Where Are The Wounds?

"Kaydence, maybe you should get some rest." Martin suggested as he sat next to me.

"No." Closing my eyes was not an option right now.. "I can't rest until I know if he made it or not."

I gave them the all clear to resuscitate him but was that enough? There was no way he would give up easily. I needed him to keep fighting for his life. I refuse to accept that he would die here. He just couldn't.

"Okay." Martin nodded. "Can I get you anything?".

"No." I shook my head. "I need to make a call though."

"Take your time." Martin responded.

I pulled out my cell phone and called my mother and walked into a hall for privacy. I had called my mom earlier to briefly explain the situation but I couldn't get into it too much. I didn't want to alarm Sterling. All he knew is his dad was in the hospital. If it took a turn for the worse then I would have him here if we needed to say goodbyes.

"How are you Kaybug?" She asked as soon as she answered the phone.

"I'm hanging in there." I answered. "Will you make sure Sterling knows I love him and that I'll come explain things when Damon is stable."

"Of course." She responded. "Are you going to go home at all?"

"No. The police are looking things over. Thank you for watching Sterling and the dog for me."

"It's no problem sweetie. If you need to get some sleep please come here. I can have your bed ready for you." I could tell my mom was worried about me.

"I will. Thank you. I need to get back in case the doctor has any news." I wanted to check in but I didn't want to miss any news.

"Okay, I love you. Keep me updated." As she spoke I could hear Sterling playing in the background.

"Love you too mom." I hung up the phone after and went back to my seat in the waiting area.

"Kaydence, I would like to talk to you for a moment. Because we need to consider all outcomes." Martin stated.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think I need to have his Vice President take the lead until further notice. Just in case anything happens to Damon we need to be on top of things." Martin started to bring up his concern.

"No." I stopped him from saying anything more. "Damon is going to pull through this. I know he will. He has to."

"Kaydence, I-" He began again but I cut him off.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful and I'm sorry if it comes off that way but I think we should wait until we know what the outcome is for him." I spoke further. "Damon wouldn't want this to get around, we both know that. We'll talk about it if we need to, but for now we need to focus on Damon."

Martin nodded. "I understand. We'll wait then. May I ask where was your guard was when you found Damon?"

"I work better in the quiet when I'm alone. I had him watch the outside of the store. Then I excused him to go since I was only driving home and Damon seemed like he just wanted it to be the two of us tonight. He was reluctant but finally agreed and went on his way. " I explained.

Martin nodded in response and then we went back to sitting in silence. The wait seemed to go on forever. Finally after hours the doctor came through the doors. He had our full attention. "Mrs. Tipton, will you follow me?" The doctor spoke.

"Of course." I got up from the chair

Martin stood up and stayed by my side as the doctor walked us down a hallway and to an elevator. He pushed the button and we all got inside. "He's been moved to the intensive care unit. We'll talk more privately when we get up there."

"Okay." I nodded.

The elevator dinged and the doctor led us into another waiting area. Through the waiting area there was another door that led to all the ICU rooms. There were a ton of nurses on standby to care for any patient that needed it. The doctor led us into a private room and shut the door. This is a room where they usually shared details about patients one on one when it was serious.

"Have a seat please." The doctor motioned to the chairs in the room.

Martin and I both sat next to each other. "Is he okay?" I asked.

"Damon made it through the surgery without any issues. We found four bullets in his body that we have handed over to the police for evidence. We currently have him going through some blood transfusions." The doctor began to explain.

"So he'll be fine then?" Martin asked.

"By the blood loss and how his wounds looked I estimate he had been shot about three hours before he was brought in." He explained further. "His body did go into shock and the blood transfusion will help treat it. Now that the wounds have been taken care of it seems like he'll be okay. His body is responding well to the transfusions so that helps as well."

"Where are the wounds?" I wanted to know exactly where he had been shot.

"There are two on his right shoulder and two below that towards the small of his back. No major organs were hit so that's good. We've been monitoring him and things do look good. It's just a matter of getting his body to come out of the shock and to get the blood going through him properly again." The doctor answered.

I nodded. "Can I see him now?"

"Absolutely. Do either of you have any further questions for me before I take you to him?" The doctor looked between Martin and I.

"No, not at this time." I responded.

We all stood up and the doctor led us to the room Damon was in. My heart broke as I saw him hooked up to all of the machines. He still looked pale but hopefully the blood transfusion would fix that. I pulled up a chair and sat next to him.

"I'll give you a moment." Martin spoke before stepping out.

I grabbed Damon's hand in mine and I let the tears fall. "I shouldn't have stayed to work on that dress. I am so sorry." I felt slightly guilty that he didn't get medical attention as quickly as he could have. "I have my suspicions but I don't have anything to confirm on who did this to you. No matter what, I will figure it out handsome." I could feel determination grow within me. "They won't get away with this."