There Will Be Hell To Pay

I only left the hospital once I knew Damon was stable. He hadn't woken up yet but the transfusions seemed to have helped him a lot. The doctor was satisfied with how much progress Damon had made. It was just a matter of time before he woke up.

I refused to leave his side for longer than a few minutes. I wanted to be there for him when he did wake up so I put Julie in charge of watching over Amethyst. She was keeping me updated on any information that I needed to know. It helped ease the stress of the situation for right now.

It had been about three days since the incident and it felt like the longest days of my life. Martin had decided to address the public so now everyone knew Damon had been shot. There was a lot of support for him on social media. I was even surprised by some of the messages that I was receiving. People wanted to check in on us

The detective on the case had come in to talk to me. They reviewed the security footage along with other evidence like a footprint. They were confident that the culprit had to be a male. Their face was hidden well in the picture they had shown me so it still didn't tell us much. That ruled out Meredith at least.

"Can you get me a list of possible enemies that your husband may have had Mrs. Tipton?" The female detective asked.

"I don't know. He kind of has a habit for pissing people off. I'll see if his secretary can get me a list of people that he's tried making deals with that didn't work out." I answered.

I didn't know if the list mattered though. We had confirmation from the evidence collected it was a man. They also pointed out that entry wasn't forced. The only person I could think of that Damon would have opened the door for would have been Justin. It had to be him at this point.

"That would be really helpful Mrs. Tipton." The detective responded. "Here's my card, just give me a call when you have the list put together or you can have his secretary email it to me." She handed me the card before getting up to leave.

"Okay." I nodded.

The detective left after that. I was here by myself right now as Martin decided to go help handle things at Tipton Enterprises. I felt Scarlett kick as my stomach growled. I needed to get something to eat. I stood up and placed a kiss on Damon's lips. If this were a movie it would be this moment where he would wake up, but life wasn't a movie.

"I'll be back." I spoke to him. I wasn't sure if could hear me like I had heard him when I was in a coma. But just in case I made sure I talked with him.

I hated that he was still out of it. I would give anything to feel his hands all over me again. To feel his lips on mine with that hunger that they always had. I hated not being able to have a full conversation with him. I needed him to wake up and he needed to do it soon. I was trying my best to be strong but it's just so damn hard!

I made my way down to the cafeteria where I got myself a thing of mixed fruit and some fries. I wanted food that I could eat quickly so I could get back up to the ICU where Damon was at. I wolfed both the fruit and fries down as if they were nothing. I then bought myself a bottle of juice to take back up stairs with me.

As I walked the hallway to get back to the elevator a familiar figure caught my eye. There was Justin who was wearing a light blue button up shirt and black pants. He didn't notice me. I chose to follow him to confront him. This was a public place and I knew he couldn't do anything to me here.

I followed him closely for a moment before I mustered up the courage to get his attention. "Justin." I spoke his name loudly.

He turned around to face me. "Kaydence? Are you following me?" He asked with a puzzled expression.

"You did it, didn't you?" He was my prime suspect now. He proved before he was capable of anything when we were together. It just made sense that it would be him.

"Did what?" he asked as if he didn't know right away what I was referring to.

I closed the gap in between us. "You threatened to kill him. It had to be you who shot him." I spoke sternly.

"Kaydence, I didn't do it." Justin denied my accusation. "I heard he's going to be okay though, is that right?"

"Yes, he'll be okay. We're waiting for him to wake up. I bet you're here to see him aren't you?" I asked. "To see if there's any way for you to finish the job. Then you can weasel back in and take the company. I bet that's what you're up to, isn't it?"

"No. I'm here because I was seeing my doctor for treatment." Justin responded. He seemed as if he was being truthful but I knew this could be an act.

"Treatment for what?" I studied him and there weren't any injuries on him.

"I'm not going to say. It's my business." he answered.

"I don't buy it. I still think you shot him, I just can't prove it yet." I scowled at him. "But when I do I'll make sure you pay for it."

"I can assure you I did not do it." He continued to insist on his innocence. "I may have threatened him but it was an empty threat. I was never going to act on it. I was just angry."

"Why are you still here then? Why can't you just leave and stay out of our lives?" I was losing my confidence. I thought if I confronted him that he would confess and then I could feel better about someone coming into our home.. "Can you just admit it was you that did it? Because if it wasn't you then I don't know who else that's a man that would want to hurt him like this. I don't feel safe in my home."

He let out a sigh. "I'm still here because I'm bipolar, like my mother. Which explains a lot of things actually. Martin kept me around only to get me treated. Once I finish my program in a couple weeks I'm gone. I've been busy here, you can check the logs for all I care. I was probably here when it happened."

I studied him over once more. He was a damn good liar before so I still didn't buy it. The only one who could back this up would be Martin and I intended to ask him once he returned from the company. "I still won't be ruling you out of my list of suspects." I turned around to go back to the ICU.

"Kaydence." he called out, I turned around to see what else he had to say. "Someone shot Damon Tipton and he didn't die. He's one of the most ruthless men to walk this earth, I know it and so does everyone else. If it was me, I wouldn't be sticking around long. Whoever did it probably hurried out of Nashville once they heard he was still alive. It's only a matter of time until he wakes up and once he does there will be hell to pay."