Enough Is Enough

I woke up to the bedroom door opening. I picked up my phone and noticed it was ten in the morning. I had a few texts from Martin asking for an update. I appreciated how concerned he was. It was a shame he wasted all that time last night for nothing.

I caught Damon coming in through the corner of my eye. He looked like shit. Probably from all the alcohol he had consumed. I hope he had the world's worst hangover right now. He deserved it.

"Love." He spoke softly to see if I was awake.

"What do you want?" I made sure the annoyance in my tone was clear. "Or would you rather go talk with your best friend Justin about it?"

He bit his lip. I didn't know how much he remembered of last night but I let it be known he was caught. He sat down on my side of the bed but I didn't want to give him the opportunity to be close to me. I pulled off the covers and stood up.

"You have some fucking nerve Damon Tipton!" My rage from last night had come out in my voice. "No calls, no texts and you come home drunk with Justin! You said he was gone! You lied to me!"

"I-I know. I'm so sorry." He bowed his head in shame.

"You're sorry? For which part Damon?! You know how concerned I was about having Justin here! You even hated the idea of him coming but then you're all buddy buddy with him?! What the hell?!" I waited for him to answer.

"I needed his help." Damon spoke.

"Yeah, he told me! I offered my help to you over and over but you declined it! Why Justin?! Why him of all people?!" I was confused about the whole thing. He stated over and over how much he hated Justin. He would've killed him if it weren't for Martin.

"Because I wanted you to be able to focus on the kids. On your work. I didn't want you to be bothered with the situation and I needed an individual who could think on the same level I do on punishment. Justin unfortunately was the right choice." He explained his reasoning for Justin's stay.

"I know that's not the only thing you've lied about." It was time to get right to the point. He better have his answers ready. "I know about the medication and the therapy! I talked to Dr. Henrie, you lied about getting better!"

He looked up at me. His icy blue eyes filled with shame once again. "I had to stop them. They were holding me back."

"From what?" I questioned.

He stood up from the bed. "From finding who did this! They were making me less focused and I couldn't have that! I did it for us!"

"Don't you dare say that!" My voice was a mix of anger and hurt. "If you were to do anything for us you would've put your treatment first! We have two kids here Damon and you aren't thinking straight!"

"I have to find out who did this Kaydence, they almost killed me! I can't have them come back to finish the job, I have to beat them to the punch!" He defended his actions. "You wouldn't understand."

"I have been more than understanding Damon. You're the one who decided to keep secrets and lie to me! You need to go back and get help." I responded.

"No!" His voice roared with anger. "I'm perfectly fucking fine, things will be fine after I find out who did this and I make them pay for it!"

"You're not fine Damon! I've noticed and so has your father! Stop acting like this is all normal!" I was beyond frustrated with him. "You can keep telling yourself that you're doing this for us but in the end you're just being selfish!"

"You're not the one inside of my head! You don't know how I feel! If I say I'm fine then I'm fucking fine!" His voice was still raised.

"You won't let me in Damon!" I tried over and over to find out what was going on with him. He kept saying he was fine and just continued to get annoyed when I tried.

He let out a sigh of frustration. "I'm fine. I promise."

"So you're fine living like this then?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered as if it was no big deal.

"Fine. You can live like this then." I walked to the closet and began to throw clothes into a bag. I even hurried to get into some actual clothes so I wouldn't be in pajamas.

He was in denial. I figured he would be at least a little bit but I was hoping maybe I could get through to him. With how he was acting, it seemed pointless. He felt he was in the right and I knew I couldn't change that. He was as stubborn as they come.

Martin was right. Damon had to learn his lesson the hard way. I couldn't sit back and watch him destroy us and our family any longer. The kids and I needed to be out of here and away from him as he let himself spiral more and more.

Did I want to leave? No. I loved him so much but I couldn't expose the kids to his behavior. Especially with him coming home drunk again. It was time he got reminded about how this house felt without us inside. How it was before I came into his life. Hopefully it would help him finally get his shit together once and for all.

"What are you doing?" Damon asked in a calmer voice.

I walked out of the closet with my bag. "You may be okay with living like this but I'm not." My tone was stern as I spoke to him.

"Kaydence." He grabbed my wrist gently as he spoke but I ripped it out of his grasp.

"What Damon? I questioned him.

"Don't leave. Please. I need you." He pleaded.

"And I need you to get better. Seems we both can't have what we want." I turned around and headed for the door of the room.

"Kaydence, please!" He continued trying to get me to stay. He followed me down the stairs and grabbed my wrist again to turn me around to face him.

"No Damon. Enough is enough." I could feel the tears building in my eyes. I fought hard to avoid them escaping. I had to stand my ground. No matter how hard it was he needed to know this wasn't acceptable.

"Love." His voice was cracked as he was trying to hold back his emotions. His eyes were filled with regret and worry. "I can't lose you Love. I need you."

"Damon." I was now beyond upset and disappointed in him. We had fought so hard and it felt like it was for nothing. "You say you can't lose me, but honestly it feels like I've already lost you. I need to clear my head. Figure your shit out, then we can talk."