What Do We Do?

"I'll be back in a little bit okay?" I spoke to Damon as I gathered my things.

"I don't know why he can't just come here to examine you. It is a hospital after all." Damon wasn't pleased I was leaving.

"Because Dr. Hyde has a whole clinic with multiple patients." I responded. "I also have to check in at Amethyst. Julie has been doing much more than she's paid to do."

"Just get back here soon Love. My father won't even let me check on the company so it gets boring without." He sighed.

"I know. I won't take long." I reassured him. "And then we'll have Sterling come and pay you a visit."

"I would love that." He gave a slight smile.

I placed my lips on his to give him a kiss goodbye. As I pulled away and headed for the door he grabbed my hand in his to stop me. I glanced back at him to see what he was doing. This man took a moment to check out my ass.

"Hmm." He bit his bottom lip. "I need to get out of this hospital soon. I have needs that need to be attended to."

I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you take a nap?" I suggested.

"Maybe I will." he smirked. "But I can't guarantee I won't dream about all the dirty things I can do to you."

"You're impossible." I sighed. "But I love you and I'll see you later."

"I love you too." The smirk on his face was still there as I left the room.

I walked out of the hospital doors and got into my car. I headed for Amethyst first just to make sure everything was running smoothly. I could see Max following behind me. He had almost been fired on the spot for not following me home when I found Damon. Fortunately I was able to talk Damon down since it was me who had Max go his own way that night. However now he made sure he wouldn't slip up again.

I arrived at Amethyst a few minutes later. I exited the car and went inside of the store. Everything was looking great in here. The store didn't necessarily need me to run, I just designed the clothing we sold.

"Kay!!!" Julie practically screamed as she noticed I had come into the store. She had been getting her updates mainly from Cody. He was standing guard at the hospital outside of Damon's room.

"Hey." I gave her a small smile. "How are things?"

"They've been great. Ms. Briar came and picked up her dress. She loved it!" Julie informed me. "There have been a few people who have come in just to see if you're here since the news about Damon got out. Some people have even brought in flowers to give to you. I've got them on your desk in the back room."

"Really?" I began to head for the room. I was touched that complete strangers would send something to us.

I opened the door to see there were indeed flowers all over my desk in vases. "Crazy isn't it? The people were a little disappointed you weren't here but they understood." Julie spoke as she looked into the room with me.

"Wow. I didn't know people would care so much." I was in shock.

"I mean there are plenty who know who Damon is and they respect him. Which means as his wife you get their respect as well." Julie responded. "Anyone can tell this couldn't be easy for a pregnant woman."

"Yeah. It's been a real mess." I sighed.

"Is he doing okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. He's kind of moody though, this has been hard on him." I answered.

I continued talking with Julie a little longer. We went over all the things that have happened in store over the past few days. She had been doing a damn good job making sure nothing went wrong. I was grateful to have such a supportive friend. She was always there when I needed her the most.

Once I finished checking on Amethyst I was off to the women's clinic to check in on Scarlett. I was disappointed that Damon couldn't join me today. He had enjoyed coming to every appointment since finding out about the pregnancy. But it was important for him to rest and get healed. There would be more appointments he could attend.

I arrived at the women's clinic and did my usual check in. I was weighed and had my blood pressure checked. Then I was taken into the room where I waited for Dr. Hyde. He was always fairly quick so I didn't have to wait long.

"Hey Kaydence." He greeted me as he came into the room.

"Hello." I responded.

"How are you doing? I heard about Damon." I could see some concern in his face.

"I'm doing a lot better now that I know he's doing okay. It's been hard though." I answered.

"Understandable." Dr. Hyde nodded. We talked about the details of Damon as he proceeded with the examination.

"Is she doing okay?" I asked as he finished up.

"Yes." He nodded. "Do you have any concerns for me before we finish up?"

"Actually I do." I was nervous I would sound stupid because it seemed like such a small matter. "I've been having braxton hicks quite frequently last night. They don't hurt too much, it's like they go away but then come back. What can I do about it?"

Dr. Hyde thought for a moment. "Maybe we should check your dilation. I'll step out, undress from the waist down please." hand me a thing to cover my bottom half with.

"Okay." I nodded. I undressed quickly once he had stepped out. He knocked on the door a few minutes later letting me know he was coming back in.

We continued on with the exam. He checked my dilation but decided to do a vaginal ultrasound as well. I was beginning to feel a little nervous by his silence. Finally he finished up and left for me to get dressed again. He waited a few minutes and then returned.

"We need to have a talk." I could tell this had become serious.

"What's wrong?" I was getting anxious.

"You're in preterm labor. Sometimes it just happens but stress can cause it as well." He was blunt and got to the point.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Well, I suggest doing two things. I'll give you a medication that will hopefully stop the contractions and I want to do a steroid shot to help mature the baby's lungs." He directed. "With the way things are looking, you're not going to make it to the full forty weeks."