Is This What I Think It Is?

I looked myself over in the mirror. My golden blonde hair flowed down in it's natural waves. I had went with a light makeup look for tonight. I chose a dark purple short sleeved dress that went down to my knees. I wanted to look nice as Martin had asked us to come over for a family dinner tonight.

"Stunning." Damon complimented as he finished tying his black silk tie. He had his hair slicked back and was in a dark grey suit with a black button up shirt.

"Thank you handsome." I smiled as I turned to face him.

He wrapped his strong arms around my waist. "Sure you want to go to this dinner? We can stay in instead and put the kids to bed early."

"We promised your father to be there." I reminded him. "Besides, do you know what's so important that he would want to call us over on such short notice?"

Damon pulled away and looked himself over in the mirror. "I have an idea. It's only right you know before we go in case I do end up being correct."

"What is it?" I was dreading what the answer may be.

"I have a feeling he wants to discuss Justin." Damon turned back around to face me. "I say that because he brought up the fact Justin was still here earlier this week."

"I see." I bit my lip nervously. "Do you know if he's found anything that might help lead to finding your shooter?"

"I haven't heard from him about it and I haven't asked." Damon answered.

I nodded in response. "What about the thing with his father? Anything new on that?"

"I don't think so. He can't really get anywhere without me and well, that's not my priority right now." Damon spoke. "But I do know he still has been behaving himself."

We finished up our conversation and then went to get the kids ready to go. We then loaded them and ourselves into the car and Damon started to drive. Sterling tried to chat with Scarlett about whatever was on his mind. Her response was a few coos here and there.

Damon pulled the car into the driveway and we took the kids out. We made our way up the steps and rang the doorbell. Davis answered quickly and led us into the living room where Martin was already seated. "Welcome." He greeted us with a smile.

"Thanks for inviting us." I responded as I gave him a hug before I sat down.

Damon took Scarlett out of the car seat and proceeded to hand her over to Martin so he could see her. He then came over and took the seat next to me. "Yes, thank you for the invite."

"How are things at Tipton Enterprises?" Martin asked to make conversation.

"Really good right now. I've finished renewing the contract with the Cohens." Damon answered.

"That's great!" Martin shot him a pleasing smile before turning his attention back to his granddaughter. Sterling was now at his side as well.

Damon and Martin conversed some more about the company. I didn't understand very much of what they said but it was nice to see them interacting with each other like this again. It was also adorable to watch Sterling try to pay attention to the conversation as well. He knew he would need to know all of this one day. He was the heir to the company after all. Eventually he did get bored though and decided to go play in the toy room.

"Damon, I want you to know how proud I am of you." Martin spoke. "You've helped keep my legacy a success even through everything. I'm even more proud that you've gotten the help and everything is going well for the four of you."

"Thank you." Damon responded. "I couldn't have gotten through this without Kaydence by my side."

"I want to give you something." Martin stood up and handed Scarlett over to me. "The both of you actually."

"What is it?" Damon watched as Martin pulled something out of his suit jacket pocket.

Martin handed the paper over to Damon. "I was waiting to give this to you until you had your own family."

Damon looked over the paper. "Is this what I think it is?" He looked up from the paper, he seemed surprised.

"Willow Pond." Martin responded. "It's all yours now. Both of yours."

It was the pond that Damon had taken me to. After we had gotten engaged and ambushed by paparazzi when we went to dinner. This was somewhere special to him. It held some of the happiest memories of his childhood and the memories of his mother.

"Why give it to me and not Ava?" Damon questioned. "She had a family before I did."

"Because she didn't find it as special as you did." Martin sat back down. "And I could tell something wasn't right with her relationship with Robert. I just didn't know what it was until after everything went down."

Damon looked back down at the deed and then back to Martin. "Thank you."

I could tell his face was a mix of emotions. He was surprised and wasn't sure exactly how to react. I knew how much he wanted this place. He had made it known he had intended to try to buy it from Martin. It clearly never was a thought that Martin would willingly give it to him.

"You're welcome." Martin spoke. He then shifted in his chair. "Other than that there is another matter we should go over."

Damon folded up the deed and put it into his suit jacket. "What is it?"

"Justin." Martin answered. "How much longer are you keeping him here for?"

Damon was in thought before he responded. "I made a deal with him and I must keep my word as he did everything I asked. I intend to finish treatment and then I'll help him with the thing on his father. Once that's taken care of and resolved I will send him on his way. Whether we find my shooter or not."

Martin nodded. "I've been having my men watch him and I've made him check in with me daily."

"Good. The more eyes on him the better." Damon approved and then turned his attention to me. "How are you feeling about him still being here? Let's be honest Love, you're the one he impacted most in this room."

"I still don't necessarily like it." I was honest. "I still don't feel like we can trust him completely. He knows you both won't allow him to slip up."

"I agree and I understand." Damon nodded.

"I understand a deal was made though. We just cannot let our guards down." I responded.

I was still a little weary about Justin. The shooter had been hired. Justin may have an alibi for himself but what if he still had something to do with this? He still couldn't be trusted.