The Last Major Lead

(Damon's POV)

"Has Mr. Martinez arrived?" I asked Cody as I remained in the car.

"Yes sir." Cody answered. "Mr. Moore has been keeping him company."

"Good." I responded as I opened the door and headed for the inside of the warehouse.

Victor Martinez, this was my last major lead I had. We never got along and always butted heads with each other. He definitely had the money to hire someone to take me down. Right before the shooting we had gotten into it because he tried to buy a plot of land out from under me. Ultimately I won and he was furious about it.

He was the last person I could think of. The last one that I had any major beef with that would have the balls to do something about it. If he didn't turn out to be the culprit I didn't know what I would do. My list was beginning to thin out and I continued to get more and more frustrated as I was proven wrong.

I walked into the room where Victor was tied up and gagged. The moment he saw me he seemed to roll his eyes. I could tell he was annoyed by my presence right away. The feeling was mutual. I didn't want to be around him either.

"Victor, it's been a few months." I spoke coldly as I pulled up a chair to sit across from him. "Figured it was time to have a chat."

His eyes stared daggers into me. I remained unphased though, I had the upper hand here. I always had the upper hand and that's what seemed to bother him most. No matter how much he challenged me he would always lose.

I removed the gag from his mouth. "What the fuck is this about?" He spoke through gritted teeth. Just as I expected he was angry.

"Don't play dumb with me." I sneered. "You know damn well what this is about."

"Is this about you getting shot?" He asked as he attempted to lean back in the chair slightly.

"Yes." I answered. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about it would you?"

"No." He spoke confidently. "But it's a damn shame they weren't sly enough to finish you off."

His words sent jolts of anger through me. I stood up with a clenched fist and gave him a punch to the face. Again and again. I stopped when I knew he'd be left with a black eye. Just a little reminder that I could take him down in more ways than one.

He spit out some blood onto the floor. "Haven't lost your touch I see. Good for you." He smirked deviously.

"Justin, I think it's your turn." I spoke as I moved out of the way.

"My pleasure." A sadistic grin crossed Justin's lips as he grabbed a crow bar.

Justin and Victor had a history of their own. Victor had made Justin many promises for opportunities to try to get ahead of me. Victor never delivered and practically made a mockery out of Justin every time they were face to face. I knew Justin had been waiting to have a moment alone with him.

Justin held the crow bar the best he could with his one hand. He held it in the middle so he still had full force as he hit Victor. He swung at his face and his stomach. Grunt after grunt came out of Victor's mouth until Justin was satisfied with his damage.

I moved back in front of Victor. I pulled out a folding knife and held the tip at his throat. "Now fucking talk. You're the only other person ballsy enough to try to have me killed. Did you do it?" I asked in a cold tone.

He looked up at me and I could tell in his eyes he sensed now was not the time to test me. He seemed to gulp down a lump in his throat before he answered. "No Damon. As much as I hate you I didn't try to have you killed. It's all just business after all, not worth anyone losing their lives over."

"How do I know you're not lying?" I asked. I was curious on what kind of alibi he would come up with for me to check out.

"What do you need?" Victor spoke as he shifted in his chair. "I'll give you anything if it gets this damn interaction done and over with."

We talked a little more on how he could prove his innocence. He definitely didn't have the tattoo like the man on the surveillance camera. If he did it he would have hired someone but he was more than happy to have his secretary provide bank statements. We had them in a few hours and ultimately, he proved his innocence.

Damn it. I was wrong again. I could feel the anger and rage begin to take over. I lost all control and began to throw things around the warehouse. The color drained from Victor and Justin's faces as they watched my fit of rage. Once there was nothing left to destroy I straightened up my suit and took a deep breath in and let it out.

I looked coldly at Victor. "I guess you're free to go then. Get out of here and speak about this to no one."

I had Cody untie him to prepare to walk him out. Before leaving Victor decided to speak once more. "After seeing that little outburst I feel the least I can do is give a little helpful advice."

"Like what?" I scoffed. What did he have to say that would help me?

"Stop doing this." He looked around the warehouse. "Bringing people here to beat the shit out of them to talk is only going to hurt your investigation."

He had my attention fully now. "What do you mean?" I raised a brow as I waited for his next response.

"You're bringing enemies to you." He began to elaborate his point. "And then you're doing this, you're giving them more reason to come after you Damon. Quit acting out of anger and use your fucking brain. You're smart enough you should've realized that yourself."

"I see." His point was valid. And he was right, I was determined and because of that I was letting myself slip up.

He began to walk to the exit with Cody. He then turned around to look at Justin once more. "As for you, you still ain't shit and you never will be."

Justin went to lunge at him but I spoke in a stern tone to stop him. "Enough."

"But-" Justin began but I cut him off.

"I said enough." I shot him a warning glance. I was still the one in charge of this matter. Justin had to deal with his personal enemies on his own time.

"Fine." Justin was clearly annoyed as Victor finally exited the room.

I let out a sigh. "Let's go get a drink."