So He Was Telling The Truth

I dialed Martin on my phone while the doctor and nurses were checking Damon out. "Kaydence, is there any news?" Martin asked as soon as he picked up.

"He's awake." I informed him.

"That's great!" There was some cheerfulness in his voice.

"Yeah. He wants you to come to the hospital so we can all sit down and talk." I stated. "He says there's some family business to go over."

"I see." Martin seemed to think for a moment. "I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay. I'll let him know." I responded.

I hung up the phone and went back into the room. The doctor seemed to be finishing up looking at Damon. I could tell by the expression on Damon's face he wasn't thrilled to be poked and prodded. "Are you done yet?" He asked with an annoyed tone.

"Yes." The doctor answered and then turned his attention to me. "It seems that blood flow and everything has returned to normal. I'd like to monitor a couple more days but he should be able to go home by the end of the week."

"That's great." The good news left a slight smile on my face. This is what I've been waiting to hear.

The doctor turned his attention back to Damon. "The nurse will be back in a couple hours to change your bandages and to go over the aftercare with you."

"Okay." Damon still had the annoyed look on his face.

"Stop it." I shot him a warning glance.

Damon let out a sigh. "Thank you doctor."

"No problem, I'll be around later to check in on you." The doctor then left the room.

"You should be grateful that these people are helping you. Cut them a break and take it easy on them handsome." I pulled up a chair and sat on the side of him.

"I just am not a fan of people in my personal space." He responded.

"I know that. But it's only for a couple days. Relax." I took his hand in mine.

It was a relief to see him awake. It was like I could finally breathe and relax myself. I glanced at him and it seemed he was deep in thought about something.

"What's on your mind?" I asked in a soft voice.

"I'm still trying to process everything to be honest. How the hell did I let myself get into this position Love?" I could tell he seemed a little frustrated.

"You didn't let yourself get into it. How could you know that someone would show up to our home and try to kill you?" I responded.

"I will figure out who it was." I could hear the confidence in his voice.

A darkness flashed in his eyes which managed to send shivers down my spine. He seemed determined to get his revenge. From the things I've witnessed this wasn't going to be ending well for whoever it was that attempted to kill him. Trying to take Damon Tipton down was a bold move, but they didn't succeed. It was a matter of time before he would be after them.

There was a knock on the door and Martin entered the room. I could see a look of relief as he saw his son was sitting up and awake. "How are you feeling?" Martin asked as he took a seat.

"Like I got shot four times from behind." Damon answered dryly. The more he faced reality the more he seemed to get irritated by the situation.

"Well, you're looking a lot better." Martin acknowledged as he looked him over. "What is it you wanted to discuss?"

"All this time at the hospital and you didn't tell her the truth about Justin?" Damon asked Martin. "Why not?"

"Because Justin wasn't a concern for her. You were the priority and it needed to stay that way." Martin gave his reason.

"Is it about him being bipolar like Ava?" I chimed in with my own question.

"Yes. How do you know?" Martin looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"I saw him in the hall when I was waiting here by myself and we spoke. I accused him of doing this to Damon but he said he didn't. Then when I asked why he was still here he told me he was getting treatment." I explained.

Martin nodded. "That is correct. He's leaving once he finishes the program to get his emotions and everything in line."

"I still don't know if I should believe that this wasn't him though." I responded.

"It wasn't." Damon spoke. "It couldn't have been Justin."

"Why not?" I wanted to know exactly what he knew that I didn't.

"Because on my way home I stopped in to chat with him. I literally gave him a ride here to the hospital and watched him check in." Damon explained. "His treatment lasts hours here. By the time he would have finished treatment and got to the mansion I would've already been shot."

I nodded in response to the new information I had just received. "So he was telling the truth to me in the hallway then."

"It would seem that he has told you at least a little truth anyway." Damon responded. "It had to be someone else who did this to me."

"Kaydence mentioned the Bushemps, what's your thought on them?" Martin asked.

Damon scoffed. "Meredith is all talk and no bite. We know that. Besides they said it was a man that was on the footage."

"Are you sure we should rule them out completely? Just because it wasn't here doesn't mean she wasn't involved." Martin added.

"Father, I really don't think it was them. Now the sooner I get out of this fucking hospital I can get to work on this." I could still sense he was frustrated.

"You're going to have to take it easy before you dive into this Damon. Almost dying is something big to recover from." I could tell Martin was concerned about him over doing it.

"Take it easy?" Damon gave a mocking smile. "Fuck that. I don't take it easy."

"Damon." I grabbed his hand in mine. "We almost lost you. You're going to take it easy when you get home. For Sterling and Scarlett, we can't risk you being set back. Especially this close to Scarlett's arrival."

"But I need to get this figured out." He responded. His voice was determined but in his eyes I could tell there was a hint of worry.

"When you've rested enough, fine. But at least give it a week." I pleaded with him.

He nodded. "Fine. But then I'm going to find the motherfucker. And when I figure out who it is I'll make them regret their entire fucking existence."