Doesn’t Mean I Can’t Help You

"How was work today?" I asked Damon as we all sat down at the dinner table.

"Not bad." he responded as he took a bite of the food on his plate.

He had returned back to work a couple days ago and I did notice a slight improvement in his mood. Either going back to work had actually helped him or he was a damn good actor. I was observant though, I wasn't letting him off the hook until I knew for sure he was okay. I wasn't about to let him lose himself over this.

"That's good." I spoke once more. "I saw Dr. Hyde today. We've officially made it to thirty-five weeks. He gave me another shot to help her lungs out. He's confident that if she can hang on for another week or two she'll come out as if she was full term had reached the whole forty weeks."

"That's amazing Love." He gave a small smile. In his eyes I could tell for the first time since he came home that he actually seemed at least a little happy.

Sterling talked about his day at school while we all finished eating dinner. Then it was time to get him ready to go to bed. Damon joined me for the first time as I tucked Sterling in and read him a book. Things seemed to start getting back to normal.

Once Sterling was in bed Damon and I went back to our bedroom. He pulled me into his arms once the door was closed. He held me tightly against him. "Thank you for your patience with me Love."

I placed a soft kiss on his neck. "I love you so much Damon. I just need to know that you're really feeling better though."

He loosened up his grip on me and used his hand to gently grab my chin and make my eyes look into his. "Everything is going to be okay. I'm making sure of it."

His lips met mine before I could respond. We moved in sync with each other and I could feel his hands move to my ass. He gently squeezed before he pulled away from me. I could feel myself aching for more of his touch but we had to control ourselves. We had been warned that sex would end up making me go into labor sooner than we needed.

He removed a hand off my ass and used it to brush some of my golden hair behind my ear. "You have no idea how bad I want you right now." His husky voice spoke with seduction.

"I can assure you, the feeling is mutual." I responded. "But we have to wait."

"I know." he placed a kiss on my cheek as he grabbed my hand and moved it down to the erection that was being held back by his pants. "It doesn't mean that I can't show you what you do to me though."

He released me and began to undress down to his boxers. I could feel myself stare at him as stripped down. From the front you couldn't tell that anything had happened to him. His body was still toned and chiseled perfectly. I knew I wanted him badly but I couldn't give in. It was too much of a risk.

He headed for the bathroom once he had stripped down all the way, even leaving his boxers on the floor now. I knew he was going to take a shower. It was the only way he could help calm himself down from the build up of sexual tension. Without thinking I began to strip off my own clothing.

I followed him into the bathroom. He was already in the walk-in shower when I entered. The water dripping down his body made the scene even hotter. I took him by surprise as I got in standing behind him. I reached around and took his manhood into my hands.

"Just because I can't do anything doesn't mean I can't help you." I spoke as I placed soft kisses on his shoulder that didn't have any bandage on it.

I stroked his member as he placed one of his hands against the wall to help support himself. I could hear small grunts coming from him as I worked on him. He had so much built up emotion already that I didn't want to make this add on to it. I was determined to get him off, he needed the release.

I could feel myself grow slick from being excited as I moved my hand up and down on his shaft. This pelvic rest thing was a bitch. I would love for him to have his way with me. Unfortunately I couldn't, but it was a lot easier for me to disregard the wetness I felt compared to him hiding an erection. God knows this man could do whatever he wanted to me though after we had gotten the all clear from the doctor once Scarlett was born.

I continued moving my hand on him. I gave his erection a gentle squeeze here and there as I knew he liked it. My naked body was pressed against his as close as I could get it. I could hear his grunts begin to get closer and closer together. I moved my hand faster to help him reach the edge he needed.

"Cum for Damon." I spoke seductively as my lips brushed his shoulder once more.

He finally had enough. I could feel his body tense as he reached his climax. He seemed to relax once he had finished. All evidence of what I had just done to him washed down the drain to leave no mess. He turned around and kissed me as he gently pinned me against the wall. His lips were hungry for mine as they moved together once more.

"You're amazing." he spoke once our lips finally parted. "I love you."

"I love you too." I responded.

We finished in the shower and headed right for bed after his bandages had been changed. I woke up after a couple hours of sleep to use the bathroom. It was when I returned that I noticed the spot on the bed beside me was empty. I grabbed the silk robe and wrapped it around me as I went to go find Damon. I knew it in my gut exactly where he was.

I went down the stairs quietly and reached the hallway. I made my way to the door of the study. I took a deep breath and turned the knob. Eventually I would have to get over my feelings for this room. I opened the door and there he was sitting at the computer.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I entered the room and approached him.

"Going through the footage for the first time myself." He answered as he was still focused on the screen. "I couldn't sleep."

I walked behind him and watched the screen with him. "Do you have any idea of who it could be? I couldn't figure it out. But it seems they knew where to avoid showing their face."

"I noticed that too." he spoke as he played the footage once more.

I watched with him but I had to look away once it got to the point of him being shot. I had a hard time looking at it. It only reminded me of what I had walked into hours after that. Finding Damon half alive had been a traumatizing experience. I hated that I couldn't get it out of my mind.

He played the footage again and paused it right before he had been shot. He studied the image for a moment. "I think I know where to start on my list of suspects."