Let’s Move Forward

"Hey boss!" Julie greeted me as I came inside Amethyst.

"Hey." I shot her a smile.

"Someone's looking happy today." Julie raised a brow. "I take it things have been going well?"

"Yes." My smile remained.

Three weeks ago I had decided to return home to Damon. After our night together it just felt like it was the right decision to make. It was still a gamble at that point but it was paying off. Things were in the right direction and Damon continued with the appointments. Of course it was hard to quit when we were going together now.

Dr. Gordon had helped us work through things. I was beginning to feel the trust I had towards Damon once again. We were finally feeling back to ourselves, the us before the shooting. We still had a few things to work through but we were at least genuinely happy.

"That's good!" She smiled. "I'm glad that it's all worked itself out."

"Me too. But duty calls and I need to check in and see where we stand on the winter clothes in production." I spoke as I headed for the back room.

I shut the door behind me and sat down at my desk. I turned on the computer and began to go over emails. I sent a few off as well. I started getting more comfortable with the business side of Amethyst. I was doing a little more here and there. It helped take a few things off the plate for Damon.

I did some more work for a few hours. I took breaks here and there to check on the store. I sat back down at my computer and checked on a few things. My phone began to ring and pulled me out of my thoughts. I picked it up to see Damon was calling.

"Hello?" I spoke after hitting the button to answer.

"Hello Love. How's work?" He asked.

"Good." I responded. "What do I owe the pleasure for your phone call?"

"I was thinking maybe just a little phone sex." His tone was seductive. I could picture the smirk on his lips.

"Damon, I'm a busy woman." I let a smirk of my own cross my lips. "I have to finish these emails or my business partner will punish me. He's quite the tyrant."

"Is that so?" He asked.

"Yup." I bite my lip slightly.

"Hmm." He was in thought for a moment. "Seems this business partner of yours happened to hear that comment. Now he's going to be thinking of all the dirty ways to punish you for the rest of the day."

I let out a small chuckle. "Did you really call for phone sex?"

"No." His tone went from seductive to more serious. "Your tyrant business partner needs you here within the hour. We have a few things to go over."

"Okay. I'll be there." I responded.

"Good. I love you." His tone was a little more relaxed again.

"I love you too." I couldn't help the small smile that escaped my lips.

We hung up the phone and I began to pack up my things. I didn't know what he wanted me to meet him for but it could be a number of things. Either it was sexual, it was business or it could be work related. He had been too vague for me to be able to take any guesses.

I exited from Amethyst and headed to my car. I got inside and started up to make my way to Tipton Enterprises. The drive wasn't very long since Damon had purposely purchased the store nearby his office. Traffic wasn't the best so in the end it did take about fifteen minutes for me to finally reach the parking garage.

I got out of the car and headed inside. I reached the elevator and went directly to the top floor. Once it opened I marched my way to Damon's office. Stacey looked up at me with a smile.

"Kaydence, it's good to see you. He's inside waiting for you." She informed me.

"Thanks Stacey." I gave her a smile in return as I walked past her and opened the doors.

Damon looked up from his computer and gave me a slight smile. He stood up and walked over to me once the doors had closed. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me against him as his lips met mine. We moved in sync with each other, I couldn't help but feel excited at his greeting.

He pulled away and the smirk was back. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I responded and planted a kiss on his cheek. "What's so important that you needed me here?"

He pulled away and went back around his desk to his chair. "Have a seat and we can discuss it."

"Okay." I nodded as I pulled the chair out to sit down.

"Not there." His eyes met mine. "You know where that pretty little ass of your's belongs."

I couldn't help but blush as I walked over to the side of his desk he was on. I sat down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. He planted a kiss on my neck. I could feel him smirk against my skin before pulling back.

"Good." He spoke in a satisfied tone. "Now, I called you here because I think it's time that we open a second Amethyst location."

I looked at him. I was taken aback by his words. "Really?"

"Yes." His eyes looked me over. "Don't even give me that speech about not being ready. We both know you are."

"So how will that work then?" I asked. I was a little nervous to hear about the work load a second store may add.

"You'll still be based out of the current store. The second location we'll hire a qualified manager and you'll make trips to check on it. I can even check on it as well." He explained.

I felt a little nervous but excited. "Where's it going to be? Is this even the right time to do this?"

"Atlanta." He answered. "And yes, we can't put our lives on hold forever Love. That's one thing we've learned together in therapy. So let's move forward and build your empire."

I nodded. "Okay."

"There's one more thing I called you over here for as well." He spoke once more.

"And what's that?" I raised a brow.

"You wanted to wait til Scarlett was born to have a proper wedding ceremony. She's now four and a half months old." Damon continued on with his second reason for having me here. "I think it's time we plan an actual ceremony."