I'm Worried About Giving In Too Soon

I took a deep breath in as I approached the building for the therapist. Damon had hit his six weeks and now it was time for me to join him. Over the last month and a half I did begin to speak to him more and for longer periods. He even came over to have dinner with us on multiple occasions. He seemed to be getting back to himself again, but we weren't out of the woods yet. It was at this point he had quit the last time.

"Are you going to just stare at it or are you going to join me inside?" I jumped as the familiar voice spoke.

I turned around to face Damon. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

He held his hands up as if he was surrendering. "I wasn't trying to startle you Love. I promise."

"Well, let's not be late." I turned back around and started to head for the door of the building.

His hand reached out and firmly grabbed my wrist. He stopped me from going forward and pulled me back against him while using his grip to turn me around. "No hello for your husband?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Hello. Now let's go get started." I responded as we were face to face. Truthfully I was a little nervous about this. I had never been to a therapist myself and I didn't know what to expect.

A small seductive grin crossed his lips. Yeah, he was definitely falling back into his old habits. He placed a kiss on my cheek and then spoke into my ear. "You're right. But maybe you shouldn't walk in front of me. After over a month and a half of nothing I can't help but think about bending you over and fucking you."

I could feel myself blush but I concealed it the best I could. We weren't here to do this. "Come on Damon, we need to take this seriously or it's pointless for me to join you."

He backed away and the look on his face had turned serious. "I know. I'm sorry, just got a little carried away. Let's go."

His grip moved from my wrist down to my hand. He took the lead and guided me to the suite the therapist worked out of. He checked in with the receptionist and then we sat silently as we waited for Dr. Gordon to call us into the room. We had only waited for about five minutes when Dr. Gordon came out to invite us in.

"Come on in." Dr. Gordon smiled.

We got up from our chairs and went inside. Damon and I both took a seat next to each other on the couch. Dr. Gordon sat across from us and got his notes together. I still felt a little nervous. I glanced over to Damon who was surprisingly relaxed here.

"Thank you for joining us Mrs. Tipton." Dr. Gordon spoke as he looked up to give Damon and I his full attention.

"No problem." I responded.

"Let's get started shall we." He turned his attention to Damon. "How have things been since the last visit Mr. Tipton?"

"So far they seem to be going good, getting better." He looked over at me. "At least I think so anyway."

Dr. Gordon proceeded to ask Damon a few questions to gauge the progress that had been made the last time he was here. I just sat back and watched their exchange. I could see Damon's confidence coming through. It had felt like ages since I had seen him like this.

After Dr. Gordon was satisfied with the one on one questions he moved onto the couple part of the therapy. "Mrs. Tipton, I want to know your viewpoint on all of this. How has this whole thing made you feel?"

"Well." I let out a sigh. "I tried being supportive from the beginning. I've tried to make sure I was there when he needed me but the problem is he never truly let me in until he blew up. I don't feel like he should have to get angry to open up to me. I feel a little frustrated about the fact he's kept multiple things from me. We're married, we should've been working together this whole time. Not him working with someone who almost ruined our lives." I let my honest feelings be known.

Dr. Gordon nodded as he took notes of my response. He then looked up and towards Damon. "How do you feel about what your wife just said?"

"I understand where she's coming from." Damon looked at me as he responded. "I should've been open. I should've never hid anything from you. I've just been use to dealing with things on my own, my own way that sometimes I just fall into the old habit of it. I'm working on it though. You're absolutely right. We are a team and that's how it should have been viewed all along. I will make sure that's how it is all the time."

We continued talking more about our feelings about the situation. It felt good to let everything out and know I was being heard the entire time. Damon's eyes remained on me as I answered the questions that I was given by Dr. Gordon. I could tell he was focused on my words.

"So how are you feeling about things now Mrs. Tipton?" Dr. Gordon asked once he was done with the questions.

"I'm feeling more hopeful. Like this is the real deal this time. I can see him getting better and it has me relieved to be honest." I answered. "He's been honest so that's kind of helped the trust thing I guess."

"What are your thoughts Mr. Tipton?" Dr. Gordon looked between the both of us. "How do you feel about things now with the two of you?"

Damon thought for a moment before speaking. "I feel confident we're improving. I appreciate her letting me see her and the children more over the last few weeks." He paused before he continued. His icy blue eyes looked into mine. "But I feel like I've kept my end of things, I've improved. It would be nice to just be able to have my family under one roof again. Things are still too quiet and I hate it."

"I just don't know if I'm ready." I bit my lip nervously.

"Why's that?" Dr. Gordon chimed in.

"I'm nervous about it. I've never dealt with something like this and I'm worried about giving in too soon." I explained. "What if I return and then he stops treatment all over again? I can't handle going through this a third time."

Damon looked disappointed but he nodded. "I understand Love."

Dr. Gordon thought for a moment as he looked us over. "Why don't you maybe spend a night one on one? Think of it like a test run."

I thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "I guess that would be alright."