Becoming More And More Of A Business Woman

Damon held my hand as we sat together in the back of the car. We spent the morning with Sterling and Scarlett before we had to leave. My mother was coming to stay at the mansion while we were gone for a day or two. She loved spending the time with the kids and Rose was there to help out if it was needed.

Cody stopped the car once we had arrived. He would not be joining us this trip. Damon wanted him to stay here for two reasons. One, he wanted him to be around because the children were here. And two, he could switch off with Max and have a little time for himself.

We got out of the car and my hand remained in Damon's as we got on the private jet. We took seats across from each other by the windows. Spencer, one of the other guards I was familiar with, was joining us. He was the top candidate to be moved into the position of sharing the work with Cody.

Charlie, the pilot, came out from the cockpit. I could see a slight smile on his face. "Mr. Tipton it's been awhile since you've flown, How are you doing?"

I didn't realize it but it had been a long time since Damon stepped foot on the jet. He cut down on going places when Sterling first came home as he wanted to make sure he was around to bond with him. Then the shooting happened and Scarlett was born. After that he was dealing with post traumatic stress disorder so traveling was the least of our priorities.

"I'm good." Damon responded. "How are you doing?"

"Great." Charlie answered and then turned his attention to me. "It's nice to see you again Mrs. Tipton."

"It's nice to see you as well." I smiled.

"Well it looks like we're ready to go." Charlie spoke once more and then headed back for the cockpit of the jet.

We put on our seatbelts and waited for the plane to take off. The jet soon was going quickly down the runway and then took off into the air. When we finally reached the needed height the seatbelt sign had turned off. This flight was only going to last a little over an hour is all,

Damon pulled his laptop out. "Come sit next to me please. I want to show you the pictures of the space so you can start thinking of what we should do."

I nodded and got up from my seat. I took the one next to him and we patiently waited for the screen to pull up the space he had bought. Finally it loaded and he began to scroll through the pictures. It was a little run down but nothing we couldn't fix.

"What do you think?" He asked as he glanced between me and the computer screen.

"It seems pretty similar to how the first store looked when you bought the space." I spoke as I had made the observation.

"Yeah." He nodded. "I did that on purpose. Originally I was planning to make them identical but I wasn't sure if you wanted to make this on any different. What are your thoughts?"

I studied a few of the pictures a little more. "Honestly I'm not sure. I think I'd like to see the space right in front of me before I start making choices. What I say now could change once I see the potential in front of me."

Damon let out a low chuckle. "You're becoming more and more of a business woman. It's sexy." His hand went to my left thigh where he squeezed firmly before pulling it away.

"I'm just doing the best I can." I couldn't help but blush at his actions and compliment.

We conversed back and forth. A little about the store and a little about the wedding. We were in a really good place for ourselves and our relationship. I knew it had been a gamble when I stayed at Martin's but it ended up being the best decision I could've made. If I hadn't stood my ground we wouldn't be here right now.

The jet touched down onto the runaway and began to slow down. Our flight seemed to go so quickly. Once we were officially landed Damon held my hand as we exited the jet. I noticed off in the distance there were a few members of the paparazzi that were snapping pictures of the two of us. I had gotten used to our picture being taken here and there but ever since the shooting our privacy had been respected, this was a first for us in months.

Damon guided us to the car that was waiting. We got inside and Damon looked over at me. "Check into the hotel or go visit the store location first?" He asked.

"Store." I answered swiftly. I was a little more than excited to go see the space. This was another big step for me and while I was nervous I couldn't wait to start on this new adventure.

"Sounds good." He spoke once more and then gave the driver instructions on where to go.

I looked out the window at the city surrounding me. I had never been to Atlanta so this was all new to me. We continued on with the drive for about fifteen more minutes before the car parked in front of a building. It was about the same size as the Amethyst at home.

"This is it." Damon spoke as he took off his seatbelt to get out.

I removed mine as well and left the inside of the car. The building outside was white bricks. There was a spot where a sign had clearly been but it was removed. Damon led the way to the front door and began to unlock it. I followed behind him and we made our way inside.

The inside was a dark red color, I wasn't a fan of that so it was definitely not staying. The floors were wood and they definitely weren't in the best shape. The space was wide open though which made it perfect. I walked around checking out all the details.

"How long has this been sitting here?" I asked as I noticed some of the red wallpaper coming off of the walls.

"A year." Damon answered.

I looked over at him as he inspected it himself. "Why has it sat for so long? Is this like a bad spot in town or something?" I didn't necessarily want to set up shop in here if it wasn't going to be successful.

"No." Damon responded. "It's been sitting because the owner bought it and never put anything into it."

"Why buy a space to not use it for anything?" I was confused by the logic of the man who had this building before.

Damon walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Because I was waiting."

I turned around but he kept his arms wrapped around me to keep me close. "What do you mean you were waiting? What are you talking about?"

"A year ago is when we started taking on the journey of the first Amethyst. I bought this space when I bought the first store space." He explained.

"Why did you do that and why didn't you say anything?" I questioned.

"I knew you'd be a success." He explained. "But I didn't want the pressure put on you."