Get Him Again Justin

(Damon's POV)

"We're here sir." Cody spoke as he put the car in park and turned it off.

"Thank you." I responded as I opened the door and got out of the vehicle.

Cody followed behind me as I made my way to the warehouse. I stopped before entering at the sound of another car arriving. Justin was now driving an older version of his Audi A6 that he totaled when he tried taking Kaydence. Except this one was red instead of silver. He got out of the car and headed in my direction.

"Am I late?" he asked.

"No. You're right on time." I responded.

I took the pack of cigarettes out of my pocket. I took one out and lit it up. I knew it was dumb to continue this habit but right now it was the only thing that was helping me. I could only indulge in it though when I knew I wouldn't be seeing Kaydence right after.

"Want one?" I held the pack out to Justin.

He nodded as he took one and borrowed my lighter. He took a puff from the cigarette and then let out the smoke. "So what led you to Dexter Chambers?" Justin asked about the man I had him help pick up and bring to the warehouse.

"Going over the footage I recognized a tattoo on the wrist. It was difficult to make out at first but then I realized it was the tattoo of a serpent. I've only ever met one person who had one." I answered as I inhaled the contents of the cigarette.

"And what exactly did you do to piss this guy off?" Justin questioned.

I let out a slight chuckle. "He wanted to do more business so badly with Tipton Enterprises he was practically begging to suck my dick. He was insulted I guess when instead I told him to get the hell out and I cut ties with the company he was sent from." I explained. "Unlike you I do business ethically, I didn't want to be a part of a company where they felt I needed to be bribed. After that he sent a bunch of empty threats and didn't stop until I had my guards beat the shit out of him."

"I see." Justin responded. "You really think he had the balls to come and try to kill you then?"

"I don't know." I sighed and finished off my cigarette. "But at this point I'm considering any possibility. I can't be too careful, I have to check into anyone who is a suspect. I also looked into it and he had been in Nashville the day I was shot. I'm not sure exactly what he was doing but that's why we're here."

We walked into the warehouse where Dexter Chambers was tied to a chair. He was a slimmer build to me. His hair was cut short and a dark blonde. His dark blue eyes grew wide as he saw me enter the room. That wasn't a give away exactly, everyone who's pissed me off gets a similar look when they see me approaching. It might be sick but watching how people feared me was nothing but pleasing.

"Looks like we meet again Mr. Chambers." I smiled sadistically.

He was gagged so he couldn't respond. I could tell he was trying to say something but it just came out in mumbled noises. He looked between Justin and I and I could tell he was breathing heavily. He seemed scared. Perfect, that's what I wanted.

"Remove the gag." I ordered one of the guards who had tied him up for me.

The guard hurried over and removed the gag from Dexter's mouth. Once it was off he already began speaking. "Mr. Tipton, what is this about? I haven't contacted you in two years. What do you want with me?"

I gave him a punch to the face to shut him up. When he looked back at me I could see his lip was slightly busted open. "You listen to me motherfucker! You don't ask the questions here, I do!" I spoke coldly.

He nodded in response to me.

"What were you doing in Nashville a little over two weeks ago?" I questioned in a calmer tone.

"That's none of your business." He responded.

"Wrong answer." I responded and gave him another punch to the face. I then closed the gap between us. "I got shot and almost fucking died! You were in town so yes it is my fucking business!" My voice roared with anger.

I backed away and signaled for Justin. He took the red hot branding iron out of the fire I had my guys prepare before we arrived at the warehouse. "Where do you want it Damon?" Justin asked.

"His face." I ordered.

The look of panic over Dexter's face was priceless. He went pale as Justin placed the iron against his cheek. I could hear it sizzle as Dexter cried out in pain. "Fine, I'll fucking tell you!" He shouted.

Justin backed off as I walked towards Dexter. "Oh, now you'll tell me? I'm afraid it doesn't work like that." I gave him a sardonic smile. "Get him again Justin."

I backed away as Justin branded him once more. There was nothing in particular on the brand, I just wanted to fuck up his face. I watched the scene again as Dexter screamed out once more. Then Justin backed away and I approached again. I could see his face filled with fear, and I fucking enjoyed it. I finally began to feel the power that I had felt like I lost.

"Now we can talk." I spoke. "Where were you a little over two weeks ago? It was Friday night."

"I was at my sister's wedding. You can look at security footage and you can even call her if you want." he spoke in between the deep breaths he took to calm himself down.

I turned around to face Cody. "Check into it." I ordered.

Cody nodded and left the warehouse. I decided I needed to take a breather. I walked to the door that led outside. I leaned against the building as I took another cigarette out of the pack and lit it up. I could feel the slight stress I had melt away. Once I finished I headed back inside and waited for Cody to give me the information I requested.

I was pleased when he returned so quickly. "He's cleared sir. It appears he was the groom's best man so he was present the entire wedding, even the time you had been shot.".

I could feel the rage within me. I really thought I may have figured it out but I was wrong. It clearly wasn't going to be as easy as I had thought to get my answers. I rushed over with my face full of rage. "Where'd you get your stupid ass tattoo?!" I asked, this was what led me to him.

"A little shop in the city." he answered quickly. "The artist's name is Scottie."

"You're free to go but if anyone finds out about this I will come and kill you." I threatened.