Things Were Starting To Look Up

"She just won't stop crying." I sobbed as I was completely frustrated at this point. Nothing was making Scarlett happy right now.

My mother said the first two weeks were rough but I felt like there was no end in sight right now. No matter how hard I tried to keep her happy tonight it just wasn't enough. I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't good enough for her. Like I kept doing something wrong.

"Love calm down." Damon spoke as he rocked Scarlett. "It's okay. I'm going to take her into the nursery. I want you to get some rest okay?"

"Are you sure?" I asked as I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. "I know you have to work tomorrow."

"So?" He responded. "I'll go in late. I'm the boss, no one's going to say anything. I've got this." His tone was filled with reassurance as he spoke.

I laid back in the bed and watched as he left the room with Scarlett. My eyes felt heavy and I let myself drift off to sleep. I seemed to get a few hours in when I was woken up to Damon coming into the room and climbing in bed.

"Where's Scarlett?" I was alarmed that he had returned by himself.

"In her crib. She's fine." He held up the baby monitor that showed her inside her bed. He sat the monitor down on his side of the bed and opened his arms. "Come here."

I laid my head on his chest and he then wrapped me up in his arms. He placed a kiss on my forehead. "Thank you for taking her." I spoke.

"Why thank me? She's my responsibility too Love." He responded.

"I know." I sighed.

One of his hands began to gently rub my back. "How are you feeling Love?" His voice was soft as he spoke.

"I don't know. Sometimes things are great and then sometimes I just feel like I'm not being enough for her." I confessed.

"You are enough Love." he responded. "Before you know it things will be a little easier with her. Keep in mind these past couple weeks are the first time she's ever felt cold, hungry and other new things."

"That's true." I spoke.

"But you're there for her everytime she needs you. You've been a damn good mom, to both her and Sterling. The three of us are so lucky to have you." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead once more.

"I just feel like this should be the happiest moment of my life and here I am sulking about everything I don't feel I'm doing right. We live a good life and I don't have to worry about anything really, this should be a breeze for me." I didn't feel like I should be complaining. I was practically living a dream.

"Just because of what we have doesn't mean you're not allowed to feel things Love. Money and success don't buy happiness. Look at me for example, I was an asshole who couldn't find his heart until you came along." I looked up at him as he spoke. A small smirk crossed his lips. "I still am but not to the ones that actually matter to me."

I let out a small chuckle. "Good to know."

A few days went by after our conversation. I was beginning to feel improvements for myself mentally. Scarlett seemed to even be getting more adjusted with each day. We also had our first stretch of sleep that lasted five hours. That seemed to help the both of us a lot.

"Mommy!" Sterling came running in after being brought home from school.

"Hey." I smiled as I sat on the couch. I held Scarlett in my lap and had been talking to her just before he had come in.

"Can I hold Scar?" He asked after setting his backpack down.

"Go wash your hands first. You've been at school all day and we need to be careful of germs." I directed. We didn't want to risk getting Scarlett sick.

He nodded and ran for the bathroom. He came back a few moments later and I could see the excitement in his eyes. He gave Scarlett a kiss on the forehead and then took a seat next to me. "I'm ready." He looked up at me with a smile.

"Okay." I carefully helped place Scarlett in his arms. I had pulled a pillow that was on the couch over to help him support her head.

I watched as Sterling looked down on his sister. With how he had been since she came through the door I knew he loved her. There was no way he was going to let anyone hurt his little sister. He had become a protective big brother.

"Mommy she smiled at me!" He spoke excitedly.

I watched as Scarlett gave him a grin. "That's because she loves you." I responded.

We sat on the couch together and waited patiently for Damon to come home. He had been making it a point to be home no later than five in the evening. If anything needed attention he passed it off to his vice president. He felt it was more important to be here for us and I was so grateful for that.

The door to the garage finally opened and in walked my handsome husband. I couldn't help but smile as he approached the three of us on the couch. He looked over the children and then planted a kiss on my lips. "You know the more time passes I think she's going to look like you." he spoke as he glanced back at Scarlett.

"I think she will too." Sterling chimed in.

"I'm sure she'll get some of your features." I responded.

He gave a low chuckle. "I already have my mini me, it's only fitting you have one of your own."

"Who's your mini me?" Sterling asked as he was puzzled by Damon's words.

Damon ruffled Sterling's hair with his hand. "You're my mini me silly."

Scarlett had been sleeping in Sterling's arms and began to move. It was only a matter of time before her cries would start. With the timing it was probably a diaper change and a bottle that were needed. I felt myself calm as I prepared for her to be grumpy. I was feeling more confident in myself over the past few days. I knew whatever she needed I could give her.

"I got it this time." Damon spoke as he noticed I went to get up.

He took Scarlett from Sterling's arms and headed upstairs to go change her. Sterling practically leaped off the couch to follow behind him. I watched as they had left the room. A smile on my face as my heart was so full. Our little family had been through so much but it's all been worth it.

Things were starting to look up. Damon seemed to be getting better and I was settling into motherhood more. Hopefully we could keep this up.