She's So Perfect

After finishing up in the delivery room they took Scarlett to see if she needed any special medical treatments. While they did that Damon and I were moved to a recovery room. I felt exhausted and drained after everything. But I was proud of myself, I did it.

There was a knock on the door and then the nurse entered by pushing the bassinet that contained Scarlett. "The hospital pediatrician checked her out and it appears the injections Dr. Hyde gave you worked. She's as if she had made it full term." The nurse smiled.

I could feel a sense of relief at her words. I had felt nervous since they wheeled her out of the delivery room to check her out. I sat up to take a peek at her as the nurse brought her by me. Scarlett looked so peaceful as she slept swaddled up in her blanket.

"Would you like me to hand her to you?" The nurse offered.

"Yes please." I nodded.

The nurse took Scarlett out of the bassinet and handed her to me. It was so surreal, this was my baby. The one who I had carried inside of me for so long. I couldn't pick up on her features very well as she was still so new. But she had my blonde hair and boy did she have a lot of it.

"She's so perfect." I smiled as I couldn't take my eyes off my daughter.

"Just like you." Damon added.

"How were you planning to do feedings? It's probably about time we try one." The nurse asked.

"Umm, I'd like to try breast feeding her if I can." I answered.

The nurse nodded in response. She then helped walk me through trying to get Scarlett to latch on but she just wouldn't do it. It felt like once again my body couldn't do the one thing that it was supposed to do. Like it just wasn't good enough for her.

"I can bring in some premade bottles for you for now?" The nurse offered. "Sometimes it takes them a little bit of time to figure out they now have to work for their food a little bit."

"That would be fine." I sighed with a little disappointment. "She's gotta eat somehow."

"Just remember, a fed baby is the best. It doesn't matter how she gets it, as long as she has a full belly you're doing an amazing job mama." The nurse smiled before leaving the room.

"Are you okay?" Damon asked as he looked me over.

"Yeah. I just feel like I haven't been able to do what I'm supposed to I guess." I answered.

"You brought her into this world safely, I think you've done exactly what you're supposed to do Love." He planted a kiss on my cheek. "Give yourself a little more credit."

"I guess so." I glanced up at him. "Do you want to hold her?"

I could see him contemplating what to do. "I've never held a baby before. What if I break her?" He voiced his concern that had gone through his mind.

I let out a small chuckle. "You're not going to break her. Just support her head and you'll be fine."

"Okay." he seemed a little reluctant but proceeded to hold his arms out for me to hand her over to him.

Once he had her comfortably in his arms I could practically see him melt. I don't think I've ever seen him smile so big before. This was a first for him. He had missed out on this stage of Sterling's life so this was just as new to him as it was to me.

"I'm in trouble aren't I?" He asked in a low voice.

"What do you mean?" I questioned in response.

"She's beautiful, like you. I'm going to have to chase the boys away when she gets older." He glanced over at me and then back to Scarlett.

"Those poor boys are going to have to go through both you and Sterling. Thank goodness that's not for a long time." I responded.

"You say that but when we get home Sterling's protective big brother training starts. We can't let anyone hurt this precious princess of ours." Damon smiled once more at Scarlett.

Damon walked around the room with Scarlett in his arms. I could already tell she had him wrapped around her finger and she was only a few hours old. The way he cooed and smiled at her was precious. When she seemed to get a little upset he talked to her and helped calm her back down.

The nurse had entered the room with the premade bottles of formula. "Here you guys go. Do you need anything else before I step out again?"

"No. We're fine. Thank you though." I answered.

"Okay." She nodded. "Use the call button if you need anything."

She left the room once more and I got one of the bottles ready to feed Scarlett. Damon glanced over. "Are you ready for her back?"

"Yes." I answered with the bottle in my hand.

He walked back over to me and placed Scarlett back into my arms. I took the bottle and placed it at her mouth. She took it right away and began downing the formula. Damon watched her as he stood.

"Someone must've been getting hungry." He chuckled slightly.

"Yeah." I responded.

He placed a kiss on my forehead. "I love you." He spoke as he returned to the chair he was sitting in.

"I love you too." I gave him a small smile.

We sat in silence while Scarlett ate and I noticed Damon's eyes on me. "What?" I asked.

"You're an impressive woman Love." he complimented me. "So strong and loving. Your body just went through so much, it's just amazing to stand back and watch."

"Well. I did my best." I responded.

"I know. You've been doing your best a lot lately." He pulled his chair closer to the bed I was in. I could see the regret in his eyes. "I'm so sorry for that fight. It was stupid."

"It was stupid." I agreed. "And your words were hurtful."

"I know. It was wrong for me to say those things." he sighed. "You've been absolutely right, I have had a problem and I keep trying to figure out how to deal with it on my own. Clearly my way has just been more hurtful than helpful."

"Damon, if you don't deal with your demons they will eat you alive. I can accept the apology but I don't quite forgive you yet." I could see a look of shame cross his face as I spoke. Because it means nothing if you don't do anything to fix the situation."

He nodded in response. "I understand Love."