You Finally Admit You Have A Problem

Damon and I drove back to our home silently. Sterling had begged to stay with Martin for the night. I allowed it without a second thought. Damon and I needed to have a more in depth talk about this dinner he planned and then kept his distance. Sterling also deserved to feel at ease for at least one night.

We pulled into the driveway and I went inside without waiting for him. I made my way to the bedroom so we could have privacy. I could hear Damon following behind me. The bedroom door opened and then closed shortly after I had come in here.

"Did I do something wrong?" Damon asked.

I sighed as I turned to look at him. "You are so hard to read and I don't know what to do about it."

"What do you mean?" He questioned further.

"You seemed to be emotionless and distant at dinner, but before we leave you're apologizing for not being enough. Are you really sorry or at this point do you just tell me what you think I want to hear?" I responded with a question of my own.

"No. I really am sorry I haven't been enough." I could tell he was trying to sound sincere but it just sounded forced.

"Then why does it seem you didn't even want to be at the dinner you planned?" I felt like I couldn't win with him. When I finally felt like he was getting some progress it was like he went right back to closing himself up.

"I'm trying Love. I'm sorry if I'm struggling right now. I don't enjoy leaving the house or being around company right now. I'm sorry." I could tell he was trying to hide the irritation in his tone but he wasn't successful.

"Why? Why don't you enjoy it Damon?" My voice was slightly raised as my frustration was coming to the surface.

"Because I just fucking don't Kaydence!" I could tell he was frustrated and annoyed that I was asking him and not just letting this go.

"Give me a good answer Damon. You're the only one who knows what's going on in your head." I crossed my arms over my chest. I felt like maybe if I got him to admit his true emotions then maybe we could make some actual progress.

"You're right, I'm the only one who knows what's going on in my head so why don't you quit acting like you know everything?" He sneered.

"You're sister had that same thought I bet when she knew something was off in her mind. She didn't seek help and now look where she's at Damon." I knew it wasn't the best idea to bring Ava up but the words left my mouth before my brain had a moment to think it through.

A mocking smile appeared on his lips. "Really? We're going to go there now?"

"Yes." I responded.

"I'm nothing like that bitch." I could tell he was offended by my comparison.

"I never said you were. I was just bringing up that she had a mental issue and refused to get it treated. You clearly need help and you continue to refuse it." I defended my words. I knew it wasn't the best but maybe the example made could get through to him finally.

"I don't need fucking help!" His voice roared with anger.

"Your son has been on his best behavior just so you don't lose it on him again, you've raised your voice to me and you let yourself indulge in alcohol. Getting help doesn't make you weak, refusing it and letting yourself destroy yourself is weak Damon!" I kept my voice raised. I wasn't backing down to him. I wasn't easing up to be patient, clearly it wasn't working.

"I'm fine!" he was adamant on his answer but at this point I could sense that he knew he was lying to himself.

"You're father's already practically lost Ava, you're all that he has left of your mother. Do you think she would want you to lose yourself over this?" I asked.

His face went red with anger as I brought up Constance. "That's fucking low! Bringing my mother into this, she's dead Kaydence so it's not like I can go ask her how to fucking fix this all!"

"That wasn't the point. The point is as a mother she would want what's best for you Damon and this is not it. She would want you to get help!" I responded.

"Well thank you for your opinion but I'm pretty sure I'm doing what's best for me right now." he's irritation and annoyance still remained clear in his voice.

"Really? Because I think you know you're losing that battle you're having in your mind but you're too scared to admit it." I looked right into his icy blue eyes. "Is this the new Damon? Because if so we have some reevaluating to do. I don't like this and I refuse to live like this for the rest of my life."

"What are you going to do? Fucking leave me? Go back to your mother's house?" he asked coldly. "All because I may be suffering from a little PTSD. What happened to the in sickness and in health part of the vows, huh?"

"So you finally admit you have a problem." It wasn't much but it was something. "As for the vows, well Damon you're refusing to help me take care of you. You said in the hospital you're nightmare of Sterling and I never being here hurt you. But maybe you'll actually forget your pride and help yourself if you have a taste of what life without us is like."

"He's my blood, not yours." That was the only response Damon gave me.

I could feel myself surprised and slightly hurt. "I signed the papers Damon, he's mine too now."

Damon let out a menacing chuckle. "Leave me and I'll make sure Scarlett comes home with me as well."

"You're being an asshole right now Damon. You may have done a lot for me but I'm the reason you have these kids in the first place! Fuck you!" I shot back.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I headed for the closet to get out of my dress. I knew he was just angry because I called him out on his issue and made him admit it. As I turned I felt a gush of water and looked down at the puddle suddenly on the floor. I could feel my anger dissipate. I could feel myself begin to let fear and anxiety take over.

"Is that?" Damon asked in a much calmer voice.

I turned around to look at him. I was a mix of emotions right now and the only way to express it was to let some tears escape. "My water just broke." I choked out.

At that moment it was like a switch was flipped. Damon's emotionless face was replaced by a look of concern and determination. He picked me up in his arms and hurried out of the room. He took me down to the car and helped me inside. I could feel myself slightly overwhelmed. Going into labor during a fight was not ideal.