Why Wouldn't It Be Necessary?

"Are you sure that's necessary?" I asked as my eyes looked into his.

"Of course." He answered. "Why wouldn't it be necessary?"

"Because we're already married Damon. With everything going on a ceremony seems to kind of be redundant at this point." I responded.

"No. It's not Love." He seemed a little surprised that I didn't jump right at the opportunity to have a ceremony.

"I'm happy with how things are right now Damon. Adding a ceremony will add new stress and I don't want to put that on us right now." I spoke as I stood up from his lap.

He followed my lead and stood up as well. "I want to do this for you. After all the shit I've put you through, you deserve to have your dream wedding."

I did have a perfect wedding in mind. I had saved pictures of centerpieces that I liked. My colors would be a dark purple with a light blue. I had even made a few sketches for my dream wedding dress. These plans were made though before I even met Damon. Before my life got complicated. Now I had a store and a family that I needed to give all of my attention to.

I still would love to have one but it didn't seem in the cards for us right now. Our lives were too chaotic and busy. We still had therapy to finish and a shooter to find. Those things could be stressful enough. A wedding just couldn't be a priority right now.

"I don't need it." My voice was soft as I responded to him. "All I need is you and our family. I'm okay with the fact I didn't have a big ceremony."

"But I'm not okay with it." He sighed as he went to look out of one of the floor to ceiling windows in the office.

I walked up next to him. "Why aren't you okay with it?"

"Because I want to give you the world. A cliché wedding in Las Vegas just doesn't seem good enough." He answered as he stared out over the city.

"But it was enough. It may not seem as much but that was more than just a wedding for our family." I didn't want him to feel obligated to give me a real wedding. What we had was enough and it was perfect for us.

He turned to give me his attention again. I watched as his eyes looked me up and down. His eyes lingered a little bit as I was wearing a lower cut grey dress. He then stepped closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. His eyes looked into mine as I anticipated his next move.

"I understand you don't want to add to the stress. It doesn't have to be stressful though, we can pick a date and then go from there." His voice was husky as he spoke.

He pressed his lips onto mine before I had a chance to respond. He used the arm wrapped around my waist to pull me closer to him. Our lips moved in sync with each other. As our lips remained glued to each other for a moment longer before he pulled away.

"Damon-" My tone was low.

"We're going to have a ceremony Love. I can see you want it no matter how hard you try to push it back." He spoke up before letting me finish.

I sighed. "You're right I do want it. I want the dress, I want the flowers, I want it all. But it just doesn't seem like the most important thing for us to do right now."

"Says who?" Damon raised a brow "Who judges what's important for us?"

"Says me." I answered.

"Love, you of all people deserve the ceremony you want. Let me give it to you." He wasn't letting up on the matter.

"Why?" I questioned.

"For starters you've put up with me for over a year now, and well I'm aware of the fact it's not easy. You helped connect me with my son and took him in just as if he was your own." He started listing his reasons. "You gave me a beautiful daughter. And last but not least, in a dark time you've helped set me straight. Do I need to go on?"

"There's more than that?" I raised a brow at him.

A devious smirk crossed his lips. "I can think of a few. One being how great you are at letting me dominate you, two being how great you are with this gorgeous mouth of yours-"

I cut him off before he could finish. "You stop now." I was blushing by what had already left his mouth, anymore and I knew I wouldn't be making it out of this office any time soon.

He caressed my cheek with his hand. "Plus, what if the ceremony is something I want as well?"

I was a little surprised. Damon had liked his privacy and didn't seem to like planning events much. When the black and white event was planned he didn't seem very into it on planning. When it came to coming to events he made his appearance for as long as necessary and then wanted to leave.

"You want it?" The confusion was clear on my face.

"Yes." He answered. "I'm proud of you and who you've blossomed into this past year. I want to show you off."

"Everyone already knows you're married now though." It was true. As soon as Damon allowed the information to leak the media had been all over it. He was one of the most sought after men in the country so it was big when we got engaged but even bigger that we had actually gone through with marriage.

"I know. But there was no actual picture to announce it. I want to show you off to the world. I want to have the ceremony to celebrate with our family and friends because we didn't get to have them there." He explained further.

"Damon Tipton wants a wedding?" I was still slightly in shock as he was admitting all of this to me.

"What's wrong with that?" He furrowed his brows.

"Nothing." I gave him a small smile. "It's just unexpected, is all. If we do this though, when will I have time to plan anything? We kind of have a full schedule between children and work."

"Didn't I hire you an assistant for a reason?" He asked.

"Well yeah." I responded.

"She's more than capable of helping you out so utilize her." He spoke once more.

I let out a sigh. "I'll think about it, okay?"

He now ran his hand down my body and stopped when he had a firm grip on my ass. "Love, the sooner you can just agree to this the better. Or I'll have to punish you once I'm home for the night." His voice was husky and seductive as he spoke.

"In that case, I think I might take my time before I actually agree." I smirked as I looked into his icy blue eyes.