It's Like She Completed Him

I was focused on ideas for the fall line when my phone began to ring. Damon's name appeared on the screen along with the time. I didn't realize it had already almost four in the afternoon. I quickly answered the phone.

"Hello husband." I greeted him.

"Love, I'm running a little behind. I'm asking Max to get Sterling and then to take you home. Is that alright?" Damon skipped the greeting and got right to the point.

"That's fine. How late will you be?" I asked.

"Just another hour." He answered.

"Okay. I'll see you at home then." I responded pleasantly.

"Sounds good. I love you." His voice came through the phone once more.

"I love you too." I smiled to myself.

We hung up and I gathered my things. Normally I would work longer but with it being the first time back to work Damon requested I work a little less at first. I agreed to make him happy but as the day went on I was beginning to miss Scarlett and Sterling. They had been around me for hours upon hours daily since I had returned home.

"Julie, I have to get going." I spoke as I exited the back room.

"Okay." She nodded. "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"No." I shot her a smile. "I'll see you and everyone else tomorrow!" I made sure I spoke loud enough that all the staff could hear me as well.

"Bye!" I heard from multiple voices as I walked out of the door to the store.

Max already had the car pulled around. At this point he was like my permanent guard so he was already here. I got into the back and he headed right for the orphanage. Max was like Cody and kept his mouth shut when it came to driving. I knew this by now so I didn't even really attempt to make much conversation.

The orphanage came into view and he parked once we were in front of it. I got out of the car and made my way up the steps. I opened the door and Emily was sitting at the front desk. "Mrs. Tipton, how was your day?" She smiled.

"It was good. Emily, please call me Kaydence." I returned her smile. I preferred when people used my first name. Especially when I had seen them on a regular basis.

"Sorry Kaydence." Emily responded.

"No worries. Did he behave while he was here?" I asked as I referred to Sterling.

"Oh yes!" She answered. "Sterling's always been on his best behavior. He's been nothing but helpful."

"Good." I was pleased with her response. "Where is he at? It's about time I get him out of you guys' hair."

Emily let out a small chuckle. "Everyone is in the playroom right now."

"Okay. Thank you." I gave her another small smile and headed for the play room.

I had been to this orphanage many times. It was easy to find my way around as I knew where it all was at this point. I walked down the hall and found the correct door I needed. I opened it up and the sounds of the children playing immediately filled the hallway. I stepped inside and shut the door behind me.

I watched as all the children were doing their own thing. Some were drawing, some were playing with various toys and there were a few chasing each other around the room. Mrs. Strahm was in the middle of the room watching all the children. I don't know how she keeps up with them all to be honest. There were about thirty or more kids here.

"Are they keeping you busy?" I asked as I approached her.

"Yes." She let out a tired sigh. "Bed time can't come early enough today."

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle in response. "I'm here to pick up Sterling but do you need any help?"

"I'd hate to ask if you really need to get going." She bit her lip after she spoke.

"It's fine. Damon is still at work. Just tell me what you need Rebecca." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Can you make sure they don't kill each other while I prepare some things for dinner?" She finally caved and asked. "It shouldn't take me more than ten minutes."

"Go ahead. I can handle this." I responded.

"Kaydence, you're a lifesaver!" I could see her relax a little as she ran out of the playroom to take care of the needed task.

I looked around at all the children in the room. I kept an eye on them as requested. Eventually I found Sterling. He was having a tea party with Isabelle. I couldn't help the smile on my lips as I watched him play with her. He looked so happy to be in her presence.

He even had the same look Damon had sometimes. It was the look Damon had when he looked at me. Like he couldn't be happier and was with his other half. Sterling absolutely loved being around Isabelle. I could tell even though they were just children it's like she completed him a little bit.

I took my attention off Sterling as I still had others I needed to keep watch on. A few others had joined a few of the children that were chasing each other. Everyone else had remained at the toys they were at when I came inside of here. They all seemed to get along with each other, that was a bonus in a place like this. They may have lost their parents but they at least all had each other.

I turned my attention back to Sterling. He was still humoring Isabelle with this tea party thing. There were a few times when she turned her back that he looked like he was tired of it but each time she turned around he had a smile on his face. She was obviously thrilled he was playing along with her.

"If I don't get an invite to their wedding I will be very disappointed." Mrs. Strahm's voice caused me to jump. She let out a chuckle in response. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay." A chuckle of my own escaped my lips. "You think they really will end up together?"

"I hope so." She answered. "I believe we're brought together with our other halves for a reason. At least I feel that way with my husband. Do you feel that way with Mr. Tipton?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"I think Isabelle and Sterling were brought together for a purpose. I don't know what that is yet but they'll find out." She spoke further. "It may take time but just looking at them they belong together."

"I can see that." I agreed.

"Besides, they're too cute to not end up together." Mrs. Strahm smiled.