I'll Figure It Out When The Time Comes

The car was waiting for us as we got off the private jet. Damon held my hand as he led the way. Our little work getaway didn't last very long. We spent a second day finalizing things for renovation and then came right back home.

"Think the children miss us yet?" Damon asked once we were seated in the back of the car together.

"Maybe." I answered. "They do love spending time with their grandma so they may not have even cared that we weren't here."

Damon placed a kiss on my forehead. "Your mother has come quite a long way since the first time I met her. I'm glad to see her doing so well."

"Me too." I looked up at him with a smile. "I am forever thankful for all that you did for her. If it weren't for you things would be very different right now. I don't think I'd be nearly as happy as I am."

"Well don't think about it." Damon squeezed my hand that was in his. "You never have to worry about anything ever again. I will make sure of it."

Damon's phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and studied the number for a moment. He furrowed his brows as he did so.

"Who is it?" I asked as I glanced between the phone and Damon.

"Judging by the last four numbers I think it may be the detective on my case." He spoke and then proceeded to answer the call. "Hello?"

I studied Damon as he proceeded to listen to what was being said. I couldn't make out what the voice on the other end was saying. Damon's face was emotionless as the conversation continued. He gave short responses here and there. Finally the call ended and he hung up the phone.

"What did they say?" I was nervous to hear if they had found anything.

He let out a sigh. "They still have nothing. They thought they had a lead with a footprint but it ended up going nowhere. At this point they can keep trying but there are some cases they have to put first. The odds of finding the culprit any time soon doesn't seem likely."

"I see." I studied him over to see if I could gauge how he was feeling about it. Even with therapy he was still hard to read some times.

His face softened as he noticed I was beginning to look concerned. "I'm fine. I promise."

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Love, I can't let this keep getting me down. I've made progress and I refuse to let myself go back into a dark place over this." He reassured me. "I have you and our family, that's all I need. And besides, this person will eventually slip up and get caught."

"What makes you so sure?" I looked at him curiously.

"They weren't successful at the one job they were given. I highly doubt they were successful at covering their tracks completely. Something will be found and it'll be the nail in the coffin for them." He seemed so confident in his response.

"And what is it you plan to do if and when this person is caught?" I wanted to know his answer. It was a way to help me know where his mind was at.

He thought for a moment. "I don't know to be honest. I'll figure it out when the time comes. But right now it's not important. We have better things to worry about and I need to remain focused on finishing up my last few appointments."

I placed a kiss on his cheek. "I'm so proud of you."

The car pulled into the driveway of the mansion. Damon and I stepped out and made our way inside. Sterling was on the couch watching some cartoons as my mother had just come down from putting Scarlett down for a nap. She shot us both a smile as she noticed our presence.

"Well, how was Atlanta?" She asked.

"It was great. The second store is being renovated and we should have our second Amethyst soon." I answered.

Sterling's attention had finally been taken away from the television as he heard our voices. He leaped off of the couch and came running to see us. "Mommy! Daddy!"

"Hey buddy." Damon smiled as he bent down to be on eye level with Sterling.

I was glad that Sterling kind of understood what had happened with Damon. He didn't know too much, he knew he had been shot but the best way to explain the PTSD was that Damon just had some really grumpy days. Their relationship hadn't suffered very much and I was thankful for that. I didn't want to start from square one and things be like they had been when Sterling first came home.

"Did you have fun with grandma?" I asked.

"Grandma and Miss Rose let me help make some cookies." Sterling answered. "And then I watched some movies with grandma and we played with Scar."

"Sounds like a good time." Damon smiled and then stood back up.

"Yes. It was." My mother responded.

"Thank you. Again." I spoke up. "I know it was short notice."

"Not a problem. Do you need anything else before I go?" My mother looked between Damon and I.

She seemed a little eager to go. "Were they that bad?" I asked as I gave her a questionable look.

"No." She chuckled.

"Then what's the rush mom?" I could sense there was something that she was hesitant to tell me.

"Well. I umm." She paused as she tried to think of how to put it.

"Just say it mom. We're adults here." I glanced down to Sterling. "Well most of us are adults here anyway."

"Hey!" He gave me a scowl in response.

"I have a date." I could see she was nervous to see how I would respond. She hadn't really been on a date with anyone since my father had passed away. He was the love of her life, but I knew she was a little lonely without him.

"A date?" I smirked. "You better go get ready then."

"You're not mad?" She seemed a little surprised.

"No." I smiled.

"Oh." I could tell she was relieved.

"Just don't do anything I wouldn't do." I gave her a wink as my smirk reappeared.