We Did This. Together.

I took deep breaths in and out as the contraction passed. We had arrived at the hospital and they set me up in a room. With me being thirty six weeks and a few days along they wanted to contact Dr. Hyde to see where he wanted to go from here. I trusted my doctor's judgement and I was prepared to do whatever needed to be done. No matter how scary it was to me.

The nurse came into the room. "So we got ahold Dr. Hyde and he feels that after the last exam that the baby is ready to come. So he decided we're going to proceed as normal."

"Okay." I nodded.

I took a breath to try to calm myself as the nurse left the room. I was terrified right now. This was a major life changing thing and I didn't know what to expect. A million thoughts were going through my mind right now. How was my body going to know what to do?

Damon took my hand in his. "You can do this Love. I know you can." I could see a mix of worry and concern on his face.

As I looked upon him I felt like for the first time since he came home I was looking at my husband. The bitter man who was putting his pride first seemed to have disappeared so suddenly. It seemed my water breaking brought him back to reality. Like it reminded him that there were more important things than for him to wallow in his self pity.

"I don't know if I can." My fear was obvious in my voice.

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "Your body was made to do this. Just trust it and follow your instincts. I'll be here every step of the way." He reassured me.

I believed him for once. The look in his eyes was genuine. This was my Damon, the one that stole my heart. I was relieved that he managed to pull it together. I didn't want Scarlett to be brought into the world with us still being angry with each other.

"Did you call your dad to let Sterling know?" I asked.

He thought carefully for a moment before speaking. "It's kind of late and I figured after everything that maybe it would be best to do this and then let everyone know. That way no one's blowing up our phones and we can focus on this. I can tell them though if that's what you really want."

"No. I think you're right. It's important to focus on this right now. Especially since we don't know what kind of medical treatment she might need." I could feel the urge to cry as I felt guilt.

Yes we were close and Dr. Hyde was sure she'd be fine but what if she wasn't? I felt like my body had failed her by trying to bring her into this world so early. The fact we managed to keep her in for a few extra weeks should be relieving but it wasn't. The thought of her possibly not going home with us right away killed me.

Damon stood up and used his hand to rub my back to help me calm down. "Come on Love, she has our blood and we're both fighters. She already proved she's going to make sure she has the last word."

I looked up at him with a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know of a better way to tell someone to shut the fuck up than decided to break your mother's water." he joked.

I let out a small chuckle. "Funny."

Another contraction came on. I squeezed Damon's free hand as I breathed through it. I was grateful to have him by my side for this. I dreaded the hospital room with him on the way here honestly. But he had proven me wrong, he was sticking by me and it felt like we were on the same team together.

A few hours passed and the contractions became less tolerable. I caved into getting the epidural. I wanted my body to get some rest before it came time to push. The more energy I had the better I felt I would react in this situation. Once it had kicked in I practically felt nothing. I was able to even briefly fall asleep.

I was woken up to the nurse coming in to check to see how far along I was in the laboring process. I noticed Damon had fallen asleep in his chair. He looked so peaceful as I looked at him. Like he was finally relaxed which isn't the response I expected from him. I thought he would be freaking out worse than I was.

The nurse did her check and looked at me with a smile. "You're at a ten. Dr. Hyde is making his round real quick and then he'll be in here." She turned around and left the room.

"Damon." I spoke loudly to get his attention.

"What is it Love?" He yawned.

"Umm." I tried to find the words but they just wouldn't come out.

"Is everything okay?" He asked as he looked at me intensely.

"I've made it to ten." I knew my face held a look of shock. It was just a matter of time before this child was making her way out of my body.

His body shot up. "Okay, um do you need anything? Anything at all I don't care what it is I will send Cody to get it and bring it back here."

"No." I responded and turned to look at him. "I just need you."

As we waited for Dr. Hyde to come in my epidural started to wear off. I was feeling the contractions in my back now. They weren't painful but it was like I had to use the bathroom really really bad. I took deep breaths in and out and finally Dr. Hyde came into the room.

"How are we doing?" he asked as he prepared to check on my dilation himself.

"Good. I think." I answered.

"Good." he looked over Damon. "And how are you holding up?"

"I'm fine." Damon responded confidently.

Dr. Hyde began to check everything out himself. He then looked at me with a serious look. "She's crowning, it's time. Kaydence I need you to listen to both me and your body right now. I'm going to tell you to push when a contraction comes on, okay?"

I nodded in response. My fear seemed to disappear. It was time to buckle up and get this over with. I could feel the determination within myself. I just needed to listen and trust myself and this would all turn out fine.

My hand held one of Damon's as he used the other to support my leg. The nurse who had checked me supported the other leg. Dr. Hyde instructed me to push and I did as I was told. It took a couple but finally she was beginning to come out. It felt like my core was on fire as her head and shoulders made their way through.

I felt a sense of relief once she had been completely removed from my body. I looked up at Damon as he kept looking between Scarlett and I with a proud look on his face. I was in awe as they placed her on my chest and that's when I watched this small human I had created take her first birth. We did this. Together.