Better Come Catch Me Then

We spent a good amount of time at the store space. I decided ultimately that I wanted to keep the colors the same as the store in Nashville. The only difference was where things would be located in store. This one had a back room as well but that would mainly be for storage and then a little bit of an office space for the person we hired to help manage the store while we were home.

Once we left the store we headed for our hotel. It was almost four in the afternoon now and Damon wanted to take me out for dinner. We had been out many times before without the children but never out of state. This was a first real getaway sort of and we planned to make the most of it tonight.

The car parked at the hotel and we made our way inside. The manager had been prepared for Damon's arrival and had been waiting by the doors. "Welcome Mr. Tipton, it's so good to have you and Mrs. Tipton join us for your stay." The older man smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Murphy. Do you have the key?" Damon asked in his professional business man tone. It had felt like forever since I had seen him like this. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little turned on by it.

"Yes." The manager dug into his pocket and then handed the key to Damon. "Let us know if you need anything please."

"Absolutely." Damon responded and then we made our way to the elevator.

We stepped inside and waited for it to ascend to the top floor. Once it beeped we left the inside and headed directly towards the penthouse that we would be staying in. Damon opened the door and we stepped inside. This one was just as fancy as the rest of the ones we had stayed in when he took me places with him.

"Why don't you go get ready?" Damon suggested. "Dinner is set for seven."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I'll be here, waiting for you." He answered.

"Or." I bit my lip. "Why don't you come join me in the shower."

Damon took a step towards me and grabbed my hips firmly. His lips met mine as he pulled me closer into him. His lips then dominated mine and I could tell he was hungry for me. The first chance he got an opening his tongue entered into my as he deepened the kiss. I let a small moan out into his mouth.

He pulled away and his eyes looked me up and down. He grabbed one of my hands and placed it over his pants to make me feel the erection that had formed. "That is a fantastic idea." His tone was dark and dominating.

I pulled away from him and his eyes watched as I began to unbutton my blouse. I then threw it to the ground and slipped my skirt past my hips. I looked into his icy blue eyes. "Better come catch me then."

Before he could answer I turned around and started running towards the master bedroom. I could hear his footsteps behind me. He was faster, that's for sure. I tried to shut the door but Damon stopped it with his arm. He pushed himself into the room and picked me up bridal style.

"That was very naughty." He spoke in a seductive tone. "If you wanted me to be rough to punish you Love, you could've just said so."

I watched as he stripped off his suit jacket. He then followed up by removing his tie and shirt. He kept eye contact as he removed his belt and pants. The last thing to go was his boxers. I watched in anticipation as he pulled them off and let his impressive erection spring free.

"On your back and I want your head at the edge of the bed." He ordered as he came closer to me.

I did as I was told. He held my head back and placed the tip of his erection at my lips. I opened my mouth and allowed him inside. One of his hands firmly held my throat as he began to thrust into my mouth as deep as he could go. I fought back my gag reflex as he continued going in and out of my mouth.

When he was satisfied he pulled out of my mouth with a smirk on his face. "Sit up."

I looked him in the eyes seductively as I sat up and turned to face him. I reached behind me and unclasped my bra to let my breasts free for him. I threw it to the ground and he came closer. He pushed me back and then he gripped my underwear. He pulled them off and then spread my legs for him.

His face dove right in and he began to lightly bit and suck on my clit. I let out a moan as the pleasure went throughout my body. He swirled his tongue around in circles and sucked on it hard before pulling back. He placed kisses on each of my inner thighs but stopped once he got closer to my core as a way to tease me.

"Please Damon." I pleaded. I needed him right here and right now.

He let out a low chuckle. "Please what Love? Use your words."

"Fuck me Damon. Please." I begged.

He bit down on my inner thigh, hard. He then raised himself up and placed the tip of his shaft at my opening. It rubbed it up and down to tease me some more. I let out another low moan.

"How bad do you want it?" Damon asked as his eyes looked over my body.

"So bad." I responded.

"How hard do you want me to go?" He questioned.

"As hard as you want." I didn't care what he did to me. I just needed him inside of me.

Without a word he thrusted inside of me hard. His hands firmly held onto my hips as he pounded into me over and over. He went harder each time. I couldn't help the moans that were escaping my lips for him.

"Damon." I let out.

He used one hand to rub his thumb over my clit. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge. "God I love fucking you." He spoke in between his own grunts.

As he continued to play with me while thrusting into me my body had reached the point of no return. I let out a loud moan as my climax took over. I could feel myself tighten around his erection. He continued with the hard thrusts as I came for him.

He had reached his own peek and gave one last thrust to bury himself inside of me as deep as he could. He let out grunt after grunt as he was going through his own climax. Finally finished he pulled out of me. His eyes met mine and we both had a look of satisfaction on our faces.

"Now we really do need to get ready for dinner." He spoke as he still was trying to catch his breath.

I smirked. "I think we still need that shower."