Daddy's Grumpy

Sterling and I returned home from the orphanage. The extra hour Damon had worked I ended up spending trying to help Mrs. Strahm. Because of that we had returned home around the same time. Rose had finished preparing dinner by the time we had arrived and my mother was joining us because of how late it was.

We all sat down at the dining room table and Rose brought out our meal. She has kept it simple today with spaghetti and salad. She had made homemade garlic bread as well. The plates were put in front of us and we all began to eat.

"This is delicious." My mother was the first to speak.

"Yes it is." Damon agreed.

We continued on with the meal and chatted here and there. When we were finished my mother didn't stay long. She was ready to get home and get some rest. I hugged her goodbye and she gave a hug to Damon. Then she proceeded to say goodbye to Sterling and Scarlett. I shut the door behind her once she was on her way.

"I have some things I need to go over at my computer. I'll be up in a little bit." Damon spoke once we were alone.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I was still nervous about the study.

It had been months but every time I went in there the scene replayed in my mind. Seeing him lifeless on the floor in his own blood, I don't think that image would ever leave my head. I could only imagine what he went through every time he went in there. It had to be worse for him being he was the one who had actually been harmed in there.

"Yes. I'm sure." He responded and turned to go down the hallway.

I held Scarlett in my arms and decided while he went on with whatever he was doing I would spend some time with the children. Sterling had gone up to his room to grab some toys. While he did that I sat Scarlett in her bouncer and played with her while we waited for him to return. Sterling hurried back down and returned with a bunch of toys in his arms.

"Which one do you think she'll like mommy?" He asked as he looked over all the toys he had brought down from his room.

"Anything that makes noise right now." I answered.

Scarlett had taken a liking to any toy she could get to make a sound without any effort. Once she managed to get sound out of something it left the biggest smile on her face. Sterling handed her a car that made noise once certain buttons were pushed. She took it from him and immediately put it into her mouth. Sterling seemed to not mind as he just wanted to make Scarlett happy right now. She let out a small giggle which made a smile appear on his lips.

I was bummed Damon was missing a moment like this. "Sterling, why don't you tell your dad to come out here?" I suggested.

"Okay." He responded as he got up to head for the study.

I watched as Sterling ran down the hallway from the couch. He entered the study and I turned my attention over to Scarlett. She was more awake and willing to play the older she got. I sat myself on the floor and tried to play with her the best I could. She had discovered her hands so I was trying to help her grab the car Sterling had given to her.

Sterling quickly ran out of the study and back into the living room. "Daddy's grumpy." He spoke as he returned.

"Grumpy how?" I asked. Damon had been doing so well lately. So well that Sterling had finally begun to relax around him but now it seemed whatever Damon said had set him back.

"He told me to get out because he was busy focusing on important things right now." Sterling answered.

"I see." I responded as I stood up from the floor. "Stay with your sister."

"Okay." Sterling nodded.

I made my way down the hallway and towards the study. I wanted to get Damon's side of things. I took a deep breath as I opened the door and stepped inside. I shut it behind me to make sure we had our privacy. It took a lot for me to be in here but it was worth it if he let me know what was on his mind.

"Sterling says you're grumpy. What's wrong?" I asked Damon as I approached him.

He looked up from the computer he had been focused on. "I didn't mean to come off grumpy. I'm just trying to find any little detail that might give me any idea who tried to kill me." He let out a frustrated sigh.

I walked behind him and placed my hands on his shoulders. I could feel he was tense and I wanted to help him. I gently began to massage his shoulders to help try to relax him. "Have you found anything?"

"Love, I don't want you to worry about this." He responded.

"I'm not but I want to know what updates you have. I have the right to know if anything has been found." I didn't have to know all the details but I wanted to know if he had certain people it was narrowed down to.

"I don't have many details to give. Everyone I seem to think is a lead ends up proving me wrong." He balled up his first and slammed it down on the desk. "I've gotten absolutely nowhere!"

I moved from behind him and walked to the other side of the desk so we could look at each other. "Calm down. You'll get there."

"When?!" He had begun to raise his voice. "When they come for me or you three next?! I have to figure this out. I have to."

"And you will Damon." I kept my voice calm. "You're still taking your medication right?"

He let out a sigh. "Yes."

He didn't like talking about the medication. With his sudden outburst I had to check in on it though. He hadn't had an outburst since he started his treatment. He was allowed to have his moments where he got frustrated of course, everyone has those. When he had been frustrated since starting the treatment though he kept his voice lower as he talked through what he was feeling in that moment. I hoped this sudden outburst was maybe just a slip up, a moment where he had gotten carried away by accident.

"I'm sorry." He spoke up once more. "I got a little too heated in that moment. I apologize and it won't happen again."

"Okay. Take a break from that and come play with the kids." I suggested.

"Alright." He nodded as he got up from the chair.

I glanced back at him as he followed me down the hallway. I was relieved he managed to gain control of himself. That had to mean everything was working right? I tried to reassure myself that everything with him was okay. But I had a gut feeling that I still needed to keep watch on him. Just incase.