Return To Amethyst

I looked myself over in the mirror taking one last look before I left today. I had my hair pulled back tightly in a ponytail and had put on a black short sleeved dress. Today was the day that I was returning to Amethyst. I was excited to go back to work but I was also nervous. It was the first time I would be away from Scarlett.

My mother would be coming over here to watch her for me. I knew she was in good hands and I had nothing to worry about. I just didn't want her to get too upset if I wasn't around. This was going to be a new adjustment for Scarlett after having me to herself all day. I was worried she wouldn't take it very well.

There was a knock at the door and Sterling poked his head in. "Grandma is here. Can we get ready to go now?" He asked.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and let it out. I turned around to face Sterling. "Yes." I smiled at him.

I left the bedroom with Sterling leading the way down the stairs. He was excited as he would be visiting the orphanage while I was at work. School was out now and he was on his summer break. He had asked if he could go to the orphanage sometimes to be able to spend time with his friends he hadn't seen in awhile. Mrs. Strahm and Emily had no problem with him coming back either.

"Are you sure you've got this?" I asked my mother who had arrived and swooped up Scarlett from Damon.

"I think I can handle it. I did raise you and you turned out fine." She smiled. "Mostly."

"Hey!" I acted as if I had been offended by her joke.

Damon let a chuckle slip from his lips. "We better get going Love." He had been going to Tipton Enterprises early but today he wanted to take me to work so he decided to go in later.

"Okay." I nodded.

I walked over to my mother and gave Scarlett a kiss on the cheek. I then picked up my purse and went to the garage with Damon and Sterling. The three of us got into the black BMW and we were off. This was going to be another adjustment for us to get used to but this one I felt like was going to be okay. Things still seemed to be looking up.

I watched out of the window as Damon drove. The first stop was the orphanage. Mrs. Strahm was outside as we pulled up. Sterling and I got out of the car and I walked him up to her. "Rebecca thank you for doing this, he's so excited."

"Not a problem." She smiled. "It's always a pleasure to see Sterling."

Sterling then gave me a hug goodbye and waved at Damon as I headed for the car. I got back inside and Damon began to drive again. Amethyst wasn't very far away and we arrived in minutes. Damon parked the car outside of the front doors and looked over at me.

"Do you want me to come in?" He asked.

"No. You just go worry about your stuff." I answered reassuringly. "I've got this."

His hand went to the back of my head and he pulled me in gently for a kiss goodbye. Our lips moved together and he pulled me in deeper. He gently bit my lip before pulling away with a smirk. "Can't wait to have you alone later."

"I bet you can't, but for now I have to go." I responded as I opened the car door. "I love you and I'll see you later."

"I love you too." He smiled before I shut the door.

I took another deep breath and headed for the doors of Amethyst. Damon was waiting for me to get inside before he drove off. I opened the door and looked around for a moment. It took a moment but my presence was finally noticed.

"Kaydence!" Julie shouted as I entered Amethyst for the first time since having Scarlett.

"Hey." I smiled as I looked around everything.

"Welcome back boss." Victoria smiled as she was also in the store as well.

"Thank you." I smiled in return.

"How's Scarlett doing?" Julie asked.

"Good." I answered. "It's been a long eight weeks but I'm so glad to be back. Plus between my mother and Rose she's in good hands while I'm here."

"What about Sterling?" Julie asked.

"He begged for us to let him be at the orphanage during his summer break. He's been really missing some of his friends. With Scarlett life has been so busy he hasn't been able to go visit in weeks." I sighed.

I knew he missed Isabelle a lot. He asked about visiting them while I was working and Mrs. Strahm didn't think twice about it. Everyone loved Sterling there and he was always willing to help out. He was so happy when he learned that Mrs. Strahm was willing to let him come as often as he liked.

"Some friends or one in particular?" Julie smirked. She knew a few details about his relationship with Isabelle.

"Mainly Isabelle but there are multiple children he misses." I responded. "Now less about this and more about Amethyst. I want you to tell me what all has happened since I've been gone."

"Back room?" Julie suggested for a more private conversation away from the staff.

I nodded and proceeded to lead the way. "Let's go."

Julie followed behind quickly and we both sat down at the desk in the room. She proceeded to show me the numbers for how well Amethyst had been doing while I was gone. Everything had gone how we expected it to. It was like I had never left to be honest. Julie had done a fantastic job just like I thought she would.

"Thank you for doing this. Things just have been crazy." I spoke once she was done going through all the information she had for me.

"Not a problem." Julie smiled. "I'm happy to help. Speaking of crazy though, how's the hunt for who shot Damon? Cody said the trail the police had pretty much went cold. I can only imagine how the two of you are feeling about it."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Yeah. It's kind of irritating and scary when you have two kids at home and no idea who did it. I'm going to be honest, I still get a little anxious about it. Even with more security it's still nerve wracking sometimes."

"That's understandable." She nodded. "Cody's been kind of busy helping Damon here and there. Is he trying to figure it out himself or is he staying out of it?"

"Last I knew, yes. He hasn't really talked about it with me since before Scarlett was born." I answered. "And I don't care if he does, I don't expect him to just sit back and wait for the police to figure it out. That's not how Damon works. He just better make sure he's taking care of himself in the process of doing everything else."