Leaving A Little Sooner

(Damon's POV)

"Mr. Olson, what exactly is your plan of action with this matter?" I asked sternly as I sat in the meeting room.

"Well, Mr. Tipton." He paused as he wiped the sweat that developed from his brow. He was nervous and for good reason. "I was hoping that maybe Tipton Enterprises would maybe give us a small loan, that way we can pull out of this quickly."

"A loan?" I scoffed. "Your son gambles away company profit and you expect me to be willing to give you more money. Are you out of your fucking mind?"

"I can assure you my son has been dealt with. We can recover but we need your help to do it before the news gets a hold of any story from this." Mr. Olson shifted in his chair uncomfortably.

"Say I do decide to take a chance on you, how do I know you won't blow my company's money like your son did with your's?" The stern tone remained in my voice.

"I'll let you set the terms. Whatever you want I'm willing to play by your rules here. I can't lose this company, I've worked too hard." Mr. Olson was clearly defeated.

Asking for my help was his last resort. No one dared ask for a handout from me unless it were the only option. The only thing benefitting Mr. Olson was that my father had invested a lot of money into his company. If his company went under then that would mean all that money was wasted. I couldn't let that be the case here.

"Whatever I want?" I raised a brow. "No matter what?"

"Yes Mr. Tipton." Mr. Olson responded.

"I will give you two options then." I spoke up. "You probably won't like either one of them if I'm being honest."

He nodded. "Go on."

"Option one, your company shuts down and you go down as one of the biggest failures here in Florida." I kept my face emotionless as I spoke. "I assume by the fact I was called here that you don't want that option if it can be avoided."

"Correct." Mr. Olson agreed.

"Option two, I can give you the money but it will come at a cost. I'm not here to lose money so we'll need to make a deal to give me some, insurance we'll call it." I wasn't stupid, I needed to play it smart with this decision.

"What kind of deal?" Mr. Olson asked hesitantly.

"I'll give you the money, but only if you're willing to temporarily sign over the responsibility of your company to Tipton Enterprises." I gave him my offer, it was now up to him to decide whether to take it or leave it.

"Are you serious? I'm not comfortable doing that." As expected Mr. Olson didn't jump on the offer.

"Yes." I answered. "Just temporarily. When you have the money paid back everything will be back as it is now. Minus the huge amount of debt looming over your head."

He thought for a moment. "I-I don't know."

"It won't take you long to make back the profit. Especially under my guidance. Do you really have any other option here?" I questioned him.

"No." He sighed.

"I only request this because then if the company continues to fail then I can come in and take it over to dig it out of it's grave." I explained my reasoning so he could better understand.

"Okay." Mr. Olson finally agreed, not that he was in the place to turn the offer down.

"Perfect." I stood up from the chair. "It seems our meeting here is done. I'll have the contract sent over to you within the hour."

I turned and left the office. I walked down the hall with Stacey following quickly behind. She was on her phone getting the contract to be set up and sent through an email. I had it already prepared beforehand. I knew from the details it was likely this was the route we would need to take on the matter.

I got into the back of the car and sat by the window. Stacey sat in the front and worked on the contract being sent as we were driven back to the hotel. The drive was about twenty minutes long. As we waited to reached our destination Stacey turned to face me.

"The contract has been sent over. They just need to sign and everything will be good to go." She informed me.

"Thank you." I responded and then turned my attention out to the window.

We reached the hotel and I parted ways with Stacey. I went up to the penthouse that was waiting for me. It felt good to get back into my business fully. I had been so distracted between the PTSD and the treatment I didn't feel like I had been giving my all. Now I was back and I was more focused than ever.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I stopped to give myself a look over. The broken man I felt I was the last time I really gave myself a look over was no more. I didn't feel any more anger or rage when I looked at myself. No, I could see my determination and strength. I felt like me again.

I made my way into the bedroom and took off my suit jacket and tie. I may be feeling like myself but something was missing. My family. I wanted to get back home to Kaydence and the kids. While I enjoyed being back into my work fully, it was more rewarding when I ended the day with their smiles. This business trip was lacking of that.

Once the contract was signed there was no more reason for me to be here. It couldn't hurt to end my trip early. I had all the control to do so if I pleased. All I would need to do is inform them to get the jet ready to go. We could be ready to leave in a few hours and then be gone by the evening.

I made my call once my decision was made. The jet would be ready to go by eight tonight. That means the latest I would be home was eleven. I decided to go ahead and take a shower to kill some time. It would be one less thing for me to do when I got back. When I returned I wanted my focus to be on showing my wife how much I had really missed her even though it had only been about two days since we parted ways.

My phone began to ring. I noticed it was Stacey calling. "What is it?" I asked.

"Mr. Olson has received and signed the contract. I've got everything being sent over to your lawyer now." She spoke.

"Perfect." I responded. "I want you to pack your things. I've decided we will be leaving a little sooner."