon was already slightly agitated and we hadn't really gotten into the conversation.

"I told him I would talk to you. Which is what I'm doing now." I watched him as I tried to figure out how he was going to react.

"What's there to talk about?" His response was short and he was clearly unhappy about the topic. "I warned my father and he made the wrong choice."

"You said you would think about talking to him Damon. I really think you should do it." I spoke as I sat on the bed.

"And I did think about it. I'm not doing it." He seemed to have made his mind up.

"Look, I get how you feel. But I think you need to talk to him. There is too much we still don't know." I just wanted to try to help and get some answers.

"Like what?" Damon scoffed.

"Like why Justin was allowed to stay and how long until he leaves. We need answers so that we know what to expect." I didn't like that Martin allowed Justin to stay, but Martin wasn't the type to act recklessly. There was more to this.

"I don't need to know." Damon responded. "All I know is he allowed Justin to be here. After that dumbass could have killed you, that's enough for me to never want to see him again."

"I want answers Damon. We have the right to know the details. I'm not asking you to go make up with him. I'm asking you to find out what the deal is." I knew this wasn't going to be easy and I had no intention of backing down. "If you don't reach out to him then I will."

I could see Damon go from annoyed to angry in a matter of seconds. "You will not. I'm trying to protect you! Let me do it my way!"

"Your way? I'm not a fan of your way Damon. Right now we're sitting here with no idea what we should expect from Justin! I don't want to feel like I have to watch my back!" I shot back at him.

"That's why I have security! I don't need answers, I got the one I already needed from him! My father chose that piece of shit, he's dead to me!" Damon's words were as cold as ice.

"That's not fair to him. That's not fair to Sterling either." I responded.

"I don't care about fair! I'm allowed to feel the way I do about this and I expect you to support my decisions!" He looked at me intensely as he spoke.

"I do support your decisions Damon, but I also know we need to know what we're up against!" My point was valid as well. I would feel better if I knew he wasn't a real threat.

"It doesn't matter Kaydence, I can handle that asshole! As long as I'm here he is nothing to worry about! Have a little faith in your husband, or is that too difficult for you?" He looked at me as if he was insulted but the look faded. "Your hormones are probably what's making you so irrational right now."

That was enough to piss me off. "Irrational because I want to know the details? Wow Damon, you really got me there." I scowled at him. I needed to take a break before going further into this conversation. I headed for the door of the bedroom but turned to look at him once more. "I may be hormonal but what's your excuse? Be a fucking adult Damon and talk to your dad instead of trying to invalidate my feelings." I left the room and slammed the door behind me.

I went down the stairs and into the kitchen. I figured some junk food might make me feel better. I wasn't by myself for long before I heard footsteps enter the kitchen. I purposely ignored Damon's presence.

"Look, I'm sorry. That was out of line and I shouldn't have said it." He was calmer now as he apologized. He let out a sigh. "I'll talk to him. I'm busy the next few days but I'll make time."