I Wanted To Help These Children

"Are you ready to go Mommy?" Sterling asked as he entered the room I had been staying in.

"Yes." I gave him a small smile as I got up from the bed.

I promised Sterling a trip to the orphanage. He hadn't made a visit to Isabelle in a couple weeks because of all the mess going on and it was bugging him. He was making it clear he missed her and his daily trips. If he missed her this much I can imagine she must be missing him too.

"Good. Let's go!" Sterling spoke with excitement.

He grabbed my hand and practically pulled me out the room. I shut the door behind me and then he pulled me some more to get me down stairs. Martin was waiting for us at the bottom. He was dressed to go out himself. My mother had taken Scarlett for the day so we didn't have to worry about someone else watching her.

"Looking sharp." Martin gave Sterling a smile.

"Thank you." Sterling gave a smile of his own as jumped down from the last step.

Martin then turned his attention to me. "I'm going to meet with Damon. About that second matter we had discussed."

He was talking about Justin. Of course I had to tell Martin that Damon kept him here. Martin was as confused as I was. He was also angry and irritated that his grandson hadn't listened to his orders. He also didn't like that Damon seemed to have been doing his own thing regardless of Martin's wishes. Martin may have allowed Justin back but he never wanted him to stay long term.

I nodded. "Okay."

"I'll see the two of you a little later." Martin flashed another smile before heading to the front door of his mansion.

Sterling and I exited the house as well and got into my car. I drove off in the direction of the orphanage. Sterling was growing impatient and wanted us to get there as soon as possible. He kept peeking out of the window so he knew exactly where he was and how much longer until we arrived.

Finally I pulled up to the orphanage and I could see the excitement in his eyes. We exited the car and he held my hand as we went up the stairs. I then opened the door and we stepped inside. Before I could even greet Emily Sterling was already speaking.

"Where's Izzy?" He asked.

Emily chuckled. "Everyone is outside on the playground."

"Thank you." I smiled right before Sterling pulled me away.

"No problem." Emily spoke through another chuckle.

Sterling led us down the hall and we went through the double doors that led to the playground area. The laughter and chatter from the children could be heard the moment we exited from inside. There were still about thirty children who lived here. I looked over all of them and saw that Mrs. Strahm looked like she was handling a dispute that two of the other little boys were having.

"I found her!" Sterling exclaimed once his eyes had found Isabelle in the crowd of children.

"Go get her." I smiled.

He didn't hesitate once he had the okay. He dropped my hand and went running to her straight away. I watched as they greeted each other. Both of them had big smiles on their faces and they gave each other a hug. Then they went ahead and started figuring out exactly what to play.

"Kaydence, it's good to see you." Mrs. Strahm greeted me as she approached me.

"It's good to see you too Rebecca. How are you?" I gave her a smile.

"I'm well. How are you guys doing? We haven't seen you guys in a minute." There was a slight look of concern on her face.

"Just some family stuff going on but everything is alright." I reassured her. At least it seemed everything was alright for right now. Only time would tell though.

I spent the next half hour catching up with Rebecca. Everything was running well in the orphanage. She did get a couple more children but a few others had been adopted. I could tell she was a little sad about the ones who had left but she was glad that they had the opportunity to go to a home with parents.

"I'm sorry I have to excuse myself. I have a few things that I need to go get." Mrs. Strahm spoke as she glanced down to her watch.

"If you need any help I'm sure Sterling would be happy to do it and I can keep an eye on the children for you." I suggested.

"That would be great." She smiled.

I called over to Sterling to help Mrs. Strahm out. He was a little stubborn at first as he wanted to give Isabelle all of his time but he finally agreed. He went inside the orphanage and Isabelle took a seat on the steps to wait for him. I decided to sit next to her and give her a little conversation as she waited.

"How are you Isabelle?" I asked as she glanced up at me.

"I'm good." She answered. "How are you?"

"I'm good as well." I smiled. "Has Sterling been playing nice?"

"Yes." She nodded.

"That's good." I responded.

"How's your baby?" Isabelle asked to make more conversation.

"She's good." I spoke as I looked around to make sure the children were behaving. "What's new with you?"

"Miss Emily started teaching a few of us dance lessons." Isabelle spoke excitedly. "She says I'm really good at it!"

"That's great!" I praised her. "It's always good to learn something like that."

"Yeah. We're going to clean out one of the old rooms and make a little dance room she said." Isabelle smiled. "Mrs. Strahm said it too!"

"That's awesome." I spoke as an idea popped into my mind. "I'll talk to Mrs. Strahm and find out what all you guys need to make it happen."

The orphanage had gotten it's repairs but there still weren't a whole lot of activities besides the playground and toy room. I wanted to help change that. I wanted to contribute to give them ways to practice hobbies. Maybe a basketball court, a dance room among other things. Spending so much time here this place had become important and I wanted to help these children in any way that I could.